Tehran’s weapons of mass distraction
They conceal Tehran’s development of weapons of mass destruction
They conceal Tehran’s development of weapons of mass destruction
Chairman McKeon, Ranking Member Smith, distinguished members of the committee, it is an honor to appear before you to discuss the state of al-Qaeda, its affiliates, and associated groups. My test...
Download the full testimony (PDF). Chairman McKeon...
THE MEDIA has been quick to lionize Mary McCarthy, the recently fired 61-year-old CIA analyst who allegedly leaked classified information to the Washington Post's Dana Priest. According to s...
September 11: A Decade Later
Remember when this was a real war?
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad infuriated Americans last week when he claimed that America had exaggerated the death toll from al-Qaeda’s September 11, 2001 attacks. “...
A banner from As Sahab announcing the death of top al Qaeda leader Mustafa Abu Yazid. Al Qaeda has announced that its top leader in Afghanistan and chief financial official...
Jordan's King Abdullah II launched an ambitious project in November 2004 designed to address some of the thorniest theological issues currently facing Muslims. The project, known as the "Amman Message," expressly holds that non-Muslims can reasonably "expect certain things from Muslims" in the contemporary context, in which Muslims and non-Muslims have unprecedented contact.[i] The Amman Message was self-consciously launched against the backdrop of the "global war on terror," where predominantly stateless terror networks claiming allegiance to Islam have managed to drastically alter the geopolitical landscape.
Mustafa Abu Yazid on As Sahab, al Qaeda's propaganda arm. . Unconfirmed reports from Pakistan indicate that Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda's commander in Afghanistan,...
The recent deaths of prominent Al-Qaeda terrorists such as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq and Abu Hafs al-Urdani in Daghestan, as well as a host of less publicized kills and captures, have hastened...
By: Amb. Richard Carlson & Barbara Newman. The UN has announced that the Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon is complete. Kofi Annan at the UN seemed uncharacteristically e...
It's not supposed to be about politics. It's not supposed to be about settling scores. It's not supposed to be entertainment. But those are the ways the 9/11 commission's work...