The Art of the Flip-Flop
Pity poor Harry Reid. Back in April, the Senate Democratic leader proclaimed the war in Iraq "lost." Two months before Gen. David Petraeus had in place the reinforcements he needed to implement h...
Pity poor Harry Reid. Back in April, the Senate Democratic leader proclaimed the war in Iraq "lost." Two months before Gen. David Petraeus had in place the reinforcements he needed to implement h...
What passes for the world’s greatest deliberative body is back in session this week, which means it’s time for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to remember they actually have day jobs...
One is fighting a global war; one has better things to do.
I’d all but forgotten this — but Powerline remembered: El Baradei achieved his greatest renown in connection with the pre-war weapons inspections in Iraq, which he hea...
Al-Qaeda y otros grupos islamistas militantes viven en un mundo de tinieblas donde hacen planes para asesinarnos a Ud. y a mí. Si esperamos que nuestros profesionales de inteligencia eviten que los terroristas logren su cometido, debemos darles las herramientas necesarias para conseguir que hagan su trabajo.
(Editor's note: This article first appeared in April 2004.) Intelligence-gathering is something of a square peg in the round hole of contemporary political morality. It is about unearthing t...
The "global test," Senator John Kerry explained at the first debate on October 8, is the standard for judging presidential action in defense of American national security. It is the barometer by...
As President Clinton might say: "It depends on what the meaning of 'win' is." By now, you've no doubt read all about it: President Bush told NBC's Matt Lauer that he...
Saddam has been captured. What does this development signify for the Iraq war and the War on Terror? Frontpage Symposium explores the issue with three distinguished guests: James Woolsey, directo...
Even a cursory glance at the 900-page congressional 9/11 report released Thursday should lead to some conclusions - and, hopefully, to some consensus. For example: The inquiry found no "...