Trump’s Executive Order on Chinese Students Addresses a Complicated—But Real—Issue
This issue requires a surgical scalpel, not a sledgehammer.
This issue requires a surgical scalpel, not a sledgehammer.
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s cancellation of Thursday’s sixth joint cabinet consultation between Israel and Germany because of the domestic security situation comes at the end phase of...
The fate of struggling Christians in Muslim-majority countries in the Islamic heartland has shifted from persecution to an existential struggle. Anti-Christian violence in 2014 saw...
Co-authored by Stephen F. Hayes After a long day on November 13, 2013, Speaker of the House John Boehner walked down the marble hallways of the Longworth House Office Building t...
BERLIN — The wave of modern anti-Semitism across Europe in July and August revealed a dangerous amalgamation of left-wing, Islamic-animated, and right-wing extremist Jew-hatred. Ma...
It was reported Sunday that the Yemeni government and Houthi Shiite rebels signed an...
Co-authored by Nathaniel Barr Through much of June and the first half of July, fighting between the forces of rogue General Khalifa Hifter and Benghazi’s Islamist militias...
Iranian-born Muslims who converted to Christianity are breathing new spiritual life into communities across Germany, where they are fleeing to in increasing numbers to escape persecution back hom...
France blocked an agreement on Sunday to curb Iran’s nuclear program because, to cite French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, it did not want to be part of a con game that would allow Tehra...
On Sept. 11, a German organization will reward the American scholar and anti-Israel activist.
BERLIN – Iran stepped up its crackdown on the country struggling Christian community by closing a church in Tehran, prompting an Iranian human rights group and religious freedom experts to...
Iranian pastor Nardakhani refuses to renounce Christian beliefs in exchange for release from prison.
Perhaps the most notable aspect of Yousaf Raza Gilani's conduct upon his ascension as Pakistan's new prime minister has been his lack of apparent vitriol toward President Pervez Musharr...
It’s often said that the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 were a “wake-up call’ – that they forced both the political class and the public to seriously (if belatedly) address a p...
Perhaps the most notable aspect of Yousaf Raza Gilani's conduct upon his ascension as Pakistan's new prime minister has been his lack of apparent vitriol toward President Pervez Musharraf.