
October 9, 2024 | Clifford D. May |

Atoning for Britain’s colonialist past

By encouraging China’s colonialist present

November 10, 2021 | David Maxwell |

To Honor Our Vietnam Veterans, Help At-Risk Afghans Today

As we reflect on American military history on this Veterans Day we can draw a simple parallel between our attempts at peace with honor in both Vietnam and Afghanistan. The chaotic and tragic end...

June 5, 2021 | Cleo Paskal |

A US-China Green Deal may help the Mekong basin countries: Le Dinh Tinh

‘But the strategic competition between China and the United States might also produce complications for the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation and United States-Mekong Partnership.’ In this edition of “Indo-Pacific:...

October 1, 2020 | Mathew Ha |

UN Report Highlights How North Korea’s Embassies Help Pyongyang Flout Sanctions

A UN Panel of Experts evaluating international enforcement of North Korea sanctions publicly released its August 2020 report on Monday. Among other findings, the report appropriately emphasized the critical...

September 13, 2020 | Cleo Paskal |

How to burst CCP’s balloon

The thing that scares the CCP even more than a country pushing back on multiple fronts, is countries banding together to multiply their ability to push back.

August 22, 2018 | Clifford D. May |

The China syndrome

Pollsters at the Pew Resear...

January 12, 2015 | Reuel Marc Gerecht The Washington Examiner

CIA Bides its Time

The CIA’s Directorate of Operations doesn’t have an acute memory. But it does have durable institutional sentiments. So here’s a guess: In a few years, few operatives in the cla...

September 24, 2009 | |

The President And Two Dictators

America has "re-engaged the United Nations," said President Barack Obama in his maiden speech Wednesday to the U.N. General Assembly. Yes, it has, and within hours both Libya's Col. Muammar...

January 25, 2007 | Bill Cowan, Carlton Sherwood, Ralph Peters, Andy McCarthy FrontPage Magazine

Symposium: Iraq – The Challenge Ahead

FP: Bill Cowan, Carlton Sherwood, Jim Woolsey, Ralph Peters and Andy McCarthy, welcome to Frontpage Symposium.   I want to get your views on Saddam’s execution,...

October 28, 2004 | Clifford D. May FrontPageMagazine |

Symposium: Iraq: Fight or Flight?

Co-authored by: Jamie Glaznov, Greg Bates, David Lindorff and Jed Babbin. Where are we headed in Iraq? Is it crucial to stay and fight for victory, or, as some liberal-left crit...

June 29, 2004 | |

All in the Family

"Let freedom reign," wrote President Bush as Iraq regained sovereignty Monday. "Today, the secretary-general welcomes the state of Iraq back into the family of independent and sovereign...

June 24, 2004 | Grove City College Faculty Opinions

Post-Modern Terrorism

Authored by Dr. Earl Tilford World War IV is total war on a global scale. While numerous nations are arrayed against a myriad of terrorist organizations, the United States is at war with...