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August 31, 2010
What Have We Learned From Iraq?
President Obama’s speech tonight announcing the end of combat activities in Iraq will be greeted with a national sigh of relief rather than a flag-waving hurrah. And it is driven more by El...
August 31, 2010
Al Qaeda Leader in Yemen Tries to Woo Saudi Soldiers
In a nearly 15-minute audio tape released in early August, Said al Shihri, one of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's (AQAP) top leaders, tried to convince Saudi soldiers and security office...
August 30, 2010
FDD on New Congressional Iran Sanctions Working Group
Washington, D.C. (August 3, 2010) - Statement from Mark Dubowitz, FDD Executive Director and Director, Iran Energy Project: “The House of Representatives took the right step in cre...
August 30, 2010
Daisy Khan’s ‘Postponed’ Travels — Now What?
Yet another news flash on the whereabouts of the self-described "bridge-building" couple behind the Ground Zero mosque: Last week, Daisy Khan was poised to travel to the Middle East, pla...
August 30, 2010
Take Iranian Opposition to the Streets
MINDFUL of the danger of Iran's regime acquiring nuclear weapons, the international community has passed a new round of sanctions. They aim to persuade Tehran that a negotiated deal...
August 30, 2010
Strategic Sanctions
When the White House invited a small group of senior journalists for a background briefing on Iran in early August, few expected the President to be the speaker. Barack Obama sparked excitement w...
August 27, 2010
Fishy Business: Military Commission for Mastermind of USS Cole Attack Delayed, Again
The Obama administration has delayed the trial by military commission of Abd al Rahim al Nashiri, the mastermind of the USS Cole attack, according to the Washington Post. The Defense Department d...
August 27, 2010
Terror Cell Broken Up in Canada
The news out of Canada is that authorities have broken up a terrorist cell that had more than 50 electronic circuit boards that could be used in improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The details o...
August 27, 2010
BBC Exonerates Israel
A rare note of European journalistic optimism in the aftermath of Israel's naval interception in May of a flotilla headed for Hamas-ruled Gaza: BBC Panorama, an investigative TV program, air...
August 26, 2010
Amnesty International Official Calls Israel a ‘Scum State’
On Monday the head of Finland's branch of Amnesty International, Frank Johansson, termed Israela "scum state."...
August 26, 2010
Muslims + Mainstream Media = Madness
Wow! The Washington Post has identified “rabble-rousing outsiders!” I don’t think I’ve heard language like that since southern segregationists complained about young civil...
August 25, 2010
Germany Learns to Tolerate Radical Islamic Intolerance
Germany's foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, offered the following justification for not traveling with his gay partner to Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries: "We want to encourage t...
August 25, 2010
Experts Differ on Whether Iran Sanctions Will Work
MONTREAL — Foreign companies doing business in Iran could get around Canada's newly expanded sanctions by making their operations in this country subsidiaries of a parent in Iran, warned Mark Dub...
August 25, 2010
Moderate Muslims Are Not the Answer
The New Republic’s Jonathan Chait recently underscored a view about Islamic militancy versus the West that is widely held on both the left and right and should be challenged. To quote Mr. C...
August 25, 2010
A Cold-War Lesson: Be Ready and Willing to Go to the Brink With Iran
Prognostication is obviously risky. As far as I can tell, no one in the Clinton Administration in 1998, even after al-Qaeida attacked U.S. embassies in Africa, was in favor of fire-bombing the Ta...
August 24, 2010
The Spiraling Consequences of Iran’s Nuclear Drive
On Saturday, Iran's Russian enablers jump-started the fueling of the Islamic Republic's first nuclear power plant, Bushehr. While the U.S. State Department pooh-poohed Bushehr as not "a...
August 24, 2010
Cracks in the Iranian Monolith
The Iranian regime loves to boast of its military strength, international clout and hold on domestic power. Much of this is accepted by outside experts, but in fact the regime is in trouble. Iran...
August 24, 2010
Cashing In On Ground Zero
Among the prime planners of a $100 million Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero, it's not just Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf who is visiting the Middle East this summer at U.S. taxpayer expen...
August 23, 2010
Ex-Gitmo Detainee Surrenders in Yemen
Yemeni authorities announced on Saturday that a former Guantanamo detainee who rejoined al Qaeda has turned himself in. Ali Hussein al Taiss was a wanted "al Qaeda element," according to...
August 23, 2010
Imam Rauf and the ‘One State Solution’ for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Understandably, Feisal Rauf's assertion that the U.S. has more innocent blood on its hands...
August 21, 2010
Imam Feisal’s Trip of ‘Great Importance’: We Have a Sighting in Bahrain
Thank you, New York Post. We have a report Saturday that "[a]ppearing in public for the first time in weeks," the man behind the Ground Zero mosque, Imam...
August 20, 2010
Four Countries Joined Gasoline Exporters to Iran
Despite the US sanctions, Iran has exported above 1 million tons of gasoline from 7 countries during the first four months of the current Iranian year (started March 20). United Arab Emirate...
August 20, 2010
Former Gitmo Detainee Tried to Kill Saudi Prince
Al Qaeda really wants to kill Prince Muhammad Bin Naif Bin Abdul Aziz, who is the Saudi deputy interior minister and oversees the Kingdom’s counterterrorism efforts. According to the Saudi...
August 19, 2010
The Imam Has Landed… So When Does He Phone Home?
It's now almost a month since the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque project answered any questions from the U.S. media (or any other media, as far as I'm aware), or even bestirred hims...
August 19, 2010
Texans Have Opportunity to Deter Iran’s Enablers
In the coming weeks, the State Department will provide President Obama with recommendations on how to implement Washington's tough new sanctions on Iran. The law imposes severe financial pen...
