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In The News
November 30, 2004
Scarborough Country
Is this the beginning of the end for Kofi Annan? Joining me now, the investigative journal who broke the story, my friend Claudia Rosett from the Foundation For the Defense of Democraci...
November 29, 2004
The Laura Ingraham Show
November 29, 2004
American Morning
Good morning, gentlemen. Victor, we're going to begin with you. Let's talk a little bit about the delay. To delay or not delay in the Iraq elections? Victor, do you think the elections should...
November 27, 2004
The Todd Feinburg Show
November 24, 2004
American Morning
Vic, good morning. Nice to have you back with us. VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Good morning, Bill. Happy Thanksgiving. HEMMER: Well, thank you, and to you as well....
November 23, 2004
Newsbeat with Blanquita Cullum
An analysis of the upcoming Iraqi elections....
November 22, 2004
American Morning
Two topics today for Democratic consultant Victor Kamber -- Vic good morning to you. VICTOR KAMBER, THE KAMBER GROUP: Good morning, Bill, how are you? HEMMER: I'm doing fine than...
November 21, 2004
The John Andrews Show
An analysis of Iraq and the Middle East post-Arafat....
November 21, 2004
The John Kasich Show
A discussion on the U.N. Oil-for-Food scandal....
November 21, 2004
Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer
The controversy over the intelligence reform bill....
November 19, 2004
The Journal Editorial Report
We depart from our usual format this week to call on the expertise of two journalists who reported and wrote extensively about this scandal, when hardly anyone else was. They are Claudia Roset...
November 18, 2004
Fox News with Brigitte Quinn
A discussion on the U.N. Oil-for-Food scandal....
November 17, 2004
News from CNN with Wolf Blitzer
Thanks to both of you for joining us. Let's go through this Condoleezza Rice situation. She's going to be, by all accounts -- no one really thinks she's not going to be confirmed by the Senate...
November 17, 2004
American Morning
Nice to see you, Julian. Thanks for being with us. JULIAN EPSTEIN, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Thanks for having me, Soledad. COLLINS: My pleasure. Cliff May is the former RNC...
November 16, 2004
The Bob Newman Show
An analysis of the Fallujah shooting....
November 15, 2004
The Tony Cruise Show
An analysis of Al Jazeera's coverage of Yasser Arafat's funeral and how it will effect the peace process. ...
November 11, 2004
Your World with Nick Cavuto
An update on the U.N. Oil-for-Food investigation....
November 11, 2004
Dateline Washington with Greg Corrumbus
November 10, 2004
American Breakfast with Stan Major
An analysis of Arafat and the current situation in Iraq....
November 10, 2004
The Interfaith Forum
Avi Jorisch discusses his book, Beacon of Hatred. ...
November 10, 2004
American Morning
VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC CONSULTANT: Good morning. O'BRIEN: Cliff May, former RNC communications director, now with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Good morning t...
November 4, 2004
The Wolf Blitzer Report
And the Middle East peace process after Arafat. Here to talk about all of that and more are two guests. Peter Beinart is editor of "The New Republic." Cliff May is the president of the...
November 3, 2004
American Morning
Let's begin by taking a look at the electoral college board. You can see there, 254 electoral votes for President Bush; 252 for Senator Kerry. Ohio, where we are this morning, in green, meanin...
October 31, 2004
Fox News
October 29, 2004
An analysis of the new bin Laden tape....
October 27, 2004
FDD, AIC and IWF to Train Iraqi Women Leaders
The American Islamic Congress is a nonprofit, nonpartisan social organization with extensive experience in Iraq. As a mem...
October 27, 2004
American Morning
Let's debate that issue now with our Democratic consultant, Victor Kamber. Vic, good morning to you. VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC CONSULTANT: Good morning, Bill. HEMMER: Also, forme...
October 26, 2004
Point of View with Kerby Anderson and John Clemons
A discussion of the current situation in Iraq....
October 22, 2004
Fox News with Shepherd Smith
A discussion on France and the U.N. Oil-for-Food scandal....
October 20, 2004
American Morning
Hey, guys, I missed you guys. Good morning. Nice to see you. VICTOR KAMBER, THE KAMBER GROUP: Good morning. CLIFFORD MAY, FOUNDATION FOR DEFENSE OF DEMOCRACIES: Con...
October 18, 2004
The Arnie Arneson Show
A discussion of Iraq and how we know if we are winning the war....
October 18, 2004
The Geoff Metcalf Show
October 17, 2004
Breaking Point
A discussion of how Saddam Hussein stole billions of dollars in the biggest financial scam in modern history -- maybe going as far as bribing U.N. officials an...
October 13, 2004
The Chad Hartman Show
A discussion on the current situation in Iraq....
October 13, 2004
Battle Line
A discussion on the current situation in Iraq....
October 13, 2004
American Morning
Vic, good morning to you. VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Good morning, Bill. HEMMER: Also Cliff May, former RNC communications director, now the Foundation for the Defense...
October 12, 2004
News from CNN with Wolf Blitzer
Thanks to both of you for joining us. Just a general overview right now, how close is this contest in your opinion? Who is ahead right now? PETER BEINART, "THE NEW REPUBLIC": It's absol...
October 11, 2004
Lou Dobbs Tonight
Landmark elections in Afghanistan. A dramatic victory for freedom, after years of radical Islamist rule. We'll have a report on the world's newest democracy. And our own Democracy at Ri...
October 8, 2004
Left, Right and Center
A discussion of the CIA report on Iraq....
October 7, 2004
From Washington
A discussion on the recent Middle Eastern American Convention, why we argue that the Muslim mainstream does not represent the communities any more, and the gro...
October 7, 2004
The Peter Boyles Show
A discussion on why anti-Muslim sentiments are growing in the U.S....
October 7, 2004
The O’Reilly Radio Factor
A discussion of the U.N. Oil-for-Food scandal and the Duelfer report....
October 7, 2004
G.Gordon Liddy Show
A discussion of the U.N. Oil-for-Food scandal and the Duelfer report....
October 7, 2004
The Flipside
Andrew, welcome to THE FLIPSIDE. Great to have you today. ANDREW APOSTOLOU, FDN. FOR DEFENSE OF DEMOCRACIES: Thank you. HAYS: as I look at the position that the foundation has pr...
October 6, 2004
American Morning
From the left, Democratic strategist Victor Kamber is with us back in D.C. And also from the right, former RNC Communications Director Cliff May. We call it Kamber-May. And gentlemen, I...
October 5, 2004
BQ View with Blanquitta Collum
September 29, 2004
America at Night
FDD Senior Fellow Avi Jorisch discusses the politics of the Arab world....
September 29, 2004
American Morning
VICTOR KAMBER, DEMOCRATIC CONSULTANT: Morning, Heidi. COLLINS: And Cliff May, former RNC communications director, now with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Cliff, good mor...
September 28, 2004
Radio America with Greg Corombos on Date Line
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses recent events in Iraq....
September 27, 2004
The Donovan Report on Newstalk 890 KDXU
FDD Senior Fellow Dr. Walid Phares discusses the current situation in Iraq....