Restoring Peace Through Strength
Here’s a question I might suggest be asked of our presidential hopefuls: In a time of war, would unilateral disarmament be a good idea? Here’s how I might suggest they reply:...
Here’s a question I might suggest be asked of our presidential hopefuls: In a time of war, would unilateral disarmament be a good idea? Here’s how I might suggest they reply:...
Co-authored by Jonathan Spyer All is not quiet on the northern front between Israel and Syria/Lebanon. The recen...
I’m not among those who object to the Twitter campaign focusing on the kidnapping and enslaving of hundreds of Nigerian school girls. As syndicated columnist, Charles...
‘Iran’s rulers are not open to engagement no matter what mix of carrots and sticks are offered.” Peter Beinart, a contributing editor of The Atlantic, attributed that r...
Obama must do more to force out the tyrant Assad
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Besides explaining what the Muslim Brotherhood is and has always been, the major point of The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the West Sabotage America was to...
Burying the Bush Doctrine in Annapolis
If Pres. Barack Obama prefers not to intervene on behalf of the protesters being slaughtered in Syria, the least his administration could do is refrain from endorsing their tyrant. In Obama&rsquo...
WikiLeaks’ ongoing release of classified US State Department cables is providing a behind-the-scenes look at the workings of Washington’s dysfunctional Syria policy. Although there&rs...
On the eve of last Friday’s mini-Arab summit in Lebanon, the United States quietly, but noticeably, renewed a 2007 Executive Order designating parties deemed to be undermining Lebanese sove...
President Obama’s policy of “engagement” with Iran can be viewed as an experiment. There was at least a chance that it was only President Bush — that swaggering, unilatera...
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is known to have a penchant for brinksmanship. Calculating that he has nothing to fear from a timid Obama administration, he is upping the ante in his direct mili...
The biggest failure in Lebanon’s election was not just General Michel Aoun. Sharing first place with him was a coterie of Western journalists and analysts who, in the run-up to the election...
Wrong Then, Wrong Now The Obama administration is repeating Clinton's national-security errors. On Thursday, Josh Meyer of the Los Angeles Times broke the story that the FBI...
Tiny Delaware barely registers in the Electoral College, but Barack Obama selected Joseph R. Biden Jr., the state’s senior senator, as his running mate. There’s one explanation: forei...
No heroes in the port drama.