
January 8, 2025 | Clifford D. May

Border security is national security

That used to be common knowledge

March 9, 2023 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Emelie Chace-Donahue

The Order of Nine Angles: Cosmology, Practice & Movement

Excerpt In June 2020, authorities arrested U.S. Army private Ethan Melzer for conspiring to orchestrate a terrorist attack against his own unit, the 173rd Airborne Brigade, when it deployed to Turkey to...

September 8, 2017 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Perfect Partners

When he won the election, Donald Trump—along with his national security adviser Michael Flynn, his all-purpose counselor Stephen Bannon, and, perhaps, his son-in-law, Jared Kushner—wa...

August 23, 2017 | Clifford D. May

Replacing patriotism with tribalism

Just after last week’s terrorist attack in Barcelona, a pro-Islamic State website posted video from the scene along with a message in Arabic saying, “Terror is filling the hearts of t...

March 18, 2016 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Obama and the daylight between US and Israel

This week’s AIPAC conference will place the fractured Israel-US relationship front and center in the American public’s focus. Of all the promises that the Obama White House h...

August 24, 2012 |

Mocking Justice in Norway: The Breivik Trial Targets Contrarian Intellectuals

“Wow.” This is the only word Tonje Brenna heard Anders Behring Breivik utter as he methodically killed sixty-nine of her fellow Norwegian Labor Party acti...

March 30, 2011 | |

Middle East Howlers

A “howler,” the Wall Street Journal called it in an editorial yesterday. That certainly is a fitting description of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s latest mindboggling fora...

March 5, 2011 |

Jean-Jacques Jihad

The one thing that absolutely could not be tolerated was true freedom, the liberty of the individual. For Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the “social compact” would otherwise be “an empt...

November 13, 2010 | |

Obama Knocks Israel in a Budding Sharia State

In fine Alinskyite tradition, Pres. Barack Obama is ready to say anything at any moment if it seems expedient. So it was that he spoke some months back of the “unbreakable bond of friendshi...

September 9, 2010 | Clifford D. May

Nine Years Since 9/11

Nine years ago this week, I began a series of discussions about terrorism with Jack Kemp, Jeane Kirkpatrick and a small group of concerned philanthropists. Since Saturday is the ninth anniversary...

February 7, 2007 | Michael I. Krauss TCS Daily |

As It Turns Out, Preemption Works

Until its last emperor, Haile Selassie, was overthrown in 1974, Ethiopia's constitution boasted that he descended "without interruption from the dynasty of Menelik I, son of the Queen of Eth...

April 27, 2006 |

Not for the Feint of Heart

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), by Robert Spencer (Regnery, 233 pp., $19.95) It is often said that in order to keep polite company polite, we must refrain fr...

November 24, 2004 | Clifford D. May

Pilgrims’ Progress

Let's Talk Turkey

October 29, 2003 | Clifford D. May

Will Power

Last spring, the U.S. military proved two theories that had been far from certain: (1) Americans can muster the will to fight a war, a real war, deploying ground troops – not just high alti...