Iran’s Role in the Boycott Israel Campaign
The Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement, better known by the acronym BDS, targeting Israel has largely been viewed as a Palestinian- and Western European-driven campaign with the alleged g...
The Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement, better known by the acronym BDS, targeting Israel has largely been viewed as a Palestinian- and Western European-driven campaign with the alleged g...
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is staring down the barrel of economic warfare with financial assaults on BDS, replicating in many ways the sanctions architecture imposed on Iran t...
This week’s AIPAC conference will place the fractured Israel-US relationship front and center in the American public’s focus. Of all the promises that the Obama White House h...
Im Gegensatz zu Deutschland bekämpft Österreich aktuell den modernen Antisemitismus. Mit dieser Haltung macht Österreich Schule. Dies zeigt sich z. B. an zwei Beispielen, die j&uum...
An Austrian Parliament event partially devoted to women survivors of the Holocaust is reaping a whirlwind of criticism because it honors a German-born American Jewish woman who opposes Israel&rsq...
The spokeswoman for the president of the Austrian parliament informed The Jerusalem Post on Sunday that an event slated to honor Hedy Epstein - an anti-Zionist Jew and defender of Hamas - has bee...
The Bavarian city of Bayreuth is slated to award 10,000 euros in April to a US-based activist group - Code Pink - that supports a boycott of the Jewish state and has participated in a conference...
The mayor of the German city of Bayreuth, Brigitte Merk-Erbe, said on Thursday that she rejects awarding the city’s tolerance prize to the radical US NGO Code Pink because of its ties with...
BERLIN – Emmanuel Nahshon, the deputy chief of mission for the Israeli Embassy, criticized what he said was the planned promotion of German-Iranian trade at a conference on exports to Iran to be...
BERLIN – Emmanuel Nahshon, the deputy chief of mission for the Israeli Embassy in Germany, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that two seminars jointly sponsored by the German Economic Ministry...
BERLIN – Despite new rounds of UN and EU sanctions in 2010, German-Iranian export and import trade showed increases last year, according to an examination of new German government trade sta...