Desert Bigotry
An obstacle to the future of Iraq.
An obstacle to the future of Iraq.
By: Andrew Apostolou. The debate over the continuing violence in Iraq is missing an important element: an appreciation of enemy strategy and tactics. The presidential campaigns,...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The terrorist attacks in Tashkent on July 30, 2004, against U.S. and Israeli embassies and the Uzbek state prosecutor's office have been claime...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The International Court of Justice's recent decision to condemn Israel's security barrier has damaged the credibility of international law...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Now that the much-awaited Sept. 11 commission report has been published, there will be even more focus on the failings of politicians, intelligence...
Playing Arafat's propaganda game.
By Andrew Apostolou During the last week, the myth that the British and American governments took their countries to war in Iraq on the basis of lies has been comprehensively demolished....
Authored by Andrew Apostolou A year is an unreasonably short span within which to measure progress. Yet, despite the confusion of daily events, the world is a safer place an...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou WHAT makes Tony Blair tick? To many of his compatriots, the British prime minister is a mystery. A devout Christian in a nation of atheists, he fors...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Lord Justice Hutton has delivered his report on the death of Dr. David Kelly, the British scientist who had devoted many years to investigating Saddam Hussei...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou, Zeyno Baran The visit of Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House on January 28 is an opportunity for the U.S. to help an important al...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The New Great Game: Blood and Oil in Central Asia by Lutz Kleveman, Atlantic Monthly Press, 288 pages, $24 Central Asia is now one of the most impor...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Two years after President Bush’s much bemoaned 2002 State of the Union address, the charges that he leveled against the “Axis of Evil” have...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou, Zeyno Baran The recent terrorist outrages in Istanbul, Turkey, have opened up a new front in the war against terrorism. Turkey, a key U.S. ally...
By Andrew Apostolou President George Bush’s forthcoming state visit to Britain is being derided as an ill-advised trip at an even more ill-advised time. An American president, vili...
By Andrew Apostolou The murder of Ayatollah Baqr al-Hakim is undoubtedly a setback, but it is not a defeat. Ayatollah al-Hakim, despite 23 years of backing from the Iranians, had been wi...
February 6, 2002 &nbs...