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In The News
April 1, 2004
American Morning
From D.C., Democratic consultant Victor Kamber of the Kamber Group back with us. Vic, good morning to you. VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC CONSULTANT: Good morning, Bill. How are you?...
March 30, 2004
FDD Senior Fellow Claudia Rosett Comments on Gadhafi’s Libya
March 28, 2004
CNN Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer
We are joined now by Richard Perle. He served as an assistant secretary of defense during the Reagan administration, and he is the co-author of the new book, "An End to Evil: How to Win the Wa...
March 25, 2004
The Early Show
Mr. JAMES WOOLSEY (Former CIA Director): Good to be with you. SMITH: From watching over the past two days, it's been so interesting just to try to wade through all of this information....
March 24, 2004
Lou Dobbs Tonight
It's good to have you here. The fact is that there seems to be plenty of blame placed on both the Clinton administration and the Bush administration. Are you surprised that it's being so even-...
March 24, 2004
The Abrams Report
Thanks to all of you. All right, Mr. Babbin, let me start with you. You know we watch again -- these are the experts today. Yesterday we heard from the secretary of state, the sort of the boss...
March 23, 2004
The News on CNBC
And Juliette, let me start with you. How serious should we take this threat from Hamas? What does it really mean that they say they're going to target the U.S.? KAYYEM: I think it more...
March 23, 2004
American Morning
Tomorrow, the 9/11 commission will hear from Richard Clarke. He is the former counterterrorism chief for President Bush. Clarke's new book, accusing the president of ignore the al Qaeda threat...
March 23, 2004
Lou Dobbs Tonight
My next guest served as director of the CIA for two years during president Clinton's first term. James Woolsey joins us now from our Washington bureau. It's good to have you here....
March 19, 2004
Anderson Cooper 360
March 16, 2004
American Morning
SEN. JOHN KERRY (D-MA), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: That's not your business; it's mine. DICK CHENEY, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: But it is our business when a candidate for presid...
March 15, 2004
Market Call
So in our "Tough Call" today, does support for President Bush in Iraq lose the election for Spain's ruling party and what is the message to terrorists in America's close European allies....
March 9, 2004
Market Call
Is the White House stone-walling? And, if so, is that covering up problems with America's intelligence agencies? It's our "Tough Call." Joining us is Joe Cirincione from the Carnegie En...
March 9, 2004
American Morning
BODY: SOLEDAD O'BRIEN, CNN ANCHOR: Also this morning, a look at some new information about how much cholesterol is too much. We are going to talk to a doctor about how to lower your risk o...
March 4, 2004
American Moring
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ANNOUNCER: The last few years tested America in many ways. Some challenges we have seen before. And some were like no others. (END VIDEO CLIP) HEMMER: I...
February 27, 2004
American Morning
With us today from D.C. is Cliff May, columnist for Scripps-Howard News. Good morning, Cliff. A first-timer by the way, welcome to "Gimme a Minute." CLIFF MAY, FMR. RNC COMM. DIR...
February 25, 2004
The Investigative Project
WALID PHARES: Good morning. MEIER: Colonel, let me start with you. Lay the groundwork for us. What's the U.S. military's strategy? KEN ALLARD: Well, we've got t...
February 24, 2004
Money & Markets
Congress responded by offering a grant to U.S. colleges to help fund Middle East study programs, but now critics say some professors are abusing the program by not presenting a balanced pictur...
February 24, 2004
American Morning
From Washington D.C. this morning, former RNC communications director, Cliff May. He's now with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Nice to...
February 23, 2004
New FDD White Paper by Legal Scholar Ruth Wedgwood
News From The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Contact: Washington D.C - Anne Marek- 202-207-0190 or anne@defenddemocracy.o...
February 18, 2004
“The Human Cost of Terrorism”
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies ...
February 16, 2004
ANNOUNCER: CROSSFIRE. On the left, James Carville and Paul Begala; on the right, Robert Novak and Tucker Carlson. In the CROSSFIRE: No matter who they nominate, are the Democrats going...
February 16, 2004
ANNOUNCER: CROSSFIRE. On the left, James Carville and Paul Begala; on the right, Robert Novak and Tucker Carlson. In the CROSSFIRE: No matter who they nominate, are the Democrats going...
February 14, 2004
Big Story Weekend Edition
SUSAN ESTRICH, FOX NEWS POLITICAL ANALYST: Oh, I think it's pretty clear what's going on from what I hear, some of them are checking out those travel brochures. Roy Neel has a calendar in his...
February 12, 2004
American Morning
Let's talk about this issue now. Back with us Kamber and May. Democratic consultant Victor Kamber. Vic, good morning to you. Nice to see you. VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC CONSULTAN...
