Government of Canada

July 26, 2024 | Tzvi Kahn |

Trudeau must avow Canadian support for Israel in Gaza

Peer beneath the surface and the horrific truth emerges. In Gaza’s underground, a vast tunnel system spanning hundreds of miles conceals Hamas fighters, their weapons and likely their Israeli hostages....

January 30, 2017 | Sheryl Saperia |

Using SEMA to advance the Canada-Iran relationship

When Parliament reconvenes on Jan. 30, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development will continue to review the Special Economic Measures Act (SEM...

May 4, 2016 | Mark Dubowitz

Iran Accountability Week

Introduction: Chairman Munson, members of the committee, thank you for inviting me to appear before this distinguished committee. I applaud the Canadian Parliament for t...

May 4, 2015 | Yaya J. Fanusie

Terrorist Financing and the Implications for Canada

Download full testimony here Mr. Chairman, member...

September 12, 2014 | |

The Islamic Republic of Iran Under President Hassan Rouhani

Thank you for providing me with this opportunity to share my analysis with you. Allow me in particular to express my gratitude to this subcommittee for raising the twin issues of the Islamic Republic’s use of terror against its own citizens, and the regime’s sponsorship of international terrorism.

May 13, 2014 | Mark Dubowitz

Why the West Needs to Open Its Eyes to Iran’s Intentions

Honorable members of this subcommittee, I am privileged to appear before you today to discuss the status of the Iran nuclear negotiations. I will discuss why it’s more urgent than ever for...

May 13, 2014 |

The Islamic Republic of Iran Under President Hassan Rouhani

Violation of Human Rights and State Sponsorship of International Terror Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for providing me with this opportunity to share my...

January 3, 2014 | Sheryl Saperia FDD Policy Brief

Canada Bans Boko Haram

As 2013 drew to a close, the Government of Canada announced on December 30 its designation of the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram as a...

September 7, 2012 |

FDD Applauds Canada for Terminating Ties with Iran

Washington, DC (FDD, September 7, 2012) – The Foundation for Defense of Democracies congratulates the Government of Canada for terminating its ties with Iran. This...

September 7, 2012 |

FDD Applauds Canada for Terminating Ties with Iran

Washington, DC (FDD, September 7, 2012) – The Foundation for Defense of Democracies congratulates the Government of Canada for terminating its ties with Iran. This...

September 7, 2012 | Claudia Rosett The Rosett Report |

Canada’s Extremely Worthwhile Iran Initiative

Among journalists, there’s an old joke: What’s the world’s most boring headline? “Worthwhile Canadian Initiative.” Exce...

April 27, 2010 |

Statement by FDD Executive Director Mark Dubowitz in advance of appearances today by Nobel Peace Pri

Washington, D.C. (April 27, 2010) – Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, issued the following statement in advance of appearances today by Nobel Peace Prize...

May 3, 2007 |

Global Air Carrier Suspended in U.N. Procurement Investigation

Co-Authored with George Russell The grinding investigation of scandal in the United Nations’ multi-billion-dollar procurement department — an inquiry that has gone o...