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In The News
December 19, 2011
Administration Gets Some of the Leeway It Sought in New Iran Sanctions
Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a think tank that has closely consulted with Congress on shaping such sanctions, said the law’s effect would...
December 19, 2011
Pakistan Says It Returned Fire in Deadly NATO Border Attack
The U.S. has sought to repair relations with Pakistan. One possible byproduct of that effort is the absence of CIA drone strikes since mid-November, an unusually long pause, said Bill Roggio, who...
December 16, 2011
The John Batchelor Show
Iraq War officially ends....
December 15, 2011
CNN Newsroom
New claims allege the Mexican drug cartel "Zetas" are working with the terrorist group Hezbollah....
December 15, 2011
Inside Story
Is the principle of indefinite detention without trial now an accepted and permanent part of American life?...
December 15, 2011
Pakistan: Words v. Action
As Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was flying toward Afghanistan earlier this week, he told the reporters flying with him that Pakistan is a critical element in ultimately winning the war in Afgha...
December 14, 2011
U.S. Stops CIA Drone Strikes in Pakistan to Halt Decline in Shaky Relations: Report
The U.S. has put drone strikes in Pakistan “on hold” to save a post-9/11 allegiance that’s on life support, Long War Journal reports. An official told the blog that a s...
December 14, 2011
CNN Newsroom
Hezbollah claims to reveal 10 CIA spies in Lebanon....
December 13, 2011
Crane Durham’s Nothing But Truth
Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's comments on the Palestinians....
December 13, 2011
The Don Krough Show
Presidential candidate's comments on the history of the Palestinians....
December 13, 2011
Inside the Conference Negotiations on Iran Sanctions
"Every administration wants total discretion on foreign policy, but that is an impulse that Congress must always resist," Berman said at a conference on Thursday sponsored by the Foundation for t...
December 13, 2011
Syrian Rebels Seek Help Waging Civil War
"The most important player, the United States, has shied away from direct intervention," says Tony Badran, a research fellow for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, who says Obama is stick...
December 13, 2011
Berman Resists Pressure to Weaken Iran Sanctions Measure
Rep. Howard Berman of California, the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, vowed to resist pressure from the Obama administration to weaken legislation intended to isolate the...
December 13, 2011
Clinton Speech Shames Gay Bashers at Home and Abroad
In was in that hateful spirit — as James Kirchick of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies wrote in...
December 13, 2011
‘No substitute for US leadership on Syria’
WASHINGTON – Syria is too important a country for its crisis to be handled by any actor other than the United States, experts on Mideast geopolitics and national security said late last wee...
December 13, 2011
Oil at $150 Becomes Biggest Options Bet on Iran: Energy Markets
A European ban on Iran's exports still may not boost prices because the Islamic republic's remaining trading partners, including China and India, would have increased power to negotiate...
December 13, 2011
Adam Smith: I Am NOT Trying to Water Down the Iran Sanctions Legislation
House Foreign Affairs ranking Democrat Howard Berman (D-CA), who announced yesterday that he would definitely not be the one carrying the administration's water on the issue, is one of the o...
December 12, 2011
Defcon 3
Should the U.S. take part in sanctioning the Central Bank of Iran?...
December 12, 2011
The John Batchelor Show
Talks under way in Pakistan, Taliban say....
December 12, 2011
News Update
The recent detention of Saadi Gaddafi in Mexico....
December 12, 2011
Delaware’s Afternoon News with Allan Loudel
Political developments in Egypt following the parliamentary elections....
December 7, 2011
The Source
The implications of sanctions and the storming of the British embassy in Tehran....
December 7, 2011
News Update
Syria responses "positively" to an Arab League demand to let observers into the country....
December 7, 2011
On Point
The U.S. military is abandoning an airbase in Pakistan that was reportedly being used to wage a part of the drone campa...
December 7, 2011
U.S. Slaps Iran With More Sanctions
Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, noted that the money-laundering designation does not call for specific penalties for companies that continue to do...
