A Nuclear Deal with Iran and the Perils of Sanctions Relief
Western negotiators routinely explain that the purpose of the sanctions regime against Iran is to increase negotiating leverage against the Islamic Republic. Economic pressure, they r...
A Defense of Drone Attacks in Pakistan Under Humanitarian Law
Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, international law has had to grapple with the fundamental challenges that large-scale violence carried out by non-state actors pos...
I’m Baffled. What’s He Up To?
I don’t think bloggers are supposed to confess bafflement, but I’m gonna do it: I’m baffled. I don’t get it. Every time I think I’ve got a grip on...
How the NYPD Gets Jihad Right
In a world of wishful thinkers, Commissioner Kelly is a realist.
Se Debería Castigar a las Empresas de Telecomunicaciones por Ayudar a que Nos Protejamos de los Terr
¿Está Ud. indignado? Debería estarlo. Según Peter Eliasberg, abogado de la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU) después de los atentados del 11 d...
Obama’s Iran Fantasy
Co-Authored with Stephen F. Hayes Iran is at war with the United States in Afghanistan. Documents released as part of the Wikileaks dump show that U.S. commanders receive regula...
What the WikiLeaks Documents Say About Iran-al Qaeda
One of the more interesting aspects of the WikiLeaks document dump is the persistence of intelligence reports indicating collusion between al Qaeda, al Qaeda-affiliated parties, and Iran. By itse...
Stalking the CIA
Co-Authored with Debra Burlingame Last week, Bill Gertz of the Washington Times broke news of a fight between the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Justice. The...
Iraqi Security Forces Five Year Plan: An updated projection
In August 2007, the Projected Iraqi Security Forces Five Year Plan (end-2012), a rough estimate of the end-state for Iraqi forces, was published. Additional information and details have sin...
Re: Immunity Dispute
Not so fast. It is reassuring to read that senior McCain adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin apparently disavows at least some of the remarks reported by the Washington Post to have been made by attorney Ch...
Nuclear-Armed Terrorists
Four years after terrorists slaughtered 3,000 innocent Americans it should go without saying that the “international community” would not let a terrorist-sponsoring nation acquire nuc...
Syria’s Secret War
By: Dr. Walid Phares. Officially, Syria is making plans to pull back its occupying forces from Lebanon. But according to sources inside the “Cedar Revolution,” the g...