Daniel Benjamin

January 15, 2015 | Tony Badran Business Insider |

Hezbollah, Iran, And The Assad Regime Are Trying To Cash In On The Paris Attacks

France’s pain is an opportunity for others to gain. Last Friday, Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah attacked Sunni jihadists as the gravest threat to Islam and it...

January 12, 2015 | Reuel Marc Gerecht The Washington Examiner

CIA Bides its Time

The CIA’s Directorate of Operations doesn’t have an acute memory. But it does have durable institutional sentiments. So here’s a guess: In a few years, few operatives in the cla...

April 14, 2014 | Bill Roggio

Assessing Terrorism in the Caucasus and the Threat to the Homeland

Download the full testimony (PDF)....

February 4, 2013 | Benjamin Weinthal |

‘Failure to Blacklist Hezbollah Undermines Security’

The Iranian regime’s genocidal threats toward Israel and the European Union’s failure to list Hezbollah as a terrorist organization shaped many of the panel discussions at a one-day c...

September 7, 2012 | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross Gunpowder & Lead

The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Al Qaeda, and Epistemology

Yesterday I was quoted in a Spencer Ackerman article over at Wired, saying, “We don’t know...

August 1, 2012 | Thomas Joscelyn |

State Department: Iran Supports Al Qaeda, Taliban

The State Department released its annual Country Reports on Terrorism on Tuesday. Once again, the U.S. government has deemed Iran the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. The Iranian...

May 6, 2012 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Obama’s Way of War

Is Barack Obama a warrior president? Not in the British tradition, of course, which gave us Winston Churchill, with his crazy cavalry charge against Sudanese spears, or the more cerebral Harold M...

April 26, 2012 | Thomas Joscelyn

The New McCarthyism

THE MEDIA has been quick to lionize Mary McCarthy, the recently fired 61-year-old CIA analyst who allegedly leaked classified information to the Washington Post's Dana Priest. According to s...

January 30, 2012 | Reuel Marc Gerecht |

Drones Are Not Enough

Getting counterterrorism policy wrong.

October 21, 2011 | Reuel Marc Gerecht Bloomberg

Next Arab Domino May Be Oil Darling Algeria

The death of Muammar Qaddafi is a cause for joy in Libya, and for concern. Some worry t...

December 9, 2010 | Tony Badran NOW Lebanon |

Wikileaks: Obvious US Confusion Over Syria

WikiLeaks’ ongoing release of classified US State Department cables is providing a behind-the-scenes look at the workings of Washington’s dysfunctional Syria policy. Although there&rs...

June 25, 2010 | Bill Roggio The Long War Journal

US designates Caucasus Emirate leader Doku Umarov a global terrorist

Doku Umarov, the leader of the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, al Qaeda's affiliate in the Caucasus, from a videotape in which he took credit for the March 29 suicide attacks on the...

April 6, 2009 |

Beyond Terrorism

‘Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope." This is the battle cry of Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Musli...

February 20, 2006 | Weekly Standard

Selling Out Moderate Islam

Washington's misbegotten campaign to be loved in the Middle East.