Hopeless on Gaza
No decent person can support terrorism and genocide
No decent person can support terrorism and genocide
President Obama announced the results of a study to overhau...
In Syria, we are letting Assad slaughter at will
In December 2011, when Ron Paul was leading the Republican presidential-primary pack in the Iowa caucuses, the former Texas congressman’s notorious newsletters resurfaced in the national de...
Once a secular, modernizing country, Turkey’s ruthless assault on journalists raises serious doubts about its future.
Thatcher’s personal narrative of the determined outsider made good has clear Jewish resonances, and may explain her well-known affinity for Jews and her defense of Israel....
To have conversations with Germans about Jews, I had to become an exhibition at Berlin’s Jewish Museum
We were right to fight in Iraq; we are wrong to stand by in Syria
On July 19, 2005, authorities in the Iranian city of Mashhad publicly lynched two teenagers, Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, for the alleged crime of raping a 13-year-old boy. Horrific pictures...
We should stand up for the United Kingdom in its just claims against Argentina
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan has provoked yet another international diplomatic stir with Israel. Speaking, (where else?), at a United Nations conference in Vienna last week, ...
The Egyptian activist's position on free speech and protest is troubling
On Monday, I invited Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi to visit Berlin's Holocaust Memorial....
A recent trip to Europe by a high-ranking official from Tehran was an exercise in deception
It’s not often that a 70-year-old political dispute plays a role in a contemporary political campaign. But that’s precisely what is happening in the race for president of the Czech Re...
In January 2004, the New Republic endorsed Joe Lieberman for president. By this time, recriminations against Democrats who had supported the Iraq War (or, in the parlance of the American...
It was July 18th, 2008, the birthday of Samir Kuntar, and so Al Jazeera naturally had a birthday celebration. Fortuitously, Kuntar had been...
In June 1999, President Bill Clinton named Jim Hormel Ambassador to Luxembourg. Ambassadorships to cushy places like Luxembourg — a landlocked country of 1,000 square miles with half a mill...
I never imagined that my existence as a Jew in Germany would be challenged by an advertisement in the Berlin U-Bahn. But there it was, staring at me on the U2 line on my way home one afternoon, a...
Ruling Party Tarnishes Nelson Mandela's Legacy of Tolerance