Frank Gaffney

May 23, 2012 | Andrew McCarthy Ordered Liberty

Why We Need to Know Why — Honoring Attorney General Mukasey

Last night in New York City, I had the privilege of presenting former U.S. Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey with the 2012 Freedom Flame Award, an annual honor bestowed by Frank Gaffney’s...

May 21, 2012 |

From Democracy to Sharia

The ‘Arab Spring’ shows that democratic process is useless without democratic culture.

March 15, 2012 | Claudia Rosett Center for Security Policy - National Security and New Media Journalism Project

Escalating State Violence Against Political and Religious Expression

The 2012 National Security & New Media Conference New York, NY Moderated Frank Gaffney Center for Security Policy...

April 17, 2011 | |

The Grand Jihad in Beantown

… or, at least, in nearby Stoughton. Last week, my friend, Rabbi Jon Hausman, hosted me for a speech about The Grand Jihad at Temple Ahavath Torah. The Rabbi has creataed a real oasis in t...

September 10, 2010 | |

ARNSI Poll- Americans Support Israel’s ‘Fence’

  Americans Support Israel's 'Fence&#03...

January 2, 2007 |

Singing CAIR’s Tune, On Your Dime

On a weekend when the Bush administration achieved a new CAIR-friendly low, a prominent Democrat, following the lead of other prominent Democrats, distanced herself very publicly from the unsavor...

September 7, 2006 | |

Walid Phares’ Testimony Before House Subcommittee

On Thursday, September 7, 2006, FDD's Walid Phares testified before the House Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation.  The topic was 9/11: Five Years Later - Gaugi...

June 30, 2006 | NewsMax Magazine

Odd Alliance Working To Break America’s Oil Habit

An improbable coalition of foreign-policy hawks and tree-hugging environmentalists have banded together to end America's dependence on foreign oil.  The goal of the project is...

February 23, 2006 |

The Politically Correct vs. the Politically Ridiculous

No heroes in the port drama.

March 31, 2003 |

Iraq belongs to Iraqis

By Frank Gaffney It has been clear for many months that the wild card in any campaign to liberate Iraq would be not the quality of American military might or the malevolence of Saddam Hu...