New Haven

April 18, 2022 | Dr. Erica Lonergan, RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery

What is the Future of Cyber Deterrence?

Excerpt Scholars and practitioners alike have debated the feasibility of applying deterrence models to cyberspace. Advocates of “cyber persistence theory,” for instance, posit that deterrence strategies...

May 12, 2014 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Successes and Failures of the U.S. and NATO Intervention in Libya

Download the full written testimony here (PDF). Ch...

May 7, 2014 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Christians Persecuted at Alarming Rate in Iran, Arab World, US Report Says

Christians are under siege in the Middle East, and the Obama administration is not doing enough to stop religious persecution by its allies, according to a new report from a bipartisan federal co...

August 12, 2013 | Bill Roggio

Al-Qaeda’s Yemen Branch Eyes a New Haven

Al-Qaeda’s branch in Yemen is focusing on expanding its presence in a remote eastern province that is the ancestral homeland of Osama bin Laden, even as the group remains the target of U.S....

February 20, 2010 | Global Post

Mali, A New Haven For Al Qaeda

PARIS, France - The Sahel - this vast semi-arid region of North Africa south of the Sahara desert - is viewed by some experts as a "second Afghanistan." This might be a stretch, but it is true th...

October 20, 2009 | |

We Have Met the Enemy . . .

Speaking publicly about the role of Iran in Afghanistan--which is substantial, and about which we have considerable information--seems to be taboo for our current leaders. This is neither new nor...

April 25, 2009 |

Fixing Our Pakistan Problem

This article was published in The Journal of International Security Affairs (No. 16, Spring 2009)....

December 8, 2008 |

The Role of Consensus in the Contemporary Struggle for Islam

Jordan's King Abdullah II launched an ambitious project in November 2004 designed to address some of the thorniest theological issues currently facing Muslims. The project, known as the "Amman Message," expressly holds that non-Muslims can reasonably "expect certain things from Muslims" in the contemporary context, in which Muslims and non-Muslims have unprecedented contact.[i] The Amman Message was self-consciously launched against the backdrop of the "global war on terror," where predominantly stateless terror networks claiming allegiance to Islam have managed to drastically alter the geopolitical landscape.

August 29, 2006 | Townhall

Helping to Return Joe Lieberman to the Senate

What a sad spectacle these last few days, as Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and John Kerry, D-Mass., and even former Vice President Al Gore have been falling all over themselves in condemning the...

November 24, 2004 | Clifford D. May

Pilgrims’ Progress

Let's Talk Turkey