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October 22, 2003
Syrians Still Play Footsie With Terror
By Richard Chesnoff Israel's recent air strike on a Syrian terrorist training base near Damascus deserved a better reception from Washington than it got. After all, President Bashar...
October 15, 2003
War Story
The Bush administration is mounting a major public relations offensive regarding Iraq. The problem? It doesn't go far enough. The goal of the current PR campaign is to persuade Amer...
October 15, 2003
Change needed from within
By Jeffrey Azarva Islamic Awareness Week at GW recently drew to a close, yet it remains clear that the religious intolerance of Islam persists in the post 9/11 world. Despite the week-lo...
October 10, 2003
Guantánamo Bay and the ICRC
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Briefing: Guantánamo Bay and the ICRC
October 10, 2003
U.S. Muslims as patriots
By Oubai Shahbandar Where is the outrage in the American Muslim community? Two years after 9/11, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the American Muslim Council (A...
October 9, 2003
Symposium: The Muslim Persecution of Christians
By Dr. Walid Phares The widespread persecution of Christians is an increasing phenomenon in the Islamic world. Aside from its obvious tragic and horrifying ingredients, what is the signi...
October 9, 2003
All Jihad Roads Lead to Damascus
By Dr. Walid Phares Was Syria behind the attacks in Israel? To most Middle East experts, the answer is not about Syria's support for jihad against the Jewish state. That is cast in...
October 7, 2003
Nation-building has always been like the weather: Entertaining to discuss but nothing most people do anything about. Until now. President Bush has announced the formation of an Iraq Stab...
October 6, 2003
Personal Observation Where Terror’s Flags Fly
By Matthew Schonfield "My Summer Vacation." Like clockwork year after year I can remember the elementary school teachers giving this assignment, as we, their little charges, returned fro...
October 6, 2003
An Unsurprising Nuke Program
By David Silverstein Reports that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) discovered new traces of highly enriched uranium in a second facility in Iran should come as little surpri...
October 5, 2003
U.S. Actions in Iraq are Necessary
By Claire Cary When you first saw that the U.S. was actually entering Iraq, did you think the war would only last a week? Perhaps less than a week? It very well could have if defeating I...
October 2, 2003
Iran’s Emerging Nuclear Threat
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Backgrounder
October 2, 2003
Fool Me Twice
By Andrew Apostolou On the face of it, Friday morning’s crop of headlines looks pretty good for Saddam Hussein. If he could read them from his current residence, likely to be a sew...
October 1, 2003
The WMD Mystery
The question is not whether Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The mystery is: What did he do with them? We should have some insights soon: David Kay and his Iraq Survey Gro...
September 30, 2003
Learning from Mazen’s Mistakes
Abu Mazen's resignation as Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority is tragic because it will likely signal a new wave of terrorism from extremist Palestinian groups and defensive reprisa...
September 29, 2003
White House Leaks
September 29, 2003
ISM: A False Personification
By Ensieh Sarrami However benevolent intentions may be, actions can very well prove otherwise. The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a prime example in which good intentions set...
September 28, 2003
Roadmap to nowhere
By Jonathan Riches After yet another disastrous month of Palestinian suicide bombings and retaliatory Israeli strikes, the Middle East Peace process finds itself right where it started -...
September 28, 2003
Spy Games
It's the top story in the Washington Post this morning as well as in many other media outlets. Who leaked the fact that the wife of Joseph C. Wilson IV worked for the CIA? What also...
September 24, 2003
Regime Change in Ramallah
In one sense, Israel's announcement that it intends to “work to remove” Yasser Arafat was merely stating the obvious. Arafat is an obstacle to peace. Anyone who is serious about...
September 23, 2003
Jordan Russ in Israel
By Jordan Russ Apathy is an untenable position in the Middle East. Unlike Americans, citizens of this inflamed and tattered region must deal with chaos, insecurity, and turmoil daily, fo...
September 22, 2003
No Excuses
Speaking at the United Nations on Tuesday, President Bush wasted no time and minced no words. The world today, he said, faces "an unfinished war." That war is being fought in such places as Baghd...
September 22, 2003
Bush’s New U.N. Challenge
By Andrew Apostolou When President Bush visits the U.N. today, his speech must be a carefully balanced mixture of diplomacy and leadership. As he did a year ago, his role is to...
September 20, 2003
Self Defense Killings
By Richard Z. Chesnoff Like most everything Israel does to defend itself, Jerusalem's campaign of targeted killings of terrorist leaders is under increasingly heavy fire. UN Secreta...
September 17, 2003
Big Ideas
The crowd of Democratic presidential aspirants continues to grow, and it includes not just the usual gaggle of lawyers but also a doctor, a minister and a 4-star general. Leading Republicans ackn...
September 10, 2003
Reality Bites; Middle East Fictions Fade
The resignation of Mahmoud Abbas was sudden but not surprising. For a few months, everyone called him Mr. Prime Minister, but everyone knew that was a fiction....
