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July 16, 2004
Look to Jordan for Peace Option
The cure for the festering Israel-Palestine sore may lie right next door in neighboring Jordan. Up until now, it has only been whispered. But some Palestinian and Israeli opinion makers are begin...
July 14, 2004
Court of Injustice; UN Judges Issue a License to Kill
Years ago, the New York Daily News ran the headline: “Ford to City: Drop Dead.” Gerald Ford wasn't really telling anyone to die – the News was just characterizing the Presi...
July 14, 2004
Drip, Drip, Drip; More Oil for Food Details Leak Out. When will the U.N. Come Clean?
Kofigate continues. Another stack of secret United Nations Oil for Food do***ents has now reached the press, this batch procured by congressional sources and providing--at long last--a better vie...
July 14, 2004
Biters Bit; The Liberators Did Not Lie
By Andrew Apostolou During the last week, the myth that the British and American governments took their countries to war in Iraq on the basis of lies has been comprehensively demolished....
July 11, 2004
Our Man in Niger: Exposed and Discredited, Joe Wilson Might Consider Going Back
Joe Wilson's cover has been blown. For the past year, he has claimed to be a truth-teller, a whistleblower, the victim of a vast right-wing conspiracy — and most of the media have lapp...
July 8, 2004
Saddam Takes the Stage and Delivers His Lines
Saddam Hussein's defiant attitude during his court appearance was not the product of a delusional former tyrant. It is a staged cinema of a carefully planned series of steps. While many in t...
July 7, 2004
Update: Iran’s Nuclear Program
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Backgrounder: Update: Iran's Nuclear Program
July 7, 2004
Michael Moore, Hezbollah Heartthrob
"Fahrenheit 9/11" is making mega-bucks in American theaters and -- with some help from terrorists who also are Michael Moore fans -- it could prove a blockbuster in the Middle East too....
July 5, 2004
Post-Saddam Choices; Allawi Has Golden Opportunity
The completion of the “transfer paperwork,” two days ahead of schedule, was a pre-emptive strike against al Qaeda, the former Ba’athists, Iran and al Jazeera. The inter...
July 3, 2004
Report Doesn’t Deny Link
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The well-researched initial findings of the 9/11 Commission have been predictably misconstrued. The most common distortion is that the commission estab...
July 2, 2004
Democracy Expanding, More People Living Freely
Authored by Andrew Apostolou A year is an unreasonably short span within which to measure progress. Yet, despite the confusion of daily events, the world is a safer place an...
July 1, 2004
U.N. Lesson: Follow the Oil-for-Food Money
NEW YORK — This is the tale of a bribe linked to the U.N. oil-for-food program in Iraq. The bribe itself, paid to Saddam Hussein's regime, first made the news in late 20...
July 1, 2004
Oil-for-Food To the Editor: Since Claudia Rosett's campaign to deny the United Nations any role in "bringing democ...
June 30, 2004
His Life: As President and Autobiographer, Clinton’s Focus Was Not Terrorism
President Clinton's autobiography, “My Life,” is like Clinton's life – oversized, unabashedly self-serving and rather hard to read. But I'm not going to...
June 29, 2004
All in the Family
"Let freedom reign," wrote President Bush as Iraq regained sovereignty Monday. "Today, the secretary-general welcomes the state of Iraq back into the family of independent and sovereign...
June 28, 2004
Jack Kemp Statement on Early Transfer of Power to Iraq
Today, Jack Kemp issued the following statement on the early transfer of power to Iraq: "The transfer of power in Iraq came only two days early but it was a brilliant tactical stroke by...
June 28, 2004
Saddam Hussein: Terror Master
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The well-researched initial findings of the 9/11 commission have been predictably misconstrued. The most common distortion is that the 9/11 comm...
June 28, 2004
Law and Torture
Co-Authored by Ruth Wedgwood In the wake of the Abu Ghraib scandal, it is clear that maintaining humanitarian standards for those we take prisoner is central to the good name of the Unit...
June 27, 2004
Iraqi Freedoms are Sinister for Saudis
On Wednesday the Coalition Provisional Authority will shut down and Iraq will be governed by Iraqis. This is welcome. Opinion surveys show 80 per cent of Iraqis approve of the new interi...
June 24, 2004
Post-Modern Terrorism
Authored by Dr. Earl Tilford World War IV is total war on a global scale. While numerous nations are arrayed against a myriad of terrorist organizations, the United States is at war with...
June 23, 2004
Family Feuds: Some of the Best Fights Take Place Within the Parties
The media – television in particular -- tend to view every issue through a partisan lens: Republicans vs. Democrats, liberals vs. conservatives. Convenient as this shorthand may be, it lose...
June 22, 2004
Terrorism: Hostage Crisis
According to Al Jazeera reports, South Korean hostage Kim Sun Il, 33, has been beheaded by his kidnappers. Just a few days after the beheading of American hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr., mi...
June 21, 2004
Call in the Private Sector in Iraq
My friends tell me I sound like a broken record pleading for a 21st-century Marshall Plan for Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East and Central Asia. That's because I am passionate ab...
June 18, 2004
Statement from Senator Frank R. Lautenberg
Authored by Senator Frank R. Lautenberg Statement from Senator Frank R. Lautenberg in Response to the Murder of Paul Johnson Jr. WASHINGTON, DC –United States Senator Fran...
June 16, 2004
The Establishment Strikes Back
The terrorist attacks of 9/11 were, self-evidently, the worst intelligence failure in American history. Less well understood: They also were the worst policy failure. For more than two d...
