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In The News
September 26, 2004
The Bob Barr Show
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the current situation in Iraq....
September 26, 2004
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the al-Qaeda presence in Pakistan....
September 24, 2004
Left, Right & Center
Clifford May discusses Prime Minister Allawi's speech to Congress, the current situation in Iraq and the War on Terrorism....
September 23, 2004
KHOW Talk Radio
Clifford May discusses Iraq, Prime Minister Allawi's address to Congress and his most recent Scripps Howard column on the fallacy of "being safe" in a...
September 23, 2004
The Hour of Freedom
FDD Senior Fellow Avi Jorisch discusses the deterioration of the Syrian-American relationship....
September 23, 2004
Greg Allen Radio Show
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the current status of Iraqi war....
September 23, 2004
CNN International
Andrew Apostolou analyzes Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's speech to Congress....
September 22, 2004
Central Florida’s Morning News with Jim Turner
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the current situation in Iraq....
September 21, 2004
The Brandi Brady Show
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the current situation in Iraq....
September 21, 2004
The Abrams Report
(END VIDEO CLIP) ABRAMS: President Bush talking about the slaughter of American hostage Eugene Armstrong in Iraq. Today a second American contractor, Jack Hensley, reportedly beheaded o...
September 20, 2004
Terror Prosecutor, Arab Media Expert Join FDD
Senior Fellows Andrew McCarthy and Avi Jorisch Add to Exp...
September 20, 2004
ABC Radio
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares comments on the beheading of American construction contractor Eugene Armstrong....
September 20, 2004
The Tavis Smiley Show
A US intelligence report prepared for President George W. Bush back in July offers a pretty bleak outlook for Iraq through the end of 2005, and government officials predict the ugliest scenari...
September 17, 2004
From Maryland with Ron Smith
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the current situation in Iraq and the war on terrorism....
September 15, 2004
American Morning
VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Hi, Heidi, how are you? COLLINS: I'm great. And Cliff May, former RNC Communications Director now with the Foundation for Defense of Democracy. Cli...
September 13, 2004
Battleground with Alan Nathan
Clifford May discusses whether moderate Muslims are finally speaking out against terrorism....
September 9, 2004
Israel’s Example Important in U.S. War Against Terrorists
Authored by Patrick McGill It is said that the full meaning of a word is sometimes lost in translation. This is true of the Hebrew word "shalom." It most closely means...
September 9, 2004
Fox Special Report with Brit Hume
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses al Qaeda and the current situation in Indonesia....
September 8, 2004
American Morning
From Washington, with us Democratic strategist Victor Kamber. Welcome back, Vic, and good morning to you. VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC CONSULTANT: Pleasure, Bill. HEMMER: Also Cliff...
September 8, 2004
The Flipside
Gentlemen, thank you both for joining us. I'm sure that all of us share the same feeling. It is unfortunate that we are having a conversation about the significant loss of life, which i...
September 7, 2004
The Arnie Arnesen Show
Clifford May discusses terrorism in Russia and Iraq....
September 7, 2004
The BQ View with Blanquitta Collum
Clifford May discusses terrorism in Russia, Israel and Iraq....
September 5, 2004
National Public Radio
FDD Senior Fellow Avi Jorisch discusses al-Khansa, an Al-Qaeda sponsored site aimed at Jihadi women. ...
September 4, 2004
On The Line
Host: Is Iraq making progress toward stability and democracy? I'll ask my guests: Andrew Apostolou, vice president for research at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and joining us...
September 3, 2004
WNWR 1540 AM
David Silverstein discusses the UN Resolution calling for Syria to withdraw from Lebanon....
September 1, 2004
Ernie Brown of America at Night
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the role of Mideast and Arab Americans in the US political process, the war on Terror and Iraq....
September 1, 2004
American Morning
From the left this morning, Democratic strategist Victor Kamber. He's live with us from Washington. Vic, hello to you. VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC CONSULTANT: Hello to you. COLLINS...
August 31, 2004
The Larry Rifkin Show
Andrew Apostolou discusses Iran's nuclear programme....
August 31, 2004
Republican Radio
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses terrorism in Afghanistan and on the participation of Mideastern groups at the Republican National Convention....
August 31, 2004
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses terrorism in Afghanistan and on the participation of Mideastern groups at the Republican National Convention....
August 25, 2004
Fox Forum with L Pate on Kole
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the current situation in Iraq....
August 24, 2004
The Voice
Andrew Apostolou discusses the current situation in Iraq....
August 20, 2004
American Morning
Donna, hello. Good morning. DONNA BRAZILE, CNN Political Contributor: Good morning. COLLINS: Cliff May with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Cliff, hello to...
August 19, 2004
Fox Morning
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the battle for Najaf and Moqtada al-Sadr....
August 19, 2004
The Sheppard Smith Show
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the current situation in Iraq....
August 19, 2004
In Wisconsin
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses Moqtada al-Sadr and the current situation in Najaf....
August 19, 2004
Debra Norville Tonight
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP - "UNCOVERED") COLIN POWELL, SECRETARY OF STATE: Iraqi denials of supporting terrorism take their place alongside the other Iraqi denials of weapons of mass destructio...
August 18, 2004
WRKO Boston
Clifford May discusses President Bush's proposal to re-deploy troops around the world....
August 18, 2004
American Morning
VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST, THE KAMBER GROUP: Good morning. COLLINS: And Cliff May, former RNC Communications Director, now with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Cli...
August 13, 2004
Public Radio International
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the current situation in Iraq....
August 12, 2004
Scarborough Country
Here to help answer that question are Claudia Rosett from the Foundation For the Democracy of Democracies. Her articles in "The Wall Street Journal" helped expose the U.N. scandal. And Stephen...
August 11, 2004
The Radio Factor with Bill O’Reilly
Andrew Apostolou discusses Iran's nuclear program....
August 9, 2004
The Tom Dillon Show
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the current threat by al Qaeda....
August 4, 2004
Morning Mess with Scott Thompson
Andrew Apostolou discusses the terror alerts....
August 3, 2004
The Flipside
Also said he favors setting up a counterterrorism center, to coordinate intelligence analysis. Would this help (INAUDIBLE) or just add another layer of bureaucracy to the government? Joining u...
August 2, 2004
Business International
Andrew Apostolou discusses the terror alert and the Patriot Act....
August 2, 2004
The Brian Lehrer Show
Andrew Apostolou discusses the recent terror alert....
August 2, 2004
WKY Morning Show
Andrew Apostolou discusses the terror alert....
July 30, 2004
American Morning
Donna, good morning to you. DONNA BRAZILE, FMR. GORE CAMPAIGN MANAGER: Good morning, Bill. HEMMER: Also in Washington, Cliff May, former RNC communications director now with the...
July 29, 2004
Ricci Ware Show
Andrew Apostolou analyzes recent developments in Iraq....