Tehran Tests the West with UN Missile Violation
On October 11, Iran successfully tested the launch of the long-range, high-precision “Emad” bal...
On October 11, Iran successfully tested the launch of the long-range, high-precision “Emad” bal...
The best approach to Iran in the wake of President Obama’s deal is to recognize the complex nature of the problem, and the absolute need for a well-considered and comprehensive approach. Th...
As world powers prepare to finalize a nuclear deal with Iran, European businesses are gearing up for a swift ...
Co-authored by Lee A. Casey The recent open letter by 47 Republican Senators, putting Iran on notice that the US Constitution fundamentally limits the President’s ability...
For six decades running, the North Korean gulag system has comprised one of the greatest crimes against humanity known to history. Yet it remains an obscurity. There is no such thing as a North K...
With the third round of nuclear talks approaching, Iranian senior figures are taking turns to the airwaves to present a well-rehearsed, grievance-filled version of the issues at stake in their cu...
Summer in the eastern Mediterranean is always hot, wet, and stormy. But in Lebanon, this summer could be bad — even by last year’s standards. The political struggle that has paralyzed...
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has just released a report on the Middle East that ostensibly lays out "a new approach" for the next American administration to pursue - one that is...
Check out this editorial in NOW Lebanon today about the "independent" Syrian regime hands in DC. I will com...
On Monday the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno-Ocampo, presented evidence to a panel of judges asking for the issuance of an arrest warrant against Sudanese Presi...
The final countdown for Darfur looms. Back in April, in a widely commented piece on TCS, we warned both that the impending Darfur crisis was...
By: Newt Gingrich & Peter Oppenheim. An important test for meaningful reform of the United Nations will be measured by whether there is a dramatic change in the way Israel,...
Why is it that -- yet again -- another Arab League member is massacring its minority populations? Why is the Western media reluctant to identify the religion and ethnicity of the mass murderers a...