Chris Dodd

April 26, 2023 | Craig Singleton |

Upcoming Paraguayan Election a Bellwether for Taiwan’s International Standing

The outcome of this month’s hotly contested Paraguayan election will likely determine whether Asuncion maintains diplomatic relations with Taipei or switches recognition to Beijing, a move that would...

June 15, 2011 |


The Senate Intelligence Committee's report on prewar statements is a disgrace.

June 13, 2011 | National Review Online

Let’s Have a FISA Fight

Here’s something I never thought I’d say: Three cheers for Chris Dodd! With his bid for the Democrats’ presidential nomination canceled for lack of interest, Connecticu...

June 13, 2011 | National Review Online

Don’t Give In on FISA Reform, Mr. President

No more delays.

June 13, 2011 | Human Events

Are These Senators Ready to be President?

What passes for the world’s greatest deliberative body is back in session this week, which means it’s time for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to remember they actually have day jobs...

July 22, 2010 | |

FDD Welcomes Conference Report on Iran Sanctions

FDD Welcomes Conference Report on Iran Sanctions...

June 24, 2010 |

Congress Sends Comprehensive Iran Sanctions Bill to President Obama

Press Release June 24, 2010 CONTACT: Judy Mayka [email protected]   Congress Sends Comprehensive Iran Sanctions Bill to President Obama Bill targets regime through sanctions on oil and natural gas sectors, refined petroleum

June 23, 2010 |

Congress Sends Comprehensive Iran Sanctions Bill to President Obama

Press Release June 24, 2010 CONTACT: Judy Mayka 202-621-3948 [email protected]   Congress Sends Comprehensive...

June 22, 2010 |

House, Senate Agree on Stiffer Iran Sanctions

WASHINGTON — House and Senate negotiators reached agreement Monday on legislation that would impose additional U.S. sanctions against Iran in hopes the economic punishment convinces Tehran to cur...

June 22, 2010 |

FDD Welcomes Conference Report on Iran Sanctions

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) welcomes comprehensive legislation providing the White House sweeping new authority to sanction energy companies and financial institutions that continue to do business with Iran as well as Iranians involved in serious human rights abuses.

May 25, 2010 | Congressional Quarterly Today

Congress Pushes Forward on Bill Amid Possible Deal on U.N. Sanctions

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer said Tuesday that he wants Congress to complete action on new Iran sanctions legislation before leaving for the Memorial Day recess, even as Secretary of State...

May 19, 2010 | Mark Dubowitz Forbes |

Ignore Turkey and Brazil: Iran Sanctions Are A Go

Just as the momentum behind U.S. energy sanctions against Iran shifted into high gear, Turkey and Brazil this week tried to downshift with a much ballyhooed nuclear-fuel swap deal. Could Iran&#03...

May 13, 2010 | Bloomberg

Boeing, Exxon Say New Iran Sanctions Would Hurt Global Sales

May 13 (Bloomberg) -- Boeing Co. and Exxon Mobil Corp. are lobbying to fend off tightened sanctions against Iran that business groups say may cost $25 billion in U.S. exports. Legislation be...

April 12, 2010 |

FDD Applauds Introduction of Senate Banking Committee Iran Sanctions Bill

FDD Applauds Introduction of Senate Banking CommitteeIran Sanctions Bill Legislation includes sanctions on gasoline sales to Iran, other forms of economic warfare against Iranian regime Washington, D.C. (October 29, 2009) - The Foundation for Defense of

July 11, 2008 | National Review Online

Mortgage Giants Down Again

Surprising how little talk there has been around here about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose shares this morning are down to about $10 and $6, respectively. The WSJ’s editors put...

May 7, 2007 |

Bush Plummets…As He Wins the Argument

Polls taken through Iraq’s thick prism reflect increasing public disenchantment with the Bush presidency. The economy hums and the stock market climbs daily to heights previously unknown, b...

April 27, 2005 |

Release ‘Em

The State department plays games with terrorism stats.