
February 24, 2022 | RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, Trevor Logan

Senators Want More Out of SEC’s Proposed Rules on Cybersecurity

A bipartisan group of senators sent a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) earlier this month, urging it to require publicly traded companies to disclose information about cybersecurity...

March 5, 2013 |

UN Oil-for-Food Program

Mr. Chairman, distinguished members of the Committtee, I thank you for the opportunity to testify here today. Speaking as a journalist, I would like to tell you that when I fir...

June 13, 2011 | Human Events

Supreme Court Wisdom Prevails in Stoneridge Case

These are challenging days for American business. Overreaction to the Enron scandal resulted in crushing regulation that has sent corporations scampering for friendlier foreign climes. Worse, a l...

May 18, 2007 |

Crying Wolfowitz

For two of Paul Wolfowitz's most prominent critics, Mark Malloch Brown and Ad Melkert, the war over the World Bank presidency could not have come at a better time. Whatever else the ousting...

September 6, 2006 | The New English Review

The Tragedy of Conrad Black, Intermezzo

Authored by Alykhan Velshi The last three years have not been kind to Conrad Black: his media empire and his reputation are in a shambles, his various properties are being aucti...

November 9, 2005 | Clifford D. May

Blaming America First

We had gathered at the venerable University Philosophical Society of Trinity College, Dublin to debate the resolution: “This house believes that George W. Bush is a danger to world stabilit...

August 17, 2005 | Wall Street Journal |

Oil for Enron

Since the Oil for Food program came to an end in 2003, it has been described--accurately enough--as oil for palaces, oil for terror and oil for fraud. Now it turns out the U.N. relief program in...

May 4, 2005 | Clifford D. May |

Kofi’s Break

Kofi Annan is not a crook. Or, to be more precise, the United Nations Secretary-General has not been convicted of criminal activity. It is possible that the investigations now underway w...

April 20, 2004 | Claudia Rosett Scripps Howard News Service |

Claudia Rosett Testimony to House Subcommittee on National Security

FDD senior fellow Claudia Rosett testified before the House Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations in regards to the scandal surrounding the U.N. Oil-for...

March 20, 2004 | National Review Online |

Turtle Bay’s Carnival of Corruption: Digging Deeper into the Scandalous Oil-for-Food Program

With United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan finally conceding the need for an independent investigation of the U.N.’s 1996-2003 Oil-for-Food program in Iraq, the next question is how i...

November 4, 2003 | Claudia Rosett Wall Street Journal

Gadhafi Must Go

In the war on terror, one of the strangest developments--and that's saying a lot--has been the step-by-step return to polite society of Libya's terrorist-sponsoring tyrant, Moammar Gadh...

April 6, 2003 | Claudia Rosett Weekly Standard

Oil for Food, Money for Kofi

IT'S HUGE, OPAQUE, PERVERSE, run by the United Nations, and about the last thing a postwar Iraq will need. But after a short pause, the Oil-for-Food program is with us once again, revived la...