Fathi Eljahmi

June 14, 2011 | The Philadelphia Inquirer

Gadhafi Gets More Than He Deserves

For the civilized world, Sept. 11 was a horror once beyond imagining. For Moammar Gadhafi, the tyrant who rules Libya, it has turned out to be a windfall. Thirty-eight years into his blo...

June 13, 2011 | Philadelphia Inquirer

Bush should honor a pledge and save a Libyan dissident

You won't see it on the evening news because TV cameras are not allowed into the dungeons of Libya. But somewhere in the prison system of Moammar Gadhafi, held in solitary confinement for al...

March 2, 2011 |

Qaddafi’s Useful Idiots

 Berlin — One overlooked factor in the recent events in Libya has been the malignant neglect shown by Human Rights Watch over the years in failing to call attention to Moammar Qaddafi&...

February 28, 2011 | Pajamas Media

Saif “The Reformer” Qaddafi, and His Assault Rifle

You remember Saif Qaddafi, the “reformer” son of Moammar Qaddafi, and heir-apparent of the Qaddafi regime? Saif Qaddafi the erstwhile lover of democracy; he of the Qaddafi Foundation...

February 20, 2011 | Claudia Rosett Free Republic

What Are We Doing About Gaddafi’s Bloody Hands in Libya?

As uprisings sweep the Middle East and North Africa, the bloodiest crackdown is happening, right now, in Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi has ruled for more than 41 years. There are reports of hundre...

February 13, 2011 | Pajamas Media

In Libya, Gaddafi Sounds Scared

“We need to create a problem for the world,” Libyan tyrant Muammar Gaddafi declared on Libyan state TV Sunday, in what Reuters describes as his first major speech since a popular upri...

May 12, 2010 | Pajamas Media

Here Comes the UN’ s Libyan Blights Council

Libya on the United Nations Human Rights Council? That sounds nuts. But this is the UN. By Thursday evening, with the Obama administration apparently AWOL on this outrage, it may be a done deal....

June 11, 2009 | |

Living on Obama Beach

"Obama Beach." That phrase was a slip of the tongue by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, speaking last Saturday in Normandy, alongside President Barack Obama and other leaders gathered in hono...

May 21, 2009 |

A Tale Of Two Libyans

Note: The Libyan democratic dissident Fathi Eljahmi, one of the subjects of this column, died in Jordan just hours after it was published. Fathi Eljahmi gave his life for the cause of fr...

March 12, 2009 | |

The U.N.’s Year Of Libya

Should a veteran acolyte of Qaddafi's tyranny lead the General Assembly?

October 19, 2005 | Clifford D. May

Missions Possible; Kill Terrorists, Support Democrats

After last week's constitutional vote, what's America's primary mission in Iraq? The same as it's been all along: to hunt down terrorists and insurgents, to eliminate Islamo-f...

June 14, 2005 | Wall Street Journal (Opinion Journal and European Edition)

Will Anyone Answer?

Allowing Libyan tyrant Moammar Gadhafi to make a mockery of U.S. policy is not a good idea, especially not when the Bush administration has been talking Gadhafi up for the past 18 months as one o...

March 27, 2005 |

CPD Calls on Libya to Free Imprisoned Democracy Activist

Physicians for Human Rights reports that Fathi Eljahmi is su...

September 7, 2004 | Wall Street Journal

Save Fathi Eljahmi; A Libyan Dissident Languishes in Gadhafi’s Dungeon

Unless someone with influence acts soon, this column must serve as an obituary for the hopes held out earlier this year of political reform in Moammar Gadhafi's Libya. More concretely, we ma...

August 24, 2004 | Wall Street Journal

Fed Up With Vietnamania? Relief is at Hand

Time for a deep breath. We've hit that late-summer stretch when everyone is waiting for autumn, and the news seems stuck in endless replay. Seven years ago, we were about to hit round-the-cl...

April 6, 2004 | National Review Online

Dial a Dissident

Just four months after winning fulsome praise for agreeing to give up his programs for weapons of mass murder, Libya's Col. Moammar Gadhafi has presented the democratic world with a test....

March 30, 2004 |

FDD Senior Fellow Claudia Rosett Comments on Gadhafi’s Libya


March 23, 2004 | Wall Street Journal

Talking to Tripoli: Meet Fathi Eljahmi, a Libyan Freedom-Fighter

One contribution any citizen of the Free World can make to those still living under tyranny is simply to learn their names. Especially, get to know the individuals among them who at great risk ch...

November 4, 2003 | Claudia Rosett Wall Street Journal

Gadhafi Must Go

In the war on terror, one of the strangest developments--and that's saying a lot--has been the step-by-step return to polite society of Libya's terrorist-sponsoring tyrant, Moammar Gadh...