Swiss miss
Biden blew a chance for a win in his meeting with Putin
Biden blew a chance for a win in his meeting with Putin
‘Iran’s rulers are not open to engagement no matter what mix of carrots and sticks are offered.” Peter Beinart, a contributing editor of The Atlantic, attributed that r...
There is one more lesson to draw from Israeli revelations about Syria’s...
The general was one of few who understood that Iran was at war with the US, and no bargain could be struck
The bombing last week in Damascus that killed Syrian Defense Minister Daoud Rajiha, internal security chief Hafez Makhlouf, and Deputy Defense Minister Asef Shawkat (who also happened to be the b...
Washington, D.C.—A bipartisan group of sixty-two foreign policy experts and former U.S. government officials signed an open letter today urging President Obama to adopt a strategy that will...
Is Barack Obama a warrior president? Not in the British tradition, of course, which gave us Winston Churchill, with his crazy cavalry charge against Sudanese spears, or the more cerebral Harold M...
Foreign Poli...
The war on terror is far from over. Why are we coming home?
Foreign Poli...
In the WSJ, Max Boot has an insightful, and at times moving, account of the failed mission this weeken...
Out of respect for our men and women in harm's way, I have tried, since an exchange...
Max Boot is a good historian. On Islam, I often disagree with him, finding in his work the wishful thinking common among Islamic Democracy Project enthusiasts. Still, he is thoughtful and civil,...
Long afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome, Rall has his knickers in a knot now because he thinks Obama has a plan for "preventive detentions." He claims to have seen "reports in U.S. state-co...
Pero como Andrew McCarthy aclara en sus magníficas memorias, Willful Blindness (Ceguera Voluntaria), la modorra persiste; demasiada gente aún no admite que &l...
It’s often said that the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 were a “wake-up call’ – that they forced both the political class and the public to seriously (if belatedly) address a p...
The Left's national-security schizophrenia.