September 10, 2003
9/11 in 20/20 Hindsight
September 11 will be remembered as the worst terrorist attack America ever suffered — if we’re lucky. If not, if we’re not extraordinarily successful in waging the war on...
September 4, 2003
How clever of President Bush. On Tuesday, he had all Washington atwitter. Everyone - or at least every Democrat and all the "realistic" Republicans such as Sen. Chuck Hagel - was saying:...
September 3, 2003
War is Hell
“September 11th was our generation's Pearl Harbor.” Sen. John Kerry, a leading Democratic...
September 3, 2003
Don’t panic and don’t put sensitivity before common sense
By Andrew Apostolou The murder of Ayatollah Baqr al-Hakim is undoubtedly a setback, but it is not a defeat. Ayatollah al-Hakim, despite 23 years of backing from the Iranians, had been wi...
September 1, 2003
The War Against the Terror Masters
The War Against the Terror Masters is a must-read guide to the terrorist crisis. Michael A. Ledeen explains in startling detail how and why the United States was so unprepared for the September 11th c...
August 27, 2003
The Big Picture
The war liberated millions. But the post-war period proved difficult. Members of the former regime went underground and continued to fight, using terrorist tactics – even against their fell...
August 23, 2003
In Iraq, U.S. has many foes
It's not just the usual suspects behind the rising rash of bombings and terrorist attacks in Iraq. True, intelligence sources in the U.S., Europe and the Mideast are convinced that...
August 17, 2003
The Dysfunctional House of Saud
By Stephen Schwartz THERE COMES A TIME in the history of every oppressive state when the need for change is suddenly and widely understood to be imperative. Inevitably, an incident occur...
August 9, 2003
In Bed, but Not in Good Faith
By Stephen Schwartz Saudi Arabia and its ultraextreme Wahhabi sect of Islam have come to the forefront of the American consciousness, especially after last month's release of a cong...
July 31, 2003
A Refugee has Lessons for Arabs
By Richard Z. Chesnoff An amazing reunion took place in Tel Aviv the other day. After being separated for 52 years, 79-year-old Salima Moshe Nissim of the southern Iraqi city of Basra em...
July 30, 2003
Fencing in the Middle East
A serious war against terrorism requires both an offense and a defense. Offense means using force, in a variety of forms, to detain or destroy terrorists wherever they live, recruit, train and pl...
July 28, 2003
Missing Links
The blacking out of 28 pages on Saudi complicity in the 9/11 attacks isn't the only hole in Congress' report on the terrorist atrocity: The rest of the report skirts issues and evidence...
July 27, 2003
A Retirement Plan for Tyrants
By Amb. Richard Carlson One of my partners as an observer at the South African elections of 1994 was General Olusegun Obasanjo, now president of Nigeria. We traveled around together a bi...
July 24, 2003
Israel’s Fence Aids Security – and Peace
By Richard Z. Chesnoff I don't understand who so many people are unhappy with the new security buffer that Israel is building between itself and the Palestinians. Yasser Arafat'...
July 24, 2003
Learning the Hard Way
Even a cursory glance at the 900-page congressional 9/11 report released Thursday should lead to some conclusions - and, hopefully, to some consensus. For example: The inquiry found no "...
July 23, 2003
Kofi Talk
Among Europe's many criticisms of America is now this: We refuse to relinquish substantial authority in Iraq to the United Nations. Until and unless we do, we're being told, don't...
July 17, 2003
No Yellowcake Walk
Two facts bring perspective to bear on what some are now calling Yellowcakegate. 1) Democrats who are serious about national security — e.g. Joe Biden, Dick Gephardt, Joe Lieberman...
July 16, 2003
Think British
Those who opposed the war against Saddam Hussein are having a field day. For a while, it seemed that they had been trounced. No one – not Kofi Annan, not Jacques Chirac, not even Susan Sara...
July 16, 2003
How Shall Freedom be Defended?
By Stephen Schwartz The Poet Archibald Macleish wrote, at the beginning of the Second World War, "How shall freedom be defended? By arms when it is attacked by arms; by truth when it is...
July 10, 2003
Saudi Dupes
By Stephen Schwartz Adherents of the violently uncompromising Wahhabi sect, the state religion of Saudi Arabia, are killing other Muslims overseas, and attacking coalition troops in Iraq...
July 10, 2003
The president's critics are lying. Mr. Bush never claimed that Saddam Hussein had purchased uranium from Niger. It is not true — as USA Today reported on page one Friday morning &mdash...
July 9, 2003
Darn that Newt!
Richard Holbrooke is a diplomat and a gentleman. Which means you can't read him the way you'd read Ann Coulter, Bill Safire, Tony Blankley or others who make their livings spe...
July 3, 2003
Symposium: Bush’s Decision to Go to War. Was it Justified?
By Jamie Glazov As the controversy over the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq escalates, so does the criticism of President Bush and his decision to go to war. Was the liberati...
July 2, 2003
Into Africa? Why the long-suffering continent matters.
Africa is failing. That's hardly headline news but maybe we can now begin at least to talk seriously about a continent that has been spiraling into chaos. In the past – for ex...