Javier Solana

June 9, 2021 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Why the Coming Iranian Elections Will Challenge the Biden Administration

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei seems inclined to promote a candidate who will quash dissent over someone who could work with the West.

July 7, 2015 | Jonathan Schanzer |

Should America and Israel Let Their Enemies Kill Each Other Off?

As some see it, what’s happening now in the Mideast provides the best excuse the Israelis have had in a long time to just sit back and let their worst enemies rub each other out. Senior Isr...

May 29, 2015 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Transformational Diplomacy

Many supporters of an Iranian nuclear agreement believe that a deal could help to moderate, even democratize, Iranian society. Barack Obama’s constant allusions to the transformative potent...

May 21, 2015 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Mideast Experts Blast European Group’s Call to Punish Israeli Government

Responding to a group calling itself the European Eminent Persons Group on Middle East issues (EEPG),which urged the EU to take unilateral actions against the Jewish state for the stagnate peace...

June 13, 2011 | Joshua Goodman World Defense Review |

Re-Thinking Iran Policy

By Joshua Goodman The January 31 cover of The Economist asked an ominous question, "Has Iran Won?" The question certainly has merit. The release of the National Intelli...

October 1, 2009 | World Defense Review

Guinea: At the Edge of the Precipice

By Dr. Walid Phares When Captain Moussa Dadis Camara seized power the day before Christmas Eve last year following the death of longtime ruler General Lansana Conté, I wa...

November 8, 2006 | TCS Daily |

The Rainy Season’s Over; Killing Can Commence

The rainy season has just ended in northwestern Sudan—now killing can recommence in earnest. Two months ago, we warned that inaction in Darfur was tantamount to a "countdown to genocide" wi...

September 19, 2006 | TCS Daily |

Down on the Farms

As we mark the one-month anniversary of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, the best that can be said is that ceasefire between Israel and the Hezbollah terrorists who carved a state...

September 5, 2006 | TCS Daily |

Countdown to Genocide

The final countdown for Darfur looms. Back in April, in a widely commented piece on TCS, we warned both that the impending Darfur crisis was...

August 29, 2006 | TCS Daily |

Europe’s Munich Moment

In March 2003, on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the current French Prime minister, Dominique de Villepin -- then his country's foreign minister -- condemned the Coalition of the Willin...

July 23, 2006 | The Arizona Republic |

Hezbollah Lets Iran Buy Time for Nukes

The big winner thus far in the clash between Hezbollah and Israel is Iran. Through attacks by its proxy, Hezbollah, Iran is deftly succeeding in distracting the world from the rapidly progressing...