Encounter Books

August 3, 2011 |

‘Representing’ Al-Qaeda

Bravely entering the lion’s den — delivering a speech in praise of left-wing, “pro bono” lawyering to a group of left-wing, pro bono lawyers — Attorney General Eric...

June 10, 2011 |

The Case for Telecom Immunity

Security means holding firm on the sticking point in the surveillance drama.

June 10, 2011 |

Will the State Department Side with American Terror Victims or Yasser Arafat?

As Abbas brags about Fatah's terror legacy, we wait and watch.

June 10, 2011 |

15 Years @ War

The WTC bombing was radical Islam's declaration of war against the United States.

May 10, 2010 | National Review Online |

The Washington Post Talks Sense on Detention and Interrogation

Will the Obama administration listen?

April 8, 2010 | |

Petraeus’s Israel Problem

Max Boot is a good historian. On Islam, I often disagree with him, finding in his work the wishful thinking common among Islamic Democracy Project enthusiasts. Still, he is thoughtful and civil,...

March 25, 2010 |

So, You Still Want to Close Gitmo?

Mohamedou Slahi is responsible for the murder of thousands of Americans. He was a core member of the 9/11 conspiracy — the recruiter of Mohamed Atta and the other ringleaders. If he’d...

March 9, 2010 |

Why The al-Qaeda Seven Matter

My flight had been delayed, so I arrived late to a 2004 academic conference, a law school gab-fest exploring legal issues in the War on Terror. The professor giving the keynote address was well i...

December 17, 2009 |

Gitmo Does Not Cause Terrorism

So we're going to shut down the detention center at the U.S. naval base on Guantanamo Bay and move the 200-plus terrorists detained there to a seldom-used civilian correctional center in Tho...

October 23, 2009 |

Imprison Here, Release Here

If Guantanamo Bay is closed, scores of trained jihadists, committed to killing Americans, will be released to dwell among us: It is that simple. Pres. Barack Obama and Attorney Gen...

April 14, 2008 |

New Book Release: Willful Blindness by Andrew C. McCarthy

By FDD Senior Fellow Andrew C. McCarthy  ...