Durov’s Arrest Is About Telegram as Russian Weapon, Not Free Speech
So-called free speech activists have jumped to defend Pavel Durov after his arrest, but they conveniently forget Russia’s weaponization of his Telegram platform.
So-called free speech activists have jumped to defend Pavel Durov after his arrest, but they conveniently forget Russia’s weaponization of his Telegram platform.
Russia has vast playbook full of “dirty tricks” by which it can deceive public opinion and distort perception of reality. History show that false flag operations have always been a viable option.
After claiming victory in what observers deem to be falsified elections, Venezuela’s autocrat is benefitting from Putin’s support. It is in America’s strategic interest to defeat both of them.
Russian propagandists’ goal in their accounts of the assassination attempt on Trump is not to offer a single narrative, but rather to muddy the waters so Americans come to doubt everything.
Whenever a world leader dies, either by sinister or natural causes, you can be sure Moscow will warp the narrative to sow, if not panic, then at least cynicism and doubt.
Russians believe their nation contributed more than any other to winning World War II. The uncomfortable truth is that Moscow actually started the war in 1939 as Nazi Germany’s ally.
Russia relies heavily on propaganda and disinformation. In the wake of the ISIS attack in Moscow, the West should use the truth to let Russians know how Putin has failed them.
Russia’s attack on Ukraine has taken the French President from a much-ridiculed position of wannabe negotiator to the leader of a potential NATO intervention force on Ukrainian soil.
The day before Vladimir Putin’s long yearly address to parliament Thursday, politicians from Transnistria, a pro-Kremlin breakaway region of Moldova, asked the Russian president to “protect”...
We must inoculate the world’s nations as to the Moscow-origins of the recent spike of antisemitism and make clear that only our enemies win through this dangerous unruliness.
Netanyahu Talks With ABC About Postwar Plans, Gallant Speaks to Knesset About Gaza Goals In an interview with ABC that aired on November 7, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated his belief that...
As Russia falsely accuses the West and Ukraine of inciting antisemitic violence on Russian territory, perhaps it’s time for the West to use its own information operations to set the record straight.
The X social media site granted Iran’s Supreme Leader the gray checkmark, supposedly signifying the veracity of its posts in spite of its links to the Hamas attacks on Israel.
Following the largest Middle East escalation in decades, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered to mediate the Israel-Hamas conflict. “What matters now is to stop the bloodshed,” he said. “Russia...
President Zelensky's trip to Athens this week proved to be pivotal in advancing Ukraine's longtime objectives of moving towards EU membership.