The UN’s Anti-Semitic Alliance
The Turkish prime minister’s recent slander about Zionism occurred at a UN organization event.
The Turkish prime minister’s recent slander about Zionism occurred at a UN organization event.
How Benjamin Netanyahu lost friends and Mahmoud Abbas influenced people.
If the U.N. awards the status of 'non-member state' to the Palestinians, the Oslo Accords will be left in tatters.
Thomas Friedman, Elliott Abrams, Walter Russell Mead, and Aaron David Miller advise the next president.
How much has Canada changed in the last eleven years? Consider this: As the World Trade Center rubble was still smoldering, the then-leader of Canada’s left-wing NDP party, Alexa McDonough,...
Last week, I wrote about the Webster Commission's final report on the Nov. 5, 2009 Fort Hood shootings....
Prepared by staff at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies 1) Global Counterterrorism Conference Without Israel The Global Counterterrorism Forum w...
We can’t do it with appeasement, accommodation and sophistry.
Iran and its terror subsidiary, the Lebanon-based Hezbollah, appear to be responsible for a...
Floating Rice’s name as a possible vice president shows the Romney campaign’s lack of foreign-policy smarts
Can Germany's Angela Merkel hold fast against Greek brinksmanship?
The West shouldn’t be afraid to use its technological advantages.
The so-called "October Surprise" plot that briefly enthralled the American public twenty years ago is one of the most influential political conspiracy theories in U.S. history. As the story goes,...
On 12th October, the European Commission issued a report recommending that Serbia should be offered official candidate status to join the EU. The decision was long in the making, and not surprisi...
Ten years after the 9/11 attacks, US officials are speaking openly of Al Qaeda’s impending death. Defense secretary Leon Panetta declared in early July of this year that the US is “wi...
Iran is at war with us, and we must win.
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has released the seventh edition of its Inspire magazine. The publication, which was obtained by the SITE Intelligence Group, praises the Sept. 11 attacks...
Adecade after the 9/11 attacks, U.S. officials are openly declaring that victory over al-Qaeda is imminent. "Al-Qaeda is sort of on the ropes and taking a lot of shots to the body and the head,"...
Do you remember the jihadist terror campaign that ravaged Malmo, Sweden’s third largest city? Do you recall the bombings, the suicide-hijackings, and the random assassinations that finally...
The Associated Press reported yesterday that “Palestinian delegations will make the rounds of nearly a dozen countries to try to drum up more support for their bid to have the United Nation...