Israel Secures its interests in Syria
Bashar al Assad’s regime fell in the early morning of December 8, withering away in the face of a mere 11-day onslaught by a coalition of opposition armed groups. Israel found itself caught off-guard by...
Bashar al Assad’s regime fell in the early morning of December 8, withering away in the face of a mere 11-day onslaught by a coalition of opposition armed groups. Israel found itself caught off-guard by...
Israel SitRep: April 8, 2024 Today’s Issue: IDF Ground Forces Withdraw From Southern Gaza, Leaving Only Nahal Brigade | IDF Completes Another Stage in Preparations for War in North | IDF Eliminates...
Lebanon’s new cabinet announced Staff Brigadier General Joseph...
Last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Russia for yet another meeting with president Vladimir Putin—his third such trip (and fourth meeti...
Increasingly and publicly, the White House is recognizing Iranian zones of influence in the Levant as legitimate
“[I]n the next few days, the world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are currently preparing,” Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary G...
It’s not every day that you hear President Barack Obama explain away rank bigotry. But in a recent ...
During his recent visit to Beirut, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Matthew Spence reportedly told Leb...
On Sunday, a day after the three-year anniversary of the start of the Syrian uprising, Assad regime forces and Hezbollah units reclaimed most parts of the rebel-held Syrian town of Yabroud. The r...
Two explosions targeted the Iranian Embassy in Beirut yesterday, killing at least 23 people, among them the Iranian cultural attaché, Hojatoleslam Ebrahim Ansari and the head of Hezbollah&...