February 12, 2004
CNN News
And here to talk about it, Cliff May, of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, and Peter Beinart, editor of "The New Republic." Good afternoon, gentlemen....
February 9, 2004
Early Show with Harry Smith
As we noted, in a rare television interview over the weekend, President Bush defended his decision to go to war in Iraq, despite questionable intelligence on whether or not Saddam Hussein had...
February 9, 2004
Market Call
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) PRESIDENT BUSH: They had the capacity to have a weapon, make a weapon. We thought he had weapons. The international community thought he had weapons. But he had the c...
February 8, 2004
Weekend Edition Sunday
This past week President Bush named seven members to a commission to study whether there were American intelligence failures in determining whether Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destructi...
February 5, 2004
Morning Edition
This is MORNING EDITION from NPR News. I'm Bob Edwards. The United States and the United Nations are hammering out plans to transfer sovereignty of Iraq to Iraqis, possibly by the end o...
February 5, 2004
American Morning
Vic, good to have you. Good morning. VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC CONSULTANT: Good morning, Bill. HEMMER: Clifford May, former RNC communications director, now with the foundation...
January 31, 2004
CNN Live Saturday
January 30, 2004
FDD Submits ‘Friend of the Court’ Brief to The Hague
January 30, 2004 FDD Submits ‘Friend of the Court' Brief to The Hague Amicus Brief on Isr...
January 30, 2004
CNN Crossfire
In the CROSSFIRE, Kerry campaign senior adviser Michael Meehan and former Republican National Committee communications director Cliff May, now with the Foundation For the Defense of Democracie...
January 28, 2004
CNN Newsnight with Aaron Brown
BROWN: Perhaps this is helpful. I hope it is. If we take the politics of this out for a bit explain -- do you believe that Mr. Kay is being straight and honest that the intelligence was bad an...
January 28, 2004
American Morning
Democratic consultant Victor Kamber. Victor, nice to see you. Good morning. VICTORY KAMBER, THE KAMBER GROUP: Good seeing you, Bill. HEMMER: Also Cliff May, former RNC communica...
January 24, 2004
CBS Evening News
Secretary of State Colin Powell today said, for the first time, that it is an open question whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, the primary reason for invading Iraq. Powell, who made...
January 23, 2004
Market Call
In Switzerland today, Annan also had some criticism for the U.S. war on terrorism. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) KOFI ANNAN, U.N. SECRETARY-GENERAL: On the security front, international ter...
January 21, 2004
Global Exchange
Andrew Apostolou debates whether it was right to launch the war in Iraq....
January 20, 2004
American Morning
Joining us this morning from Washington, D.C. with their take on the upcoming speech, also a look at Iowa's winners and losers, Democratic consultant Victor Kamber joining us, and Cliff May, f...
January 17, 2004
On the Line
Host: Heba El-Shazli, what are the prospects for what's going to happen in Egypt after Hosni Mubarak is no longer in power? El-Shazli: Well, I think that's the million-dollar question....
January 13, 2004
American Morning
Good morning, guys. Nice to see you, as always. CLIFFORD MAY, FOUNDATION FOR THE DEFENSE OF DEMOCRACIES: Good morning, Soledad. VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC CONSULTANT: Good...
January 9, 2004
American Morning
With us, to take a look at three major stories and some we might have missed, in Washington D.C. is Democratic strategist Donna Brazile. Hey, Donna, good morning to you. DONNA BR...
January 8, 2004
Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees
GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent. In s...
January 8, 2004
Paula Zahn Now
COLIN POWELL, SECRETARY OF STATE: I'm confident of what I presented last year. The intelligence community is confident of the material they gave me. I was representing them. It was information...
January 6, 2004
VOA Kurdish Service
Andrew Apostolou comments on the visit of Syrian president Assad to Turkey....
January 6, 2004
American Morning
Nice to see you, Vic. Good morning. VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC CONSULTANT: Good morning. Happy New Year. HEMMER: Thank you, to you as well. Former Republican National Comm...
December 30, 2003
American Morning
Joining us this morning to lend their insights are our friends Victor Kamber, Democratic consultant, and Clifford May. He's a former communications director for the Republican National Committ...
December 25, 2003
News From CNN
Here with their top picks, from Washington, Cliff May, founder of The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, and Norman Solomon, executive director of The Institute for Public Accuracy. He...
December 23, 2003
American Morning
Hey, Cliff, good morning to you. CLIFF MAY, FMR. RNC COMM. DIR.: Good morning, Soledad. O'BRIEN: Also Democratic strategist Julian Epstein is with us. Good morning to you...