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October 31, 2004
Bin Laden’s Beef with America
Osama bin Laden's striking new videotape, in which he addresses the American people on the eve of our elections, is as much about his own campaign for power and influence in the Muslim world...
October 31, 2004
Doing the Department Injustice
This morning’s New York Times has a characteristically infuriating article, which suggests–by giving prominence to arguments being made by champions and lawyers for enemy combatants&n...
October 31, 2004
G-Men’s Guilt
Is there a "tyranny of the case file"? The criminal investigator, whose "case file" is at issue, must have the ability to size up facts through the prism of potential charges and knit together ev...
October 31, 2004
The End of the Right of Self-Defense? Israel, the World Court, and the War on Terror
A country's right to defend itself against external attack is so irreducible a component of sovereignty as to have been assumed from time immemorial. Recent events, however, have cast seriou...
October 28, 2004
Symposium: Iraq: Fight or Flight?
Co-authored by: Jamie Glaznov, Greg Bates, David Lindorff and Jed Babbin. Where are we headed in Iraq? Is it crucial to stay and fight for victory, or, as some liberal-left crit...
October 28, 2004
When American Power Meets the “International Community,” Guess Who Wins?
The "global test," Senator John Kerry explained at the first debate on October 8, is the standard for judging presidential action in defense of American national security. It is the barometer by...
October 28, 2004
Pentagon Press Conference
The Pentagon press conference on Friday throws more doubt on the already discredited claim, first aired this week by the New York Times and the Kerry campaign that the American military lost 380...
October 28, 2004
Al Qaeda’s Plans for an American Chaos
By: Dr. Walid Phares. When Mohammed Atta slammed his fleet of hijacked planes into the Manhattan skyline on September 11, his masters expected that such a wound would unravel th...
October 27, 2004
FDD, AIC and IWF to Train Iraqi Women Leaders
The American Islamic Congress is a nonprofit, nonpartisan social organization with extensive experience in Iraq. As a mem...
October 27, 2004
U.N. Manipulating U.S. Election?
On Monday, The New York Times carried a front-page story that could change the outcome of the 2004 elections. According to the Times, a cache of powerful explosives used to "mak...
October 27, 2004
The Plot Thickens
As Kathryn has pointed out, it was heartening that the Washington Post today was willing to follow the trail where NRO yesterday suggested it leads: Back to U.N. official Mohammed El Baradei, who...
October 26, 2004
The United Nations is already embroiled in the largest economic scam in world history: the multibillion dollar Oil-for-Food scandal. Now there is reason to ask whether a senior U.N., official als...
October 25, 2004
Kerry’s Pamphleteer
At this point it is scandalous that the "newspaper of record" pretends to be anything other than the daily Kerry campaign talking-points memo. But don't expect too much oxygen to be wasted o...
October 25, 2004
State Department Slams US-Run Radio in Arab World
By: Dr. Walid Phares. Here's how a coordinated attack against Middle East democratization debuts in America: On October 13, the Washington Post's Glenn Kessler writes...
October 24, 2004
Security vs. Freedoms
Revelations about prisoner abuse during the American stewardship of the Abu Ghraib facility near Baghdad first broke into a full-fledged scandal with the publication of horrifying images in April...
October 23, 2004
Review of Inside Centcom: The Unvarnished Truth About the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
By: Andrew Apostolou. Michael DeLong's memoir of his three years as deputy commander of Central Command (CentCom) is fascinating and frustrating. Fascinating, because CentC...
October 20, 2004
No Diversion: The Case Against the War in Iraq Has Weakened
You can argue that the conflict in Iraq is a distraction from the "War on Terrorism". But that argument is weaker than it was a few days ago -- before Abu Musab Zarqawi, the leader of t...
October 19, 2004
La République des Bananes
Kofi Annan, secretary-general of the United Nations, finds it "inconceivable" that Russia, France or China might have been influenced in Security Council debates by Saddam Hussein's Oil for...
October 19, 2004
Lying Liars and the Big, Fat Lies They Tell
On a radio show the other day, it fell to me to introduce Robert Scheer, a longtime icon of the Left (he was an editor of Ramparts in the 1960s and ’70s), now a columnist and contributing e...
October 18, 2004
ACLU Misleads; We Are Not All Suspects
By: Victoria Toensing. “So the government can search your house,” claims an American Civil Liberties Union ad attacking the Patriot Act. “Without notifying us,...
October 17, 2004
Behind the Times
Let's imagine it's August 2001. And let's pretend that the Clinton Justice Department never erected the procedural war that, to borrow the words Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorel...
October 14, 2004
Over at the United Nations "Conflicts-of-Interest-R-Us" world headquarters, there's a new twist on the former Oil-for-Food program for Iraq. Secretary General Kofi Annan has now decided that...
October 13, 2004
The Sunni Strategic Surprise
By: Andrew Apostolou. The debate over the continuing violence in Iraq is missing an important element: an appreciation of enemy strategy and tactics. The presidential campaigns,...
October 13, 2004
The Fog of War
Those calling Iraq a quagmire don't know what they're talking about. Of course, those claiming that American, Iraqi and coalition forces are well on their way to defeatin...
October 13, 2004
Saddam, Syria Colluded Under U.N. Watch
For dirty deals done with Saddam Hussein, France and Russia may take the cake — but that's just the beginning. Packed into the Iraq Survey Group report from CIA chief weapons...
