Iraq Survey Group

February 13, 2013 | |

North Korea’s Middle East Webs and Nuclear Wares

North Korea’s third and latest nuclear test is certainly a threat to Asian security, but the dangers go way beyond Asia. For decades, North Korea has been one of the world’s most ente...

November 1, 2011 | Thomas Joscelyn The Weekly Standard

The Terrorists’ War in Iraq Continues

President Obama’s announcement that U.S. military forces will be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of the year has been accompanied by a renewed wave of terrorist attacks. In particular, Ansar...

February 12, 2009 | |

Commerce Department Waives Syria Sanctions

Is an olive branch to Damascus really in U.S. interests?

July 28, 2006 | FrontPage Magazine

Symposium: Proving Saddam’s WMDs

Despite the antiwar Left's favorite mantra about how Bush lied regarding WMDs in Iraq, the evidence now proves there were WMDs after all. According to recent announcement made by Se...

August 14, 2005 | New York Sun |

U.N. Secretary-General’s Brother Kobina Annan May Have Played a Role in Oil-for-Food Scandal

To the cast of characters caught up in the U.N. oil-for-food scandal, investigators have reportedly added another name, that of the secretary-general's brother, Kobina Annan. That m...

August 4, 2005 | |

Benon Sevan’s Finest Hour

Late in the day, former Oil-for-Food chief demands the U.N. open its books.

July 27, 2005 | Claudia Rosett |

U.N. Mystery Man: Who Is Jean-Bernard Merimee and What’s His Oil-for-Food Tie?

As investigations proliferate into the United Nations Oil-for-Food scandal, one of the more intriguing mysteries involves a former French diplomat with a direct link to the U.N.’s executive...

February 13, 2005 | Claudia Rosett New Republic |

Kofi Annan’s Silence

On February 3, the United Nations-authorized inquiry into the Oil-for-Food scandal, led by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, issued its first interim report. Volcker's most lurid...

February 1, 2005 | New York Sun |

Volcker’s Report Raises Questions of U.N.’s Role

The interim report on the United Nations' scandal-wracked oil-for-food program is due to be released tomorrow, according to the U.N.-authorized Independent Inquiry Committee, led by a former...

January 11, 2005 | Wall Street Journal |

Another Trail to Follow; Did Saddam Hussein Loot a Fund to Compensate Victims of the 1990 Invasion?

Let's be honest. Along with United Nations secrecy, Saddam Hussein's perfidy, and the general coyness of the bribed, one of the big obstacles to getting to the bottom of the Oil for Foo...

October 28, 2004 | Clifford D. May FrontPageMagazine |

Symposium: Iraq: Fight or Flight?

Co-authored by: Jamie Glaznov, Greg Bates, David Lindorff and Jed Babbin. Where are we headed in Iraq? Is it crucial to stay and fight for victory, or, as some liberal-left crit...

October 20, 2004 | Clifford D. May

No Diversion: The Case Against the War in Iraq Has Weakened

You can argue that the conflict in Iraq is a distraction from the "War on Terrorism".  But that argument is weaker than it was a few days ago -- before Abu Musab Zarqawi, the leader of t...

October 19, 2004 | Claudia Rosett Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal) |

La République des Bananes

Kofi Annan Tries to Explain Away France and Russia's Oil for Food Wrongdoing

October 13, 2004 | |

Saddam, Syria Colluded Under U.N. Watch

For dirty deals done with Saddam Hussein, France and Russia may take the cake — but that's just the beginning. Packed into the Iraq Survey Group report from CIA chief weapons...

January 18, 2004 | National Review Online |

Guilty as Charged

Authored by Andrew Apostolou Two years after President Bush’s much bemoaned 2002 State of the Union address, the charges that he leveled against the “Axis of Evil” have...

October 2, 2003 | |

Fool Me Twice

By Andrew Apostolou On the face of it, Friday morning’s crop of headlines looks pretty good for Saddam Hussein. If he could read them from his current residence, likely to be a sew...

October 1, 2003 | Clifford D. May

The WMD Mystery

The question is not whether Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The mystery is: What did he do with them? We should have some insights soon: David Kay and his Iraq Survey Gro...