The Italian Exception: Defeating the Anti-Semites
The headlines from Europe are all grim. Synagogues assaulted in France, Jews murdered at the Jewish Museum in Brussels and savagely beaten in the streets of Great Britain and Scandinavia, mobs of...
The headlines from Europe are all grim. Synagogues assaulted in France, Jews murdered at the Jewish Museum in Brussels and savagely beaten in the streets of Great Britain and Scandinavia, mobs of...
Experts disagree on whether or not the United States has already been penetrated by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). CNN...
French authorities brought a recent dramatic standoff with a crazed gunman to an abrupt end when they shot him dead in a house in the southwestern town of Toulouse. Mohammed Merah, a 23-year-old...
A very long time ago — back in the last century, when I worked for men like Alexander Haig and Ronald Reagan — the United States government knew of at least three terrorist sleeper ce...
Co-Authored with Alykhan Velshi Ronald Reagan once said: “It’s not that liberals are ignorant, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t true.&rdquo...
We often tend to reject the message simply because of who the messenger is — especially if the messenger can't seem to keep his story straight from one day to the next. But it would be...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou One of the key findings of the 9/11 Commission is that al Qaeda was a terrorism innovator. Al Qaeda's "new terrorism," as the commission calls...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The well-researched initial findings of the 9/11 Commission have been predictably misconstrued. The most common distortion is that the commission estab...
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The well-researched initial findings of the 9/11 commission have been predictably misconstrued. The most common distortion is that the 9/11 comm...
The brutal beheading of American Nick Berg in Iraq should refocus our attention on Saddam Hussein's links to terrorism. While some continue to claim that Hussein did not back terror, many be...
David Kay, the former US weapons inspector, reported recently that despite the fact that every major Western intelligence agency and the UN believed Saddam Hussein still possessed them, his team...
Co-Authored by Bernard Gwertzman R. James Woolsey, director of central intelligence in 1993-1995 and a longtime advocate of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, argues that some biological a...
So which is it: Are America's spies a gaggle of fools for believing that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? Or is the Bush administration a gang of knaves for lying us into a war?...
American troops digging a literally lousy Saddam Hussein out of a hole in the ground is certainly a cause for celebration. And those astonishing pictures of the fearsome Nebuchadnezzar wannabe lo...
By Andrew Apostolou Saddam Hussein is running a successful public-relations campaign. He has already been given a clean bill of health by most media outlets over WMDs, allowing those who...
A political cartoon in Sunday's Washington Post shows the word "unilateralism" written in sand with Uncle Sam asking: "Do you think this would make a good foundation" for U.S. foreign policy...