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September 7, 2004
Unholy War; But Muslims Are on Both Sides Now
Christians slaughtered by terrorists in Beslan, Russia. Nepalese Hindus butchered by terrorists in Iraq. Jews suicide-bombed in Beersheba, Israel. As we approach the third annivers...
September 7, 2004
Save Fathi Eljahmi; A Libyan Dissident Languishes in Gadhafi’s Dungeon
Unless someone with influence acts soon, this column must serve as an obituary for the hopes held out earlier this year of political reform in Moammar Gadhafi's Libya. More concretely, we ma...
September 5, 2004
Ticking Bomb
The news from Iran is grim. This Islamic dictatorship--the biggest source of terrorist training and financing in the world and the nation that's doing all it can to stir up trouble in alread...
September 1, 2004
This War Is Winnable
As President Clinton might say: "It depends on what the meaning of 'win' is." By now, you've no doubt read all about it: President Bush told NBC's Matt Lauer that he...
August 29, 2004
Analysis: The Attack in Kabul, a Message to New York
Per my analysis of the coverage of al Jazeera and the immediate reactions in the chat rooms (as of noon, Sunday), the attack against the antiterrorism center in Kabul aims mainly at sending a mes...
August 24, 2004
Fed Up With Vietnamania? Relief is at Hand
Time for a deep breath. We've hit that late-summer stretch when everyone is waiting for autumn, and the news seems stuck in endless replay. Seven years ago, we were about to hit round-the-cl...
August 23, 2004
The Uzbek Challenge
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The terrorist attacks in Tashkent on July 30, 2004, against U.S. and Israeli embassies and the Uzbek state prosecutor's office have been claime...
August 18, 2004
The Grandeur That Is Rome; Italian Courage in the War on Terrorism
Those who fear that America has no European allies should pay a visit to Rome. Actually, one should seize any excuse to go to Rome - to view the architecture and art, to sample the food...
August 12, 2004
Book Review: A Thousand Sighs, A Thousand Revolts: Journeys in Kurdistan
The Kurds are one of the most important political factors in the Middle East. Spread across six countries, they number perhaps forty million-larger than the population of Canada and more...
August 11, 2004
Taking Turkey for Granted – Unwise in the Past; Even More Foolish Now
Terrorists bombed two hotels in Istanbul this week. Neither happened to be the hotel in which I was staying. Still, considering that last November al Qaeda-linked terrorists bombed the British co...
August 11, 2004
A Bad Relationship
Authored by Andrew Apostolou One of the key findings of the 9/11 Commission is that al Qaeda was a terrorism innovator. Al Qaeda's "new terrorism," as the commission calls...
August 9, 2004
Clinton’s War; It Wasn’t With Terrorism
The revelation that former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger walked off with classified documents bearing on the Clinton administration's response to terrorism raises questions. Some of...
August 8, 2004
An Oil-for-Food Connection?
If, as the 9/11 Commission concludes, our "failure of imagination" left America open to the attacks of September 11, then surely some imagination is called for in tackling one of the riddles that...
August 4, 2004
Defending Sudan’s Black Muslims
Co-Authored with Cliff Shecter We don't agree on many things. One of us is a Republican and one a Democrat. One believes Iraq is the front line in the War on Terrorism, the...
August 1, 2004
The Other Perspective
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The International Court of Justice's recent decision to condemn Israel's security barrier has damaged the credibility of international law...
August 1, 2004
Tashkent Terrorists
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The terrorist attacks in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, on Friday are a testament to the continued vitality of the al Qaeda movement. Three su...
July 31, 2004
Reform Strategy of Saudi Arabia
Authored by Eugene Kontorovich The Bush administration has a unique opportunity to promote peace in the Middle East and further the war against terrorism. That opportunity is ba...
July 29, 2004
Why Iraq is Part of our War Against Terror
With the Left and much of the mainstream media hell-bent on delegitimizing our war in Iraq; some Americans are questioning why we went to battle — and whether it was worth it. On December 2...
July 27, 2004
Al-Qaida and the Creativity of Murder
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Now that the much-awaited Sept. 11 commission report has been published, there will be even more focus on the failings of politicians, intelligence...
July 27, 2004
9/11: A Failure of Academia
A few months ago, when the 9/11 Commission released footage of the communications between several command centers and the transportation network during the dramatic minutes of September 11, one p...
July 27, 2004
Burning Bridges
A Democratic foreign policy is what I was looking for when I switched on the TV Monday to watch the opening lineup at the Democratic Convention. I sat through Jimmy Carter ("Brezhnev lied to me")...
July 27, 2004
Stupid Intelligence
Building a better mousetrap is hard. Building a better bureaucracy is harder. What the 9/11 commission found most lacking in the U.S. intelligence community was not energy or dedication,...
July 25, 2004
Clarke Tipped in the Wrong Direction: Is Warning Osama Associates “Taking Terrorism Seriously?”
Authored by Rep. J.D. Hayworth In his apology to the families of the victims of 9/11, Richard Clarke said, "Your government failed you. Those entrusted with protecting you faile...
July 22, 2004
The Next Strike: Will Al Qaida Attack the Conventions
One of the heaviest questions in the realm of homeland security these days centers on the possibility that al Qaeda cells are targeting the American political process, starting with the upcoming...
July 21, 2004
Clear and Present Danger; American’s Enemies Target Democrats and Republicans Alike
Bipartisan alliances have become a rarity in Washington. But this week, in a small room in the Capitol, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a Democrat from Connecticut, and Sen. Jon Kyl, a Republican from Ari...
