Chris Smith

August 21, 2024 | |

U.S. Lawmaker Highlights Plight of Christian Man Imprisoned in Egypt Over Facebook Posts

The plight of a Yemeni man imprisoned in Egypt for participating in a Facebook group composed of Muslim converts to Christianity has been highlighted by a prominent U.S. lawmaker....

March 15, 2021 | Mathew Ha |

Ahead of U.S.-ROK Meeting, Unresolved Policy Disputes Still Trouble the Alliance

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will meet with their South Korean counterparts in Seoul on March 17, at which point the U.S. secretaries will likely share preliminary...

August 13, 2020 | Eric B. Lorber, Kavya Kannan

China Sanctions U.S. Lawmakers and Human Rights Advocates

Beijing imposed a fresh round of sanctions this week on six U.S. lawmakers and five leaders of organizations that promote democracy and human rights, matching exactly the number of Chinese and Hong Kong...

May 12, 2020 | Benjamin Weinthal |

US politicians blast Algeria for church closures

Algerian authorities shut one church because it ‘celebrates non-Muslim worship’

September 28, 2016 | Clifford D. May |

Coming to America

Millions of people want to come to America. Actually, it’s tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions. Some Americans believe our borders should be open — that everyone has a &l...

August 13, 2015 | |

The Iran-North Korea Axis of Atomic Weapons?

As U.S. lawmakers debate the Iran nuclear deal, they are rightly concerned about Iran’s refusal to disclose its past work on nuclear weapons. Not only does this refusal deprive inspectors o...

April 18, 2012 | Clifford D. May |

Liberate ‘Zones of Electronic Repression’!

Islamists shouldn’t be allowed to use Western technology to crush dissent.

March 23, 2012 |

Chinese Blind Spot

Investigating Chinese surveillance is a rather lonely job. For all the dissidents yammering about dramatic arrests and torture and harvesting of organs, you can’t really guarantee publicati...

June 13, 2011 | National Interest Online

Symbolism and Realpolitik

 Amid the complex dynamics of the Horn of Africa, the most significant national interest at stake for the United States is preventing Al-Qaeda (or any other like-minded international terrori...

May 30, 2007 | Dr. J. Peter Pham World Defense Review

Building Security by Ending Impunity: The Trial of Charles Taylor

This being a column devoted to terrorism and other security issues affecting Africa, it regrettably must devote most of its coverage to the bad news of which the continent is all too familiar: po...