Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
On torture and executive power, Democrats sing a different tune when the president is … a Democrat.
On torture and executive power, Democrats sing a different tune when the president is … a Democrat.
What passes for the world’s greatest deliberative body is back in session this week, which means it’s time for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to remember they actually have day jobs...
Security means holding firm on the sticking point in the surveillance drama.
Surprising how little talk there has been around here about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose shares this morning are down to about $10 and $6, respectively. The WSJ’s editors put...
It’s been nearly three weeks since House Democrats endangered our national security by effectively rescinding the law that permitted the intelligence community to conduct aggressive surveillance...
A lack of seriousness, the chasm between frivolous campaign rhetoric and real-world governing, and the politicizing of our national security — the one subject always claimed to be above suc...
The United States Department of Justice is like a battleship of enormous size and storied traditions, patrolling familiar seas under time-honored rules of engagement. Modern Islamic radicalism, a...
George Will's diatribe against the NSA program is meritless.
Crucial questions have gone unanswered too long.
Republicans have, unfortunately, left the courts out of this election.
The "Paper of Record" Doesn't Understand the Terrorist Threat