member of congress

June 25, 2015 | Thomas Joscelyn

Why Was a Key Benghazi Suspect Free?

On Monday, the Pentagon announced that Ali Ani al Harzi was killed in a U.S. airstrike in Mosul, Iraq. For those who...

February 5, 2015 | |

Obama and the U.S. Interfere in Israeli Politics Far More Than the Other Way Around

The commentariat is buzzing over whether House Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s to address a joint meeting of Congress in March represe...

December 9, 2014 | Behnam Ben Taleblu |

Nixon, Kissinger, and the Shah: A Troika of Realists

There was once a different Iran. At its helm was not a mullah but a monarch — secular, allied with the West, and committed to his country’s development and modernization. In a new boo...

May 17, 2012 | Andrew McCarthy Ordered Liberty

Tea Party Should Oppose Latest Terrorist Bill of Rights

The reckless crew is at it again. Libertarian extremists, who purport to be the face of the tea party movement, and their pals on the Lawyer Left, whose obsession is more rights for mass...

April 19, 2012 | Tony Badran |

Washington Washes Its Hands of Syria

Following the fiasco of peace envoy Kofi Annan’s plan and the monitor mission to Syria, all eyes are on the White House to see what its response will be.   After a meetin...

March 31, 2011 | Jerusalem Post

Congressman: US Policy on Iran Shows ‘Weakness’

WASHINGTON – A top Democratic member of Congress chastised the Obama administration Thursday for deploying sanctions against Iran merely in a "symbolic" way that he warned could signal weakness t...

September 27, 2007 |

Why We Fight

Why We Fight In the Christian Science Monitor this week, Lt. Col. Chris Brady argues that America should “keep fighting for progress” in Iraq where he is currently serving a tour of duty. “America's forefathers had help from other nations when the United States was born,” he writes. “Allow us to continue to help Iraq be re-born.”

August 1, 2006 | The New English Review |

Stephen Breyer, the Court’s Necromancer

Authored by Alykhan Velshi Originalism is the house judicial philosophy of conservatism. It maintains that the Constitution has a fixed and knowable meaning, that this meaning i...

July 28, 2006 | FrontPage Magazine

Symposium: Proving Saddam’s WMDs

Despite the antiwar Left's favorite mantra about how Bush lied regarding WMDs in Iraq, the evidence now proves there were WMDs after all. According to recent announcement made by Se...

February 7, 2006 | FrontPageMagazine

Aiding the Policenet

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Ethan Gutmann, author of Losing the New China: a Story of American Commerce, Desire and Betrayal. A former Beijing business consultant and former visiti...