October 12, 2004
Egypt and Militant Islam
Last week, three suicide bombings within an hour left at least 34 people dead and hundreds wounded at resorts frequented by Israeli tourists in the Taba region of the Sinai Peninsula. In the afte...
October 10, 2004
Bad Press
This side of Dan Rather, no one has more cause for concern about fallout from CBS's scandalous document hoax than Seymour Hersh. For no journalist has benefited more from the decades-old jer...
October 7, 2004
Coalition of the Bribed
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Wednesday's report by Charles Duelfer, the chief U.S. weapons inspector, is devastating not for the U.S.-led Coalition that liberated Iraq, but...
October 7, 2004
The U.N.’s Greatest Failure; Saddam’s Iraq Evidently Passed Turtle Bay’s Global Test
Authored by Andrew Apostolou Wednesday's report by Charles Duelfer demonstrated not only that United Nations weapons inspections in Iraq were a bust, but also the fundament...
October 6, 2004
The New Anti-Semitism; Selling Genocide as a “Struggle For Equality”
In the early 1940s, genocidal anti-Semitism expressed itself in the Holocaust: 6 million Jews rounded up and exterminated. In 1948, genocidal anti-Semitism took the form of 5 Arab armies...
October 6, 2004
Saddam’s Sugar Daddy
CIA chief weapons inspector Charles Duelfer may not have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but he sure found information enough to blow the lid off the simmering scandal of the United Na...
October 6, 2004
Weapons Report
The nightly network news gave major attention yesterday to a new report by chief weapons inspector Charles Duelfer that concludes Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. Of course, the...
October 5, 2004
America, Just Be Yourself
America addressed the earth: Do you love me as I love you?" - W.H. Auden, "In Time of War" Auden wrote those lines in 1938, on the eve of World...
October 5, 2004
Threat Assessment; Interpreting the Duelfer Report
I was just on the BBC World Service providing a minority view on Charles Duelfer's report – The Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD. Prec...
October 4, 2004
Shoe Bomber 2.0; The Justice Department Indicts Richard Reid’s Accomplice
John Ashcroft reminded Americans Monday of how effective the government's post-9/11 effort to thwart Islamic militancy has been, announcing the indictment of a second conspirator in the most...
September 30, 2004
A Mid East American Revolution Is Coming
Since September 11, 2001, a major question crossed the minds of many U.S. citizens: What would make 19 men from the Middle East hate us so much that they would massacre 3,000 Americans? Every anc...
September 29, 2004
Roads Not Taken; Were Other Iraq Options Better?
We've come to believe we had just two choices in Iraq: (1) stay out and hope to keep Saddam Hussein “in his box”; or (2) proceed exactly as President Bush did – remove the...
September 22, 2004
Listening to Kerry; His Iraq-is-a-Diversion Claim Exploits a Real Weakness
We often tend to reject the message simply because of who the messenger is — especially if the messenger can't seem to keep his story straight from one day to the next. But it would be...
September 22, 2004
Lebanon Under Syria’s Boot
Although Syria has interfered in Lebanon's presidential elections throughout the country's modern history, Damascus' current manipulation of Lebanese elections has boiled down to a...
September 21, 2004
Hosting Hate: American Internet Companies and Their Terrorist Clients
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
September 21, 2004
Presbyterian Preachiness
Authored by Eugene Kontorovich What do the Presbyterian Church and the Syrian Baathist dictatorship have in common? They have both pledged themselves to cutting off tie...
September 21, 2004
Safety First? Wars Can Only Be Won by Taking Risks
Are we safe? Are we safer now than we were before September 11, 2001? Are we safer than we would have been had we not toppled Saddam Hussein? Media types, candidates, partisans – a...
September 21, 2004
What’s ‘Illegal’? Kofi Annan Helped Saddam Hussein Steal Food From Babies
When U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan opined last week to the BBC that the U.S.-led overthrow of Saddam Hussein had been "illegal," two words came instantly to my mind: baby food. No, I...
September 20, 2004
Terror Prosecutor, Arab Media Expert Join FDD
Senior Fellows Andrew McCarthy and Avi Jorisch Add to Exp...
September 19, 2004
Possible Saddam-Al Qaeda Link Seen in U.N. Oil-for-Food Program
Co-Authored with George Russell Did Saddam Hussein use any of his ill-gotten billions filched from the United Nations Oil-for-Food program to help fund Al Qaeda?...
September 15, 2004
U.N.: What Is It Good For?
Why do we continue to participate in a vast international charade? Maybe Sudan will finally be able to do what a couple of Intifadas and the systematic mass murder in Rwanda could not. M...
September 14, 2004
The War on Terror: Who is Winning?
On the third anniversary of 9/11, the question remains: are we winning the War on Terror? The answer has serious consequences not only for America's national security and international relat...
September 14, 2004
A Hard Place; In Iraq, Failure is Not An Option; It Is a Possibility
On any given morning, 99.9% of Iraq's 25 million people may wake up eager to rebuild their country and secure the blessings of liberty for themselves, their families and their neighbors....
September 9, 2004
Symposium: Darfur – Islam’s Killing Fields
Why is it that -- yet again -- another Arab League member is massacring its minority populations? Why is the Western media reluctant to identify the religion and ethnicity of the mass murderers a...
September 8, 2004
Fenced In; Israel draws a Red Line on the Green Line
Late last month in Israel came a grim reminder of why its antiterrorism fence is so important: Sixteen Israelis were killed and over 100 wounded in twin suicide bombings in the city of Beersheba....