U.S. wants Germany to halt trade with Iran
Richard Grenell, the new U.S. ambassador to Berlin, came out swinging this week by reiterating the Trump administration’s position that European companies should stop working with the Islam...
Richard Grenell, the new U.S. ambassador to Berlin, came out swinging this week by reiterating the Trump administration’s position that European companies should stop working with the Islam...
German security officials accused Tehran of trying to develop nuclear-tipped missiles on the same day President Trump decertified the Iran nuclear deal. After FoxNews.com exclusively rep...
German Vice Chancellor and Economic Minister Sigmar Gabriel’s three-day ...
With the Iran nuclear talks entering the final stretch in Vienna, Germany’s role in the negotiations to end Tehran’s illicit nuclear weapons program has largely escaped scrutiny....
Germany’s multi-billion euro bilateral trade relationship with Iran continues unabated, even as evidence mounts that the Islamic Republic is determined to build a nuclear weapons capability...
German chancellor Angela Merkel's speech last week to the Leo Baeck Institute (LBI) in Manhattan, when compared with her administration's Iran policies, shows the gap between pro-Israel...
BERLIN – The US Treasury Department last week banned the Hamburg-based European-Iranian Bank (Europaeisch- Iranische Handelsbank) from operating in the US because it finances companies that...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is slated to honor today in the city of Potsdam, just outside of Berlin, the Danish caricaturist Kurt Westergaard, whose cartoons satirizing the Prophet Muhammad a...
Just a month after President Obama signed the Iran Sanctions Act into law, the new restrictions appear to have gotten Tehran's attention. Gasoline imports into the Islamic Republic fell nearly 50%...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's administration is widely considered to be Israel's most reliable and stalwart ally on the European continent. Israeli-German relations-as enshrined by...
The Obama administration is squandering valuable time and resources in making extended overtures to Russia and China to join the West's crackdown on Iran's illegal atomic program. Secretary of Stat...