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August 11, 2010
What Is Moderate Islam?
Is the “Ground Zero Imam,” Feisal Abd ar-Rauf, a moderate Muslim? I do not know. I have yet to read his books or peruse his speeches and sermons in all the languages that Mr. Rauf use...
August 10, 2010
Free Speech 1, Bloomberg 0 on the Ground Zero Mosque
A group opposing the Ground Zero mosque attempted to run ads against the project on New York City buses and trains, but the Metropolitan Transportation Authority refused to permit them because th...
August 10, 2010
From Germany, a Lesson for Mayor Bloomberg
While New York mayor Michael Bloomberg was energetically defending the Ground Zero mosque, German authorities banned on Monday the Masjid Taiba mosque of Hamburg, which served as the launching pa...
August 10, 2010
UN: Taliban Responsible for 76% of Deaths in Afghanistan
The Taliban's responsibility for the vast majority of civilian deaths is perhaps the most underreported story from Afghanistan since the war began....
August 9, 2010
Taliban Flog, Execute Pregnant Woman in Afghanistan
Time magazine's cover, featuring a young Afghan woman whose nose and ears were chopped off by her Taliban husband for dishonoring him, has sparked plenty of outrage from folks who should be...
August 9, 2010
Obama’s Iran Fantasy
Co-Authored with Stephen F. Hayes Iran is at war with the United States in Afghanistan. Documents released as part of the Wikileaks dump show that U.S. commanders receive regula...
August 9, 2010
Senate Should Slow Down Ratification of New START Treaty
While the Obama administration trades horses and twists arms to get a nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia through the Senate before the November elections, no one seems to have noticed that...
August 7, 2010
State Department: Former Gitmo Detainee Led Terror Cell in Jordan
A former Guantanamo detainee named Usama Abu Kabir led a terror cell in Jordan that was broken up in 2009, according to a new report by the US State Department. On Thursday, the State Department...
August 6, 2010
The Lebanon Border And Hezbollah’s War Footing
Lebanon’s southern border with Israel came very close to a military conflagration Tuesday, amidst a showdown between the international community and Iran’s regime, which continues to...
August 6, 2010
Further Travels Of Imam Feisal
While debate rages over plans for an Islamic center in Lower Manhattan, the imam behind this project, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is not available to answer questions in New York. Since locating the absen...
August 5, 2010
Double Down on Iran Sanctions
Just a month after President Obama signed the Iran Sanctions Act into law, the new restrictions appear to have gotten Tehran's attention. Gasoline imports into the Islamic Republic fell nearly 50%...
August 5, 2010
Sanctions Plus?
Suppose the tough, new sanctions passed into law by the U.S., the E.U., Canada, and Australia do not cause Iran’s Islamist rulers to halt their illicit development of nuclear weapons, curb...
August 5, 2010
Do Gaza Flotillas Provide Material Support to Hamas?
Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy recently argued at National Review Online that the federal government has reason to investigate Rashid Khalidi, an activist Middle Eastern studies professo...
August 5, 2010
State Department: Iran Sponsors Terrorists Who Kill Americans
The State Department has finally released its Country Reports on Terrorism for 2009. Foggy Bottom’s analysis, which details terrorist events in the previous calendar year, was supposed to b...
August 4, 2010
Vote On DNI Held Up By Gitmo Concerns
Senate Republicans have blocked a vote on President Obama’s nominee to fill the Director of National Intelligence spot, James Clapper. Why? They want more transparency from the most transpa...
August 4, 2010
Mosques, Barracks and Bayonets
NRO’s excellent editorial this morning on the...
August 4, 2010
Former Gitmo Detainee Turned Taliban Leader Threatens Afghan Elders
A former Guantanamo detainee who is currently a senior Taliban leader has threatened to kill tribal elders cooperating with Coalition forces and the Afghan government. According to Newsweek...
August 3, 2010
Coalition Against Terrorist Media Praises French Decision to Ban Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV
Coalition Against Terrorist Media Praises French Decision to Ban Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV...
August 3, 2010
The Taliban’s Savagery
When WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange announced the massive leak of more than 90,000 classified documents, he claimed that he was exposing “thousands” of possible American war crimes....
August 3, 2010
Look At Who Holds The South Lebanon Trigger
On the eve of last Friday’s mini-Arab summit in Lebanon, the United States quietly, but noticeably, renewed a 2007 Executive Order designating parties deemed to be undermining Lebanese sove...
August 2, 2010
Iran Sanctions Need to Drive a Wedge
LAST Monday the European Union approved more punitive measures against Tehran. These came six weeks after the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1929, slapping new sanctions against T...
August 2, 2010
Loopholes Let Iran Off the Hook
LONDON — Geopolitical psychoanalysis can be a lazy and futile staple of international affairs. But the judgment of Robert M. Gates, the U.S. defense secretary, that Russia's relationship with Ira...
July 30, 2010
Where In The World Is Imam Feisal?
Plans for a $100 million high-rise Islamic Center next to New York's Ground Zero are generating lots of controversy, as well as great distress among families of some of the thousands murdere...
July 29, 2010
FDD Executive Director Testifies before House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on “Imple
Press Release July 29, 2010 CONTACT: Judy Mayka 202-621-3948 FDD Executive Director Testifies before House Committee on...
July 29, 2010
FDD Executive Director Testifies before House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on “Imple
Press Release July 29, 2010 CONTACT: Judy Mayka FDD Executive Director Testifies before House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on "Implementation of Iran Sanctions" Washington, D.C. (July 29, 2010)
July 29, 2010
Dear Mayor Bloomberg
Your Honor: In regard to the proposal to build an Islamic center at the site of the 9/11 terrorist attack in Manhattan, I commend you for saying: “Everything the United States stan...