August 19, 2010
US: Swiss-Iran Gas Deal Sends ‘Wrong Message’
BERLIN – Swiss energy giant EGL's €18 billion gas contract with Iran prompted criticism on Tuesday from the US Embassy. "As we noted in the past when this deal was first announced, oil a...
August 19, 2010
Despite US Pressure, Merkel Unlikely to Close Iran Bank
BERLIN – German Chancellor Angela Merkel remains unlikely to order the closure of the Hamburg-based Iranian bank (EIH), which has reportedly funneled over $1 billion into Iran's military and ball...
August 19, 2010
Plan B
Back in 2007, those of us assigned as "expert advisors" to the Baker-Hamilton Commission were given a straightforward assignment: Come up with a plan to salvage the deteriorating situation in Ira...
August 19, 2010
Will the Turkish Flotilla Group Be Named as Terrorists?
It's not every day that House Foreign Affairs Chairman Howard Berman (D-CA) and Ed Royce (R-CA), the ranking member of terrorism subcommittee of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, agree...
August 18, 2010
A Heightened Demand for Disclosures
The major regulatory reform law signed by President Obama last month will eventually require companies across industries to add a slew of new disclosures to their regulatory filings. Among the chan...
August 18, 2010
Israel’s Compelling Reasons to Attack, Despite the Uncertainties
Gary Milhollin's questions about the efficacy of an Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear facilities are surely among those that have most tormented Israeli cabinets and air-force plann...
August 17, 2010
Imam Feisal Watch: Let’s Try It Again, Where’s the Man Behind the GZ Mosque?
Where exactly is Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the $100 million Ground Zero mosque project? I keep asking because weeks after he stopped answering any questions about his "Cordoba House"...
August 16, 2010
Are Europe and Obama Finally Cracking Down on Turkey?
Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his radical Islamic Justice and Development Party have remained remarkably immune from Western criticism, despite Erdogan's alliance with Mahm...
August 16, 2010
An Endorsement for Ground Zero from Gaza
Mahmoud al-Zahar, a co-founder of the Hamas terrorist group in the Gaza Strip, reportedly...
August 16, 2010
Ahmadinejad’s Iran and Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad infuriated Americans last week when he claimed that America had exaggerated the death toll from al-Qaeda’s September 11, 2001 attacks. “...
August 15, 2010
Only in America
Over the weekend, I participated in one of those events that makes you feel good to be an American. Along with a close friend, I gave away the bride at a small wedding ceremony on Long Island. It...
August 14, 2010
Seriously, Where Is Imam Feisal, and What’s With His Web Site?
If you look past the rhetoric, the realities - or should I say the morphing unrealities? - of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's Ground Zero mosque and Islamic center project grow ever more curious. P...
August 13, 2010
Gitmo Lawyers Argue to Exclude Video Evidence That Appeared on National TV
Omar Khadr's trial before a military commission at Guantanamo has reportedly been delayed once again. This time, Khadr's attorney has suffered some illness and the trial has been put on...
August 12, 2010
Willful Ignorance at the New York Times
The New York Times has published an article by Jeremy Peters, who whines about the military'...
August 12, 2010
The Taboo of the Intellectuals
The controversy over plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero in Manhattan has taken an odd twist. On one side are those making arguments in opposition to the project, along with those who merely...
August 12, 2010
Mysteries Of The Absent Imam Feisal
For a man whom one would hope has nothing to hide, the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque project sure has dropped out of sight. Having triggered an uproar in the U.S., Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf duc...
August 12, 2010
A Mosque is Closed in Germany
On Monday, German authorities announced that they closed down the Taiba mosque in Hamburg. The mosque achieved infamy as home to several of the 9/1...
August 11, 2010
Swiss Energy Giant EGL Pursues Gas Deal with Iran
BERLIN – The Swiss energy group EGL's €18 billion gas contract with the National Iranian Gas Export Company faced criticism at a US congressional hearing in late July because of p...
August 11, 2010
What Is Moderate Islam?
Is the “Ground Zero Imam,” Feisal Abd ar-Rauf, a moderate Muslim? I do not know. I have yet to read his books or peruse his speeches and sermons in all the languages that Mr. Rauf use...
August 10, 2010
Free Speech 1, Bloomberg 0 on the Ground Zero Mosque
A group opposing the Ground Zero mosque attempted to run ads against the project on New York City buses and trains, but the Metropolitan Transportation Authority refused to permit them because th...
August 10, 2010
From Germany, a Lesson for Mayor Bloomberg
While New York mayor Michael Bloomberg was energetically defending the Ground Zero mosque, German authorities banned on Monday the Masjid Taiba mosque of Hamburg, which served as the launching pa...
August 10, 2010
UN: Taliban Responsible for 76% of Deaths in Afghanistan
The Taliban's responsibility for the vast majority of civilian deaths is perhaps the most underreported story from Afghanistan since the war began....
August 9, 2010
Taliban Flog, Execute Pregnant Woman in Afghanistan
Time magazine's cover, featuring a young Afghan woman whose nose and ears were chopped off by her Taliban husband for dishonoring him, has sparked plenty of outrage from folks who should be...
August 9, 2010
Obama’s Iran Fantasy
Co-Authored with Stephen F. Hayes Iran is at war with the United States in Afghanistan. Documents released as part of the Wikileaks dump show that U.S. commanders receive regula...
August 9, 2010
Senate Should Slow Down Ratification of New START Treaty
While the Obama administration trades horses and twists arms to get a nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia through the Senate before the November elections, no one seems to have noticed that...