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May 6, 2004
Double Standards on Abu Ghraib
The media coverage of the violations of American law against Iraqi prisoners is in grave danger of setting a dangerous double standard for America and the Arab world. The administration must be v...
May 4, 2004
We Have Other Priorities’ – Why Won’t the U.N. Answer Questions About its Iraq Scandal?
The harder the United Nations tries to keep a lid on Oil for Food, the more the scandal keeps boiling over. This past Sunday Secretary-General Kofi Annan appeared on "Meet the Press," rejecting a...
May 4, 2004
Sharon’s Strategy – He Does Have One
It turns out that Yasser Arafat, the European left and the Israeli right agree on one thing: All oppose Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan to withdraw from Gaza. Last weeken...
May 3, 2004
We Must Face a Connected World’s ‘Butterfly Effect’
Co-Authored by Rachel K. Belton Woolsey, director of the CIA from 1993 to 1995, is a vice president at the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, where he focuses on national and international security....
May 2, 2004
Victory’s Path
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Could defecto...
May 2, 2004
Middle East Peace and Prosperity
President Franklin D. Roosevelt famously observed that, "It is useless to win a war, only to lose the peace." In Iraq, we not only must win the peace, failure is not an option. I was pleased to l...
April 28, 2004
Viva Palestine? With Friends Like These…
Consider what's required to wear the label: “Pro-Palestinian.” To start, you have to appear non-judgmental about innocent Palestinian children being raised to become hum...
April 28, 2004
U.S. Trouble Means More Chances for Mullahs
Co-Authored by Robert Rabil Decades of brutal rule under the regime of Saddam Hussein have eroded the sense of Iraqi "national" identity shaped in the 20th century. Since the fall of the...
April 28, 2004
One day last May, I tuned in to Al-Jazeera's TV news broadcast and heard a Sunni cleric state: "The town of Fallujah refuses the occupation by the infidels, and will resist it." This Sunni c...
April 27, 2004
It's looking more and more as if one of the best reasons to get rid of Saddam Hussein was that it was probably the only way to get rid of Oil-for-Food. The problem wasn't simply that th...
April 21, 2004
The War ‘Against’ Iraq
"Al harb ala al Iraq." This slogan, which means "The War on Iraq," appears with each story on the Iraq conflict on al-Jazeera television and its young media counterparts in the Arab worl...
April 20, 2004
Claudia Rosett Testimony to House Subcommittee on National Security
FDD senior fellow Claudia Rosett testified before the House Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations in regards to the scandal surrounding the U.N. Oil-for...
April 20, 2004
Oil for Memories: How the U.N. Can Begin Paying its Debt to Iraq’s People
Having helped sustain and humor the tyranny and fraud of Saddam Hussein for years via the massively corrupt Oil-for-Food program, the United Nations has for the past year been seeking a new role...
April 20, 2004
Seeing Only What They Want to See
Bob Woodward's new book is less an expose than an inkblot test. It's remarkable how people can see the same words on the same pages - and come away with entirely different pictures....
April 19, 2004
Sharon’s Changing Mideast His Way
The leaders of Hamas (or what's left of them) hate it, Yasser Arafat is off the walls about it, and in predictably pompous style, the European Union is spitting diplomatic blood. But the tru...
April 17, 2004
Oil-for-Terror? There Appears to be Much Worse News to Uncover in the Oil-for-Food Scandal
Beyond the billions in graft, smuggling, and lavish living for Saddam Hussein that were the hallmarks of the United Nations Oil-for-Food program in Iraq, there is one more penny yet to drop....
April 15, 2004
The Oil-for-Food Scam: What Did Kofi Annan Know, and When Did He Know It?
For years, the United Nations Oil-for-Food program was just one more blip on the multilateral landscape: a relief program for Iraq, a way to feed hungry children in a far-off land until the world...
April 14, 2004
Red Tape Threatens to Cage Military Might
Co-Authored by Robert Andrews One lesson emerging from this week's 9/11 commission hearings is that confusion and lack of clarity can be disastrous in fighting terrorism. D...
April 13, 2004
Fight Terrorism with Terrorism?
The toughest challenge facing the Free World might not be defeating the terrorists in Iraq and elsewhere. The toughest challenge might be to avoid descending to the terrorists' level. Certai...
April 7, 2004
Sins of Commission
It's not supposed to be about politics. It's not supposed to be about settling scores. It's not supposed to be entertainment. But those are the ways the 9/11 commission's work...
April 7, 2004
The Gray Lady Whitewashes Black Muslims
Islam is frequently cited in the media as the fastest growing religion in America. Perhaps in recognition of this trend the New York Times recently featured an Arts & Ideas section profile of...
April 7, 2004
Side Show
Give Condoleezza Rice credit for candor. Testifying before the 9/11 Commission today, President Bush's national-security adviser acknowledged that the United States "simply was not on a war...
April 6, 2004
Somalia Redux?
U.S.troops suffered dozens of casualties at the hands of rebellious Shi'ite militiamen in Baghdad, as Americans were still reeling from the barbarous and gruesome ambush of four civilian sec...
April 6, 2004
Dial a Dissident
Just four months after winning fulsome praise for agreeing to give up his programs for weapons of mass murder, Libya's Col. Moammar Gadhafi has presented the democratic world with a test....
April 5, 2004
Sounding the Alarm
In the war on terror, we have reached a winter of discontent. Democratic candidates tell us the center cannot hold, that we are over-extended and globally unloved, that the Bush policies hav...
