Obama’s Performance At West Point
As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama promised to bring us together and, on foreign policy, he may be making belate...
As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama promised to bring us together and, on foreign policy, he may be making belate...
Russian President Vladimir Putin is not happy. The government he backed in Ukraine has collapsed. The Ukrainian leader he favored, Viktor Yanukovych is on the run, a...
I was a secret back channel to the Khomeini Regime in 1985. If you're interested in all the details, help yourself to ...
If the past few weeks are any guide, it looks like the open feud between Jerusalem and Washington is over.
Thomas Friedman, Elliott Abrams, Walter Russell Mead, and Aaron David Miller advise the next president.
Just when it seems things can get no worse for Somalia's dubiously legitimate, utterly ineffective, and wholly self-serving "Transitional Federal Government" (TFG), the embattled clique pull...
On July 30, Ali Khamenei demolished what was left of George W. Bush's Iran policy. Iran's clerical overlord also put paid to Senator Barack Obama's dreams of tête-à-t&...
“Loyalty to Bush and Gonzales,” blared Wednesday’s ominous headline in the New York Times, “Was Factor in Prosecutors’ Firings[.]” One would hope so....
Imagine we had only a single, government-chartered financial institution: the First National Bank. Imagine it had begun a new policy: Henceforth, the vault would remain open and stocked to the br...
In lambasting the Bush administration for politicizing the appointment of the nation’s United States attorneys, Democrats may be on the verge of redefining chutzpah. The campaign i...
By: Andrew Apostolou. The debate over the continuing violence in Iraq is missing an important element: an appreciation of enemy strategy and tactics. The presidential campaigns,...
Saddam has been captured. What does this development signify for the Iraq war and the War on Terror? Frontpage Symposium explores the issue with three distinguished guests: James Woolsey, directo...