Michael Chertoff

July 19, 2012 | Clifford D. May

Arming Ourselves Against Barbarians

We can’t do it with appeasement, accommodation and sophistry.

June 22, 2012 | Mark Dubowitz |

Threats From Cyber to Terror Supplant Cold War’s Dangers

The U.S. is searching for ways to deter, defend against and respond to ever-increasing cyber attacks and more diverse terrorist threats, even as it tries to cut spending and finance weapons conce...

September 8, 2011 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Al-Qaeda Isn’t Beaten Yet

Adecade after the 9/11 attacks, U.S. officials are openly declaring that victory over al-Qaeda is imminent. "Al-Qaeda is sort of on the ropes and taking a lot of shots to the body and the head,"...

June 14, 2011 | National Review Online |

A Year@War

Successes and setbacks.

June 13, 2011 | The Weekly Standard

While Pakistan Burns

Al Qaeda regroups in the tribal areas, the government falters. What is to be done?

October 21, 2007 |

While Pakistan Burns

If there were any doubt about the reach of militants in Pakistan, last week's events should have put them to rest. The ostentatious procession celebrating the return home of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto was tragically cut short by twin bombs that killed over 130 and wounded several hundred more on Thursday night. The attackers almost succeeded in killing Bhutto as well. The blast shattered the windows in her vehicle and set a police escort car ablaze. The sophistication of the attack was apparent from the outset, and the bombs may have been accompanied by sniper fire.

January 16, 2007 |

The Pot Calling the Kettle “Interim”

In lambasting the Bush administration for politicizing the appointment of the nation’s United States attorneys, Democrats may be on the verge of redefining chutzpah. The campaign i...

January 8, 2007 |

9/11 Commission Day

A lack of seriousness, the chasm between frivolous campaign rhetoric and real-world governing, and the politicizing of our national security — the one subject always claimed to be above suc...

January 21, 2006 |

Liberty vs. Terror Review of Protecting Liberty In An Age Of Terror by Philip B. Heyman

In a poisonous atmosphere where worthy debates over the Patriot Act and domestic surveillance are marred by risible analogies to the worst excesses of Watergate, a thoughtful book by two former h...

October 11, 2005 |

Profile This

A turf war breaks out in New Jersey as the feds weigh in.

January 13, 2005 |

A Nominee and the Attack; Michael Chertoff’s Experience

In its eminently fair profile on Wednesday of Judge Michael Chertoff, President George W. Bush's extraordinarily able nominee to become the second secretary of the Department of Homeland Sec...