April 1, 2004
Kofi Annan’s Corrupt Enterprise
Authored by Editorial Board Is the clock ticking on Secretary General Kofi Annan's merry pranks at the United Nations? Could be. The rank corruption of the body's Iraq...
April 1, 2004
Oil for Palaces
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Almost a year after the fall of Baghdad, everybody knows that Saddam Hussein stole billions from the Iraqi people. What is now emerging is that the United Na...
March 30, 2004
FDD Senior Fellow Claudia Rosett Comments on Gadhafi’s Libya
March 30, 2004
Did Saddam Bribe the U.N.?
The U.N. oil-for-food program was supposed to help the Iraqi people acquire the food and medicine they needed while U.N. sanctions against Iraq were in place, sanctions that could have been lifte...
March 24, 2004
Blame Game: Who Took Terrorism Seriously Before 9/11?
Let's grant that Richard Clarke is correct in charging that the Bush administration did not appreciate the urgency of the terrorist threat in the eight months leading up to Sept. 11, 2001. B...
March 23, 2004
Selective Second Guessing: What is Richard Clarke Thinking?
The Bush administration is now being harshly criticized for (1) its policies of preemption and unilateralism and for (2) not unilaterally preempting the Taliban and al Qaeda immediately after com...
March 23, 2004
Talking to Tripoli: Meet Fathi Eljahmi, a Libyan Freedom-Fighter
One contribution any citizen of the Free World can make to those still living under tyranny is simply to learn their names. Especially, get to know the individuals among them who at great risk ch...
March 22, 2004
Wasting No Tears on Killer
Critics say Israel's decision to hit Yassin was a strategic error - it was bad timing and will provoke more violence. I disagree. There is no good time for such a strike, and terrorists need...
March 21, 2004
An Iraq to be Proud of
Authored by Andrew Apostolou One year after Coalition forces began the liberation of Iraq, there is a rush to judge how the U.S.-led project of creating a democratic society...
March 21, 2004
The Price of Spain’s Appeasement
The savage terror attack in Madrid was said to be Europe's 9-11. To many observers March 11 quickly became Spain's day of infamy. Instead, March 14, the day of the Spanish elections, ha...
March 20, 2004
Turtle Bay’s Carnival of Corruption: Digging Deeper into the Scandalous Oil-for-Food Program
With United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan finally conceding the need for an independent investigation of the U.N.’s 1996-2003 Oil-for-Food program in Iraq, the next question is how i...
March 18, 2004
The Trains of Jihad Derail Spain
As I heard the horrible news on the Thursday morning of the terrorist attacks in Spain, my mind turned to the news releases made by the Spanish government regarding the attacks. Madrid's con...
March 17, 2004
Spanish Lessons: Iraqis Get the Message; So Do the Terrorists
The other night, I attended a reception at the Embassy of Iraq. Virtually all Iraq's communities were represented: Sunni, Shia and Kurd, Muslim and Christian. There were women in modest veil...
March 10, 2004
A Creeping Coup’: Is Russia Heading Back to the USSR?
When the Soviet Union collapsed, most Russians looked forward to joining the Free World as quickly as possible. Having been a student and a reporter in the USSR, I soon found myself attending con...
March 9, 2004
Outing the Other Baathists
Authored by Oubai Shahbandar After passing the Syrian Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Act, the U.S. Congress is raising the heat on the Syrian Baath dictatorship with its propose...
March 9, 2004
Kojo and Kofi
In the growing scandal over the United Nations Oil-for-Food program, which from 1996-2003 supervised relief to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and his staff have ex...
March 9, 2004
Movies vs. Reality: “The Passion” is Mute Next to Auschwitz’s Quiet Power
KRAKOW, Poland--Mel Gibson's new movie, "The Passion of the Christ" opened last week in this venerable Polish city, playing to a rapt audience at the refurbished Kiev Cinema, a large movie h...
March 8, 2004
Bridging the Rift in the Middle East
As usual, the word from the Middle East recently has been a mixture of good news, bad news. One piece of good news is that the Iraqi Governing Council has signed an interim constitution establish...
March 6, 2004
Blair the Bold
Authored by Andrew Apostolou WHAT makes Tony Blair tick? To many of his compatriots, the British prime minister is a mystery. A devout Christian in a nation of atheists, he fors...
March 5, 2004
Venezuela: The Next Cuba
As Venezuela’s embattled democratic opposition gears up for its planned August referendum against that South American nation's increasingly authoritarian ruler, President Hugo Chavez i...
March 3, 2004
Building Democracies: Tough Work If You Can Get It
Virtually everyone reading this newspaper can drive a car. But how many of you could build a car? The same is true of democracy. Most people raised in a democratic society know how to op...
March 3, 2004
Zero Hour in Iraq: The Terrorist Campaign Moves Up a Gear
Authored by Andrew Apostolou SULAIMANI, IRAQI KURDISTAN–The terrorist attacks that claimed over 140 lives in Baghdad and Karbala on March 2, 2004, are probably the start of a new a...
March 1, 2004
Baghdad and Karbala Attacks
Authored by Andrew Apost...
March 1, 2004
Crisis Delayed: The Iraqi Interim Constitution Could Fail
Authored by Andrew Apostolou BAGHDAD & SULAIMANI, IRAQ–Iraqi politicians have been congratulating themselves on the interim constitution that they agreed on March 1, 2004. Adna...
February 25, 2004
Terrorism on Trial
THE HAGUE–A light snow was falling on the International Court of Justice in the Hague, an imposing building in a fenced, park-like setting. TV cameras perched on the front lawn as hundreds...