July 28, 2010
The New ‘Pentagon Papers’
This is first-rate commentary, and oorah! for the New York Times for publishing it. Bottom line: Nothing new here, save perhaps some operational details that may cost NATO lives. The punditry has...
July 28, 2010
State Dept. to List Sanctionable Firms
WASHINGTON – The US State Department is on track to produce a list of foreign companies violating Iran-sanctions laws as soon as early August, according to a congressman involved in the issue....
July 28, 2010
Sanction Multipliers: New Laws Would Get Tough on Companies that Affiliate with Mullahs
In the wake of enactment of major sanctions against Iran, some in Congress are looking for new ways to tighten the noose further. While Iranian government officials have mused publicly that new san...
July 28, 2010
What the Wikileaks Tell Us About Pakistani Loyalties
Leslie Gelb, the former head of the Council on Foreign Relations and a current columnist for the Daily Beast, looked at the 90,000 USG document dump on WikiLeaks, and focused on the issue that ma...
July 28, 2010
Mullah Omar Orders Taliban to Attack Civilians, Afghan Women
The battle for hearts and minds in Afghanistan has taken a new turn in the past two months. The Taliban's supreme leader, Mullah Omar, has ordered his forces to kill or capture any civilians...
July 28, 2010
New Zawahiri Tape Eulogizes Mustafa Abu al Yazid
Ayman al Zawahiri has issued a new 47-minute audio tape with accompanying imagery eulogizing Mustafa Abu al Yazid, a major al Qaeda financial chief whose death has been previously reported by the...
July 27, 2010
With America Exiting, Who Matters in Iraq?
Last week’s meeting in Damascus between former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi and the leader of the Iraqi Shia Sadrist movement, Moqtada al-Sadr, inevitably attracted the conventional pla...
July 27, 2010
What the WikiLeaks Documents Say About Iran-al Qaeda
One of the more interesting aspects of the WikiLeaks document dump is the persistence of intelligence reports indicating collusion between al Qaeda, al Qaeda-affiliated parties, and Iran. By itse...
July 27, 2010
Rhetoric and Reality,’ And Our Understanding of The Rule of Law
Last month, Marc Lynch published a report for the Center for a New American Security, Rhetoric and Reality: Countering Terrorism in the Age of Obama. The report is a worthy contribution to public...
July 26, 2010
An Anti-War Leak
It will take some time to comb through the massive document dump that WikiLeaks unleashed last night. Thus far, a database available on the WikiLeaks website includes almost 77,000 documents. The...
July 26, 2010
Can EU Sanctions Stop Iran?
The European Union announced today the imposition of tough sanctions targeting Iran’s energy, shipping, insurance, and financial sectors. After seven years of delay negotiating tactics by t...
July 26, 2010
EU Agrees to Stronger Iran Sanctions
The European Union announced today that it would be imposing robust sanctions on Iran, targeting its energy, shipping, insurance and financial sectors. After seven years of being out-negotiated a...
July 26, 2010
U.S. Interests in Promoting Security Across The Sahara
While the United States has made promoting security in across the Sahara, from the Mediterranean coast of North Africa to the resource-rich West African waters of the Gulf of Guinea, a significan...
July 25, 2010
Is The Intelligence Community Out of Control?
Is there anything new here? Contractors have been a major component of our national security mix since the Clinton administration, when Vice President Al Gore started to reinvent government. Sinc...
July 24, 2010
Sharia Creeps
A few weeks back, uniformed police in the heavily Muslim Detroit suburb of Dearborn, Michigan, arrested four Christian missionaries for the offense of handing out copies of the Gospel of St. John...
July 23, 2010
Al Qaeda’s Matchmaking Service
How many Gitmo detainees traveled to Afghanistan to find a wife? A fair number, if you accept their cover stories at face value, something only a fool would do. Abdul Rahman Abdul Abu Gh...
July 23, 2010
The Continued Ineptitude of Our Jihadi Enemies
A senior Taliban commander killed himself and his assistant when a bomb they were assembling prematurely detonated, the BBC reported yesterday. Several of Irshad Khan’s family members...
July 23, 2010
Iran’s Mini-Empire At The U.N.
The United Nations has just created a new "entity" on women's rights, called U.N. Women. Elections to its governing board are now being organized. How long before Iran wins a seat?...
July 23, 2010
Should France Ban the Burqa?
France’s lower house of parliament should be commended for approving a ban on the burqa this week. The French senate is expected to pass the measure in September. Once enacted, the law will...
July 23, 2010
Iran’s Global Terrorist Reach
The United States became painfully aware of the threat posed by global jihadism after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Until that day, Iranian-backed terrorist networks, such as Hezbolla...
July 22, 2010
FDD Welcomes Conference Report on Iran Sanctions
FDD Welcomes Conference Report on Iran Sanctions...
July 22, 2010
Algerian Government Denies Reports of Former Gitmo Detainee’s Mistreatment
The Algerian government today denied reports that it was detaining and mistreating a former Guantanamo detainee. The ex-Gitmo detainee, Abdul Aziz Naji, was repatriated to Algeria earlier this we...
July 22, 2010
Will Germany Continue to Prop up Iran’s Financial Terror Entities?
The European Union is slated this week to wrap up a new round of sanctions. Their goal is to force Iran to suspend its illicit nuclear program. After years of inaction, the European Union is now...
July 22, 2010
Imagine a Nuclear Iran
It’s been said that a diplomat is a gentleman paid to go abroad and lie for his country. Sometimes, however, diplomats slip up and tell the truth. In response to a question at the hopefully...