Bin Laden Loyalist Transferred from Guantanamo to Sudan
The Defense Department announced on Wednesday that Ibrahim al Qosi, a Guantanamo detainee who long served deceased al Qa...
The Defense Department announced on Wednesday that Ibrahim al Qosi, a Guantanamo detainee who long served deceased al Qa...
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the would-be underwear bomber who tried to bring down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 and kill its 292 passengers and crew on Chr...
On July 22, a DC Circuit Court panel affirmed a district court's denial of Guantanamo detainee Moath Hamza Ahmed al Alwi's petition for a writ of habeas corpus. Government prosecutors i...
He is an enemy combatant, so treat him as one.
I just watched the clip of the discussion between Jonah and Charles Krauthammer on Bret Baier’s Fox panel last night. I come away unpersuaded by Charles’s argument. &nb...
In Manhattan on Tuesday, Judge Lewis Kaplan gave al-Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Ghailani a sentence of life imprisonment after his conviction on a single count of conspiring to bomb American embassies...
Co-Authored with Lee A. Casey Trying captured al Qaeda, Taliban, or allied terrorists in United States civilian courts is a bad idea. The near-acquittal of Ahmed Ghailani—...
“By prosecuting Ahmed Ghailani in federal court,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a May 21, 2009, statement, “we will ensure that he finally answers for his alleged role in...
Critics of the Obama administration’s use of the civilian courts to try enemy combatants in wartime – and I am one – understandably point to Wednesday’s stunning verdict i...
A New York jury delivered a stunning verdict Wednesday. Ahmed Ghailani, an al Qaeda terrorist who conspired to blow up American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, was acquitted of more than...
‘Obama’s administration has adopted what it calls a flexible approach” to terrorism cases, says the Reuters dispatch. The president, Reuters elaborates, “favor[s] military...
Ahmed Ghailani has confessed to bombing the U.S. embassy in Tanzania twelve years ago. As he explained to the FBI in a series of 2007 interviews, he bought the TNT used in the explosion. He even...
The Obama administration's decision to read the Christmas Day bomber his Miranda rights has rightly come under withering criticism. Instead of a lengthy interrogation by officials with al Qa...