Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

April 7, 2020 | Benjamin Weinthal |

US debunks Berlin leaders’ allegations that it seized 200,000 face masks amid coronavirus pandemic

The U.S. government and German commentators sharply criticized officials in Berlin for manufacturing a scandal, alleging that the Trump administration improperly seized 200,000 face masks destined for...

September 17, 2018 | Benjamin Weinthal |

‘Arab-looking’ men attack Jewish Israeli in night club in Germany

Two men who have been described as having an Arab appearance attacked a Jewish Israeli man on September 7 in the city of Frankfurt, according to German media reports on Monday. The assoc...

May 3, 2013 | Benjamin Weinthal

The Rise of Germany’s Tea Party

Could a brand-new, anti-euro political movement threaten Merkel's quest for a third term?

January 28, 2013 | Benjamin Weinthal

Dangerous Mix of Anti-Semitism, Anti-Americanism

Even in the supposedly redemptive days of Barack Obama, Americans and Israelis traveling abroad have grown sadly accustomed to outbursts of anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism and worse. But...

December 21, 2012 | James Kirchick American Institute for Contemporary German Studies - Johns Hopkins University

Germany’s Circumcision Debate: A Personal Reflection

I never imagined that my existence as a Jew in Germany would be challenged by an advertisement in the Berlin U-Bahn. But there it was, staring at me on the U2 line on my way home one afternoon, a...

June 15, 2012 | Tony Badran |

Defensive Propaganda

Of all the uprisings of the “Arab Spring,” the Syrian revolt has been the one arena where pro-regime information warfare has been a central element in the ongoing conflict. While the...

June 11, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal |

What Does Germany’s “Non-Negotiable” Pledge to Israel’s Security Mean?

“Jews sell news” in Germany. With those words, an Israeli journalist colleague explained the cynically voracious appetite of many German-language media outlets for Jewish and Isr...

May 21, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal

Arno Lustiger: Historian of Shoah Resistance Dies

Tribute: Writer survived six camps, debunked view that Jews went "like sheep to the slaughter."

April 23, 2012 | Benjamin Weinthal |

Banging the Tin Drum for Iran and Against Israel

Germany’s most famous living writer has unleashed an international debate by branding Israel the greatest threat to world peace.  Günter Grass, author of the 1959 novel "...

November 1, 2011 | Benjamin Weinthal The Jerusalem Post |

Lip Service is Not Enough

Pro-Israel conference in Frankfurt seeks to change the Merkel administration’s Iran policies.

January 31, 2011 | Jerusalem Post

Diplomat Slams German-Iranian Trade Ahead of Merkel Trip

BERLIN – Emmanuel Nahshon, the deputy chief of mission for the Israeli Embassy, criticized what he said was the planned promotion of German-Iranian trade at a conference on exports to Iran to be...

June 10, 2010 | The Jewish Chronicle |

How Political Artists Do Away With Nations

There is nothing more dreary than contemporary art that sets out merely to be provocative when it is in fact conventional and reactionary. A case in point is the Danish artistic group Surrend&#03...

February 22, 2007 |

FDD and EFD Address the Aspen Institute-Berlin on the Dangers of Radical Islamic Media to Europe

FDD and EFD Address the Aspen Institute-Berlin on the Dangers of Radical Islamic Media to Europe Mark Dubowitz, FDD's chief operating officer and director of its
Coalition Against Terrorist Media, and Roberta Bonazzi and Alexander Ritzmann, executive director and research fellow respectively of the Brussels-based European Foundation for Democracy (EFD), addressed the Aspen Institute-Berlin and briefed senior German government officials and media on the influence of Iranian propaganda and the dangers of radical Islamic media to Germany and Europe.