December 6, 2011
Mysterious Blasts, Slayings Suggest Covert Efforts in Iran
Reuel Marc Gerecht, a former CIA operative who specialized on Iran, said he doesn't believe that the CIA could mount a sophisticated covert campaign of sabotage inside Iran, where the U.S. h...
December 6, 2011
The Thirty-Year War
The more immediate concern is that sanctions driving up oil costs might create a windfall for Iran. The question, says Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democraci...
December 6, 2011
Panetta’s Antagonistic Speech on Israel
Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation for Defense for Democracies wasn’t all that surprised by another round of heavy-handed public lecturing from the Obama team. He told me, “The compl...
December 6, 2011
The Diane Rehm Show
A downed U.S. surveillance drone, targeted assassinations, and ongoing cyber warfare: Guest host Steve Roberts and a panel of experts explore the latest developments in the region and whether the...
December 6, 2011
Power & Politics
What is Canada doing to combat the Iranian Regime?...
December 5, 2011
The John Batchelor Show
Pakistan cleared ISAF airstrikes that killed its own troops....
December 5, 2011
News And Views With Susie Jones
The drone attack in Pakistan this week and the state of the Tailiban....
December 5, 2011
The John Batchelor Show
White House review threatens counter-terrorism operations....
December 2, 2011
The Situation Room
Will more Iran sanctions could hurt the U.S. economy?...
December 2, 2011
U.S. Senate Backs Sanctions Intended to Cripple Iran Oil Exports
The Central Bank of Iran is a vital intermediary for purchasers of Iranian crude because existing sanctions against the Persian Gulf country have so constrained Iran’s ability to use the in...
December 2, 2011
EU Wimps Out on Oil Sanctions to Halt Iran’s Nuclear Drive: View
Iran has also sweetened the pot for India, giving refiners there far more generous payment options than those available from countries such as Saudi Arabia. Mark Dubowitz, an Iran expert with the...
December 1, 2011
Iran Clings to Oil Lifeline as U.S. Pushes for Tighter Financial Sanctions
Mark Dubowitz, director of the Iran Energy Project at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and co-author of a confidential report on Iran circulated on Nov. 29 to the Administration and...
December 1, 2011
Power & Politics
The storming of the British Embassy in Tehran....
December 1, 2011
All Things Considered
U.S. Weighs Sanctions Targeting Iran's Central Bank "Our modeling shows that if only China was purchasing Iranian oil, they would be able to drive for discounts of about 39 percent o...
November 30, 2011
Fox 5 Morning News
Pakistan is cancelling its attendance at an international conference in protest over an attack by NATO forces that left 24 Pakistani soldiers dead....
November 30, 2011
News Update
The Egyptian Parliamentary elections and Egyptians voting abroad....
November 30, 2011
The John Batchelor Show
Pakistan: NATO-led attacks intentional - Maj. Gen....
November 30, 2011
The Charles Adler Show
With the latest attack on a western embassy in Tehran, Claudia Rosett reiterates the need to take Iran seriously....
November 30, 2011
The Next Step in Sanctioning Iran
But the Canadian government can do even more. As Mark Dubowitz and Sheryl Saperia argued recently in a column published in the National Post, Ottawa should add Iran's Revolutionary Guards Co...
November 30, 2011
Iran: Sanktionen mit Blick auf den Ölpreis
Der Iran reagierte wie immer. Das Außenamt hieß die neuen Sanktionen „wirkungslos“. Schon bei der bisher letzten vom UN-Sicherheitsrat verhängten Runde im Herbst 2010...
November 29, 2011
Fox Live
Were Egypt's parliamentary elections successful?...
November 29, 2011
Power & Politics
Mark Dubowitz and human rights activist Kyle Matthews discuss the issues surrounding the elections in Egypt....
November 29, 2011
Happening Now
What can we expect to see in the ongoing turmoil in Egypt and Yemen?...
November 29, 2011
The John Batchelor Show
US helicopters kill 28 Pakistani troops on Afghan border....
November 29, 2011
Crane Durham’s Nothing But Truth
The Reagan Doctrine and its application today....