David Kay

July 17, 2015 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

How Will We Know?

One might think that after the last Iraq war Democrats would be wary of allowing intelligence to dictate policy. Yet that is effectively what Barack Obama has done with the Joint Comprehensive Pl...

November 1, 2011 | Thomas Joscelyn The Weekly Standard

The Terrorists’ War in Iraq Continues

President Obama’s announcement that U.S. military forces will be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of the year has been accompanied by a renewed wave of terrorist attacks. In particular, Ansar...

August 2, 2010 | International Herald Tribune

Loopholes Let Iran Off the Hook

LONDON — Geopolitical psychoanalysis can be a lazy and futile staple of international affairs. But the judgment of Robert M. Gates, the U.S. defense secretary, that Russia's relationship with Ira...

September 20, 2006 | OpinionJournal.com

The Intelligence Mess

(Editor's note: This article first appeared in April 2004.) Intelligence-gathering is something of a square peg in the round hole of contemporary political morality. It is about unearthing t...

October 5, 2004 | Clifford D. May |

Threat Assessment; Interpreting the Duelfer Report

I was just on the BBC World Service providing a minority view on Charles Duelfer's report – The Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD. Prec...

February 17, 2004 | National Review Online |

Mr. Magoo Bites Back

Authored by Andrew Apostolou The former U.N. arms inspector, Hans Blix, has resurfaced in an attempt to add to the woes of the British and American governments over Iraq’s weapons...

February 5, 2004 | Townhall

Saddam’s Real WMD Was Terrorism

David Kay, the former US weapons inspector, reported recently that despite the fact that every major Western intelligence agency and the UN believed Saddam Hussein still possessed them, his team...

February 4, 2004 | Clifford D. May Scripps Howard News Service

Desperately Seeking Consensus: We Need a Real Debate About Fighting Terrorism

Divided though we Americans are, surely, we can agree on this proposition: The United States needs a national security policy that addresses the specter of global terrorism. And perhaps...

February 3, 2004 |

Ricin and Terrorism

Ricin and Terrorism

The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Backgrounder: Ricin and Terrorism

February 2, 2004 | New York Times Online

Q & A: James Woolsey on WMD

Co-Authored by Bernard Gwertzman R. James Woolsey, director of central intelligence in 1993-1995 and a longtime advocate of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, argues that some biological a...

February 1, 2004 | Wall Street Journal

Kay’ Sera, Sera

So which is it: Are America's spies a gaggle of fools for believing that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? Or is the Bush administration a gang of knaves for lying us into a war?...

January 27, 2004 | Wall Street Journal

Weapons of Mass Distraction

We've reached an intriguing moment in the saga of evil regimes and weapons of mass destruction--their presence or absence, and the uncertainty zone between. In Iraq, the U.S. and th...

January 18, 2004 | National Review Online |

Guilty as Charged

Authored by Andrew Apostolou Two years after President Bush’s much bemoaned 2002 State of the Union address, the charges that he leveled against the “Axis of Evil” have...

November 23, 2003 | The Weekly Standard

What the Iraqi Generals Tell Us: An Explanation for the Misestimates of Saddam’s Weapons.

Many have waxed wroth at both the CIA's purported misestimates and the Bush administration's alleged deception regarding stockpiles of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. But although se...

October 2, 2003 | |

Fool Me Twice

By Andrew Apostolou On the face of it, Friday morning’s crop of headlines looks pretty good for Saddam Hussein. If he could read them from his current residence, likely to be a sew...

October 1, 2003 | Clifford D. May

The WMD Mystery

The question is not whether Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The mystery is: What did he do with them? We should have some insights soon: David Kay and his Iraq Survey Gro...