Janet Napolitano

November 20, 2015 | Thomas Joscelyn |

The Long War Continues

In many ways, the reaction to the horrific attacks in Paris has been familiar. There were the expressions of solidarity: flowers at French embassies; social media avatars changed from silly selfi...

April 24, 2013 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Louie Gohmert Says al Qaeda has Camps with Drug Cartels in Mexico

A Texas congressman stressing border security told an interviewer that a terrorist group is set up south of the Rio Grande. Louie Gohmert, R-Tyler, said on C-SPAN’s "Washingt...

April 18, 2011 | |

Obama & the Muslim Brotherhood, Continued …

My column this weekend was about the Obama administration’s infatuation with the Muslim Brotherhood — an infatuation that flies under the lunatic banner of “Islamic Outreach.&rd...

October 30, 2010 |

From Yemen With Malice

We are still learning the details of the terrorist plot to send explosives into the U.S. from Yemen via cargo plane, so it is too early to make a definitive assessment. However, we have enough in...

May 16, 2010 | Rep. Eric Cantor Counterterrorism Blog

Time Square message: Many ‘lone wolves’ attempts makes it a terror campaign

In the first few hours following the discovery of the car bomb in Time Square and the subsequent arrest of Faisal Shahzad at the airport, New York’s Governor David Patterson labeled the foi...

May 10, 2010 | The Weekly Standard

Don’t Mention the War

Why does the Obama administration find it so hard to utter the words ‘terrorism’ and ‘jihad’ and ‘Islamic extremism’?

May 6, 2010 | R. James Woolsey Long War Journal

US sees Pakistani Taliban involvement in Times Square attack after downplaying links

Four days after the failed car bombing attack in New York City's Times Square, senior officials in the Obama administration have grudgingly begun to accept that the Pakistani Taliban are lik...

May 4, 2010 | Thomas Joscelyn Weekly Standard

Did The “System” Fail, Again?

Faisal Shahzad, a 30 year-old naturalized American citizen from Pakistan, has been arrested as the chief suspect behind the failed car bomb attack on Times Square this past Saturday.  The go...

May 4, 2010 | The Weekly Standard

Not A “One-Off” Event

We were lucky Shahzad’s bomb fizzled. Next time we might not be as lucky.

March 24, 2009 | |

CAIR’s Well-Deserved Expulsion

Terrorism is only one expression of jihad -- there are others as dangerous.