The Hamas numbers game: Recruiting new terrorists
As of January 9, Hamas had lost two brigade commanders and 19 of its battalion commanders.
As of January 9, Hamas had lost two brigade commanders and 19 of its battalion commanders.
Russia’s modern day foreign ministry seems to follow the old Soviet negotiating precept: What is mine is mine, what is yours is up for negotiation.
Nixon’s trip to China 50 years ago is known as “the week that changed the world.” If Biden wants to improve his political fortunes he would do well to learn from it.
There is probably no harder beat in Washington than intelligence. Journalists rarely have sources inside the Central Intelligence Agency who are not authorized, and when they do, o...
I know exactly what is going on inside the Obama White House; the outside world has been banned and only the true believers are welcome. This has very little to do with the many unique f...
Will Pentagon blunders mean the end of military trials for terrorists?
President Barack Obama's premature Nobel Peace Prize has catalyzed a useful debate, in which the real question is less the timing of the award than what, exactly, he has won. How are we to r...
The war in Afghanistan obviously isn't going well. Depressing critiques from all quarters underscore Afghanistan's appalling poverty, warlordism, religious conservatism, corruption, pop...
FP: Bill Cowan, Carlton Sherwood, Jim Woolsey, Ralph Peters and Andy McCarthy, welcome to Frontpage Symposium. I want to get your views on Saddam’s execution,...
Senator McCain is heroic, awe-inspiring, and wrong.
Co-authored by: Jamie Glaznov, Greg Bates, David Lindorff and Jed Babbin. Where are we headed in Iraq? Is it crucial to stay and fight for victory, or, as some liberal-left crit...
Authored by Dr. Earl Tilford World War IV is total war on a global scale. While numerous nations are arrayed against a myriad of terrorist organizations, the United States is at war with...