Martin Indyk

April 22, 2021 | Tony Badran |

Does Israel Lie America Into Wars?

A top adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has acknowledged the 2018 Israeli operation that seized Iran’s nuclear archive. “The country has been widely exposed to security violations, and...

November 30, 2020 | Jonathan Schanzer |

Biden Should Heed the Concern of Israel and Arab Nations Regarding Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu visited Saudi Arabia last week to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS). The summit was historic, and could yield a long-sought normalization...

February 2, 2020 | Tony Badran |

Rock, Paper, Scissors in the Middle East

Trump’s is the latest play in a decadeslong game of trying to counter previous ‘peace process’ moves by each new American administration

January 22, 2020 | Clifford D. May |

Grey zone is the new black

Too many smart people don’t grasp that a war is being waged against us

July 14, 2017 | Grant Rumley |

Mahmoud Abbas and the Years of Terror

Mahmoud Abbas entered Yasser Arafat’s office in the Palestinian presidential complex, commonly referred to as the muqata‘a (compound), in the center of Rama...

March 17, 2014 | Jonathan Schanzer |

Palestine’s Plan for When Peace Talks Fail

Co-authored by Grant Rumley Despite the unshakable and quixotic optimism of John Kerry’s Middle East negotiating team, the prevailing prognosis in Jerusalem and Ramallah i...

May 14, 2012 | Jonathan Schanzer The Journal of International Security Affairs

How Saudi Arabia Has Survived—So Far

On December 17, 2010, the self-immolation of Tunisian street vendor Muhammad Bouazizi, who was protesting the confiscation of his wares and harassment by the country’s authorities, touched...

February 14, 2012 | Michael Ledeen Faster, Please! |

Kissing Assad’s Ass

Lee Smith’s outstanding article about American journalists, producers, and “distinguished...

February 12, 2012 | |

[email protected]

In the fall of 2007 Israel reportedly hacked into Syria’s air defense systems and disabled them, as a prelude to bombing a nuclear facility in the Syrian desert. This vaunted cyber exploit,...

May 6, 2011 | Jerusalem Post

Obama-1, Osama-0

WASHINGTON – One of the hundreds of Americans who spontaneously gathered in front of the White House Sunday as word leaked out that Osama bin Laden was dead held a sign that proclaimed: "Obama 1...

January 30, 2011 | Michael Ledeen Pajamas Media

Cancer, Carter and Obama

There are some eery similarities between Egypt 2011 and Iran 1979, and some of them are unfortunately about American leadership.  There are some big differences, too, but for the moment let&...

June 22, 2010 | |


In the annals of “big policy ideas,” perhaps none has had as much staying power in the face of a dismal track record than the seemingly perpetual conviction that integrating Syria int...