June 16, 2004
The Problem With the Secretariat
NEWS FLASH -- In a stunning development that even the United Nations' fiercest critics will surely hail as a turn for the better, Secretary-General Kofi Annan announced yesterday that he is...
June 13, 2004
Afghanistan Leader and Hero
Since September 11, 2001, it has become clear a stable, democratic future for Afghanistan is integrally linked to American national security. A country devastated by more than 20 years of war, Af...
June 13, 2004
Oversee? More Like Overlook
"We want to understand what went wrong," claims Sept. 11 commission Vice Chairman Lee H. Hamilton. Really? Then why, after conducting numerous open hearings at which its members subjected the FBI...
June 9, 2004
Historical Precedents: The War on Terrorism Does Echo WW2
The 60th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy gave President Bush an opportunity to draw parallels between World War II, on the one hand, and the war in Iraq and the broader global conflict, o...
June 4, 2004
Post-World War II Lessons Show Building Iraqi Democracy is Vital
Authored by Andrew Apostolou This weekend, hundreds of thousands will pay tribute at the scores of memorials in Normandy to those who in June 1944 landed on the beache...
June 2, 2004
Saddam Is From Mars. Is Kerry From Venus?
Next Tuesday, for the first time in 122 years, Venus will pass across the face of the sun--something no one now living has ever witnessed. In these troubled times, it strikes me as some comfort t...
June 1, 2004
A Justifiable, Necessary and Winnable War
Anti-war activists have been feeling their oats. Pro-liberation advocates have been feeling woozy. So let's get back to basics, and ask three simple questions, to remind ourselves how we got...
June 1, 2004
Beware of the Terrorist Moles
Last week's dire warning from Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller was deadly clear: Al Qaeda is alive and well and planning a large-scale attack in the U.S. and/or...
June 1, 2004
Evidence Supports That Hussein Had Strong Links With Terrorists
The brutal beheading of American Nick Berg in Iraq should refocus our attention on Saddam Hussein's links to terrorism. While some continue to claim that Hussein did not back terror, many be...
May 26, 2004
Cover Up Culture: When Will the Real Oil-for-Food investigations Begin?
You have to admire the resilience of the United Nations. In theory, the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food relief program for Iraq, which ran from 1996-2003, is now the subject of at least five investigati...
May 25, 2004
Victory, Stalemate or Defeat? That’s the Real Debate
In World War II, Americans sought victory. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill would accept nothing less than the unconditional surrender of the totalitarian regimes against which th...
May 24, 2004
Georgia on His Mind – George Soros’s Potemkin Revolution.
AT THE VOICE OF AMERICA during the Cold War some of the most troublesome employees were those who broadcast daily to the Soviet Union and its satellite states, in Russian, Azeri, Georgian, Ukrain...
May 24, 2004
De Soto for Nobel Prize
Nobel Prizes are awarded each year in the months of October and November. The selection of prizewinners starts in the early autumn of the preceding year, when the prize-awarding institutions invi...
May 22, 2004
Blix the Blind: Book Review of Hans Blix’s Disarming Iraq
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Speaking to the U.N. Security Council on Jan. 27, 2003, Hans Blix, the U.N.'s chief arms inspector, criticized Saddam Hussein's regime for cooperat...
May 22, 2004
The Steps We Can Take to Prevent Another Abu Ghraib
Authored Ruth Wedgwood The worthy ambitions of the war in Iraq -- and I still believe there were many -- cannot mask the moral pain of the Abu Ghraib scandal. The cruel and humiliating m...
May 20, 2004
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Backgrounder: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
May 20, 2004
Stakes in Iraq Too High to Back Down
Nothing threatens the liberal agenda more than failure in the war in Iraq. Those who care about civil liberties, peace and humanitarian causes undermine their own goals unless they exercise restr...
May 19, 2004
Un-American Activities? It’s Not the Passport That Molds the Character
The abuses at Abu Ghraib prison, President Bush said, do not represent the America he knows. Sen. Joe Lieberman called what took place there "un-American." They're right, of c...
May 18, 2004
Very U.N.-Attractive – A Leaked Audit Gives Hints of the Oil-for-Food Corruption
In the scandal over the U.N. Oil-for-Food program in Iraq, Kofi Annan's main line of defense has been that he didn't know. Perhaps he should take a closer look at internal U.N. Oil-for-...
May 17, 2004
The Damage is Done, Now Here’s How to Fix It
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The News that American soldiers abused Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison is being treated as a knockout blow for the U.S. war in Iraq. Commen...
May 16, 2004
Iran’s A Growing Danger In Iraq
Leave it to those wonderful folks in Iran to stir the international terrorist pot.Tehran's mad mullahs have thrown their support behind select Islamic extremists for many years. But a top-se...
May 16, 2004
The Media’s Double Standard on Iraq Prison Abuse
For three weeks, the media has bombarded us with a pornographic orgy of lurid photos and stories of Iraqi prisoner abuse and humiliation. It has been almost impossible to avoid seeing the same di...
May 14, 2004
Only a Shot in Battle for Presidency
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Both the Bush and Kerry election campaigns have suggested that Americans read Bob Woodward's Plan of Attack. Such a dual endorsement seems odd while any...
May 12, 2004
A Winnable War – If Americans Don’t Succumb to Defeatism
In August of 1944, Charles de Gaulle led a victory parade down the Champs Elysees in Paris. What a clever idea that was. De Gaulle had never been elected anything. Early in the war he ha...
May 11, 2004
Another U.N. Scandal – At Turtle Bay, North Korean Dissidents Find Only Indifference
The U.N. Secretariat has been pouring noticeable energy lately into expressions of outrage over allegations that there was something rotten with its Oil-for-Food relief program in Iraq. In politi...