July 21, 2004
Unfair Allegations
I was shocked and chagrined to see The Post's front page story on Friday ("Ingrate: Iraq diplo axed for dissing GIs," July 16) about Iraq's representative, Rend al Rahim. I hav...
July 19, 2004
A Court in the Service of Terrorism: Playing Arafat’s Propaganda Game
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to condemn the Israeli security barrier has dealt a serious blow to the credibility of international...
July 16, 2004
Look to Jordan for Peace Option
The cure for the festering Israel-Palestine sore may lie right next door in neighboring Jordan. Up until now, it has only been whispered. But some Palestinian and Israeli opinion makers are begin...
July 14, 2004
Court of Injustice; UN Judges Issue a License to Kill
Years ago, the New York Daily News ran the headline: “Ford to City: Drop Dead.” Gerald Ford wasn't really telling anyone to die – the News was just characterizing the Presi...
July 14, 2004
Drip, Drip, Drip; More Oil for Food Details Leak Out. When will the U.N. Come Clean?
Kofigate continues. Another stack of secret United Nations Oil for Food do***ents has now reached the press, this batch procured by congressional sources and providing--at long last--a better vie...
July 14, 2004
Biters Bit; The Liberators Did Not Lie
By Andrew Apostolou During the last week, the myth that the British and American governments took their countries to war in Iraq on the basis of lies has been comprehensively demolished....
July 11, 2004
Our Man in Niger: Exposed and Discredited, Joe Wilson Might Consider Going Back
Joe Wilson's cover has been blown. For the past year, he has claimed to be a truth-teller, a whistleblower, the victim of a vast right-wing conspiracy — and most of the media have lapp...
July 8, 2004
Saddam Takes the Stage and Delivers His Lines
Saddam Hussein's defiant attitude during his court appearance was not the product of a delusional former tyrant. It is a staged cinema of a carefully planned series of steps. While many in t...
July 7, 2004
Update: Iran’s Nuclear Program
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Backgrounder: Update: Iran's Nuclear Program
July 7, 2004
Michael Moore, Hezbollah Heartthrob
"Fahrenheit 9/11" is making mega-bucks in American theaters and -- with some help from terrorists who also are Michael Moore fans -- it could prove a blockbuster in the Middle East too....
July 5, 2004
Post-Saddam Choices; Allawi Has Golden Opportunity
The completion of the “transfer paperwork,” two days ahead of schedule, was a pre-emptive strike against al Qaeda, the former Ba’athists, Iran and al Jazeera. The inter...
July 3, 2004
Report Doesn’t Deny Link
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The well-researched initial findings of the 9/11 Commission have been predictably misconstrued. The most common distortion is that the commission estab...
July 2, 2004
Democracy Expanding, More People Living Freely
Authored by Andrew Apostolou A year is an unreasonably short span within which to measure progress. Yet, despite the confusion of daily events, the world is a safer place an...
July 1, 2004
U.N. Lesson: Follow the Oil-for-Food Money
NEW YORK — This is the tale of a bribe linked to the U.N. oil-for-food program in Iraq. The bribe itself, paid to Saddam Hussein's regime, first made the news in late 20...
July 1, 2004
Oil-for-Food To the Editor: Since Claudia Rosett's campaign to deny the United Nations any role in "bringing democ...
June 30, 2004
His Life: As President and Autobiographer, Clinton’s Focus Was Not Terrorism
President Clinton's autobiography, “My Life,” is like Clinton's life – oversized, unabashedly self-serving and rather hard to read. But I'm not going to...
June 29, 2004
All in the Family
"Let freedom reign," wrote President Bush as Iraq regained sovereignty Monday. "Today, the secretary-general welcomes the state of Iraq back into the family of independent and sovereign...
June 28, 2004
Jack Kemp Statement on Early Transfer of Power to Iraq
Today, Jack Kemp issued the following statement on the early transfer of power to Iraq: "The transfer of power in Iraq came only two days early but it was a brilliant tactical stroke by...
June 28, 2004
Saddam Hussein: Terror Master
Authored by Andrew Apostolou The well-researched initial findings of the 9/11 commission have been predictably misconstrued. The most common distortion is that the 9/11 comm...
June 28, 2004
Law and Torture
Co-Authored by Ruth Wedgwood In the wake of the Abu Ghraib scandal, it is clear that maintaining humanitarian standards for those we take prisoner is central to the good name of the Unit...
June 27, 2004
Iraqi Freedoms are Sinister for Saudis
On Wednesday the Coalition Provisional Authority will shut down and Iraq will be governed by Iraqis. This is welcome. Opinion surveys show 80 per cent of Iraqis approve of the new interi...
June 24, 2004
Post-Modern Terrorism
Authored by Dr. Earl Tilford World War IV is total war on a global scale. While numerous nations are arrayed against a myriad of terrorist organizations, the United States is at war with...
June 23, 2004
Family Feuds: Some of the Best Fights Take Place Within the Parties
The media – television in particular -- tend to view every issue through a partisan lens: Republicans vs. Democrats, liberals vs. conservatives. Convenient as this shorthand may be, it lose...
June 22, 2004
Terrorism: Hostage Crisis
According to Al Jazeera reports, South Korean hostage Kim Sun Il, 33, has been beheaded by his kidnappers. Just a few days after the beheading of American hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr., mi...
June 21, 2004
Call in the Private Sector in Iraq
My friends tell me I sound like a broken record pleading for a 21st-century Marshall Plan for Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East and Central Asia. That's because I am passionate ab...