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December 11, 2010
Gitmo Follies
Attorney General Eric Holder is dismayed over Congress’s refusal to cough up funds that would allow the Obama administration to close down Guantanamo Bay and transfer the 170 fire-breathing...
December 9, 2010
Cyber Wakeup Call?
The theft of hundreds of thousands of secret diplomatic cables and military reports was an act of espionage and treachery. Their release was an act of sabotage. The U.S. government’s respon...
December 9, 2010
Abyei: The Abscess Threatening the Sudan
If all goes as planned, exactly one month from today, on January 9, 2011, voters in the ten states of southern Sudan as well as southerners living in the northern part of the country and abroad w...
December 9, 2010
Wikileaks: Obvious US Confusion Over Syria
WikiLeaks’ ongoing release of classified US State Department cables is providing a behind-the-scenes look at the workings of Washington’s dysfunctional Syria policy. Although there&rs...
December 8, 2010
Suspect in Baltimore Bombing Plot Is an American Convert to Islam
ABC-7 News in Baltimore is reporting on Twitter that the suspect in custody for plotting to blow up a military recruitment center is Antonio Martinez, an...
December 8, 2010
Wikileaks: Merkel Adviser Asked US to Pressure Netanyahu
A senior adviser to German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged the US to tone down its opposition to the UN’s Goldstone Report in order to force Israel to freeze settlement construction, accordi...
December 8, 2010
A Palestinian State Means War
With the U.S.-led peace process looking increasingly moribund, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has begun enlisting foreign leaders in a dangerous effort to recognize a Palestinian state witho...
December 7, 2010
Review — Nomad: From Islam to America. A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations
A Nomad's Journey Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born feminist, continues to invoke the ire of Muslims worldwide with her scathing depiction of the Islamic faith and culture writ large...
December 7, 2010
Mohamud Was Not Entrapped
What would someone have to offer to entice you into killing someone? Or to entice you into killing thousands of people? The FBI has just caught Mohamed Osman Mohamud trying to kill 25,00...
December 7, 2010
Gitmo Recidivism Rate Soars
150 former Guantanamo detainees are either “confirmed or suspected of reengaging in terrorist or insurgent activities,” according to a new intelligence assessment released by the Dire...
December 7, 2010
Election Rigging Leads to Egypt’s First Major Opposition Boycott
For the first time in decades, the Egyptian people have pressured the major political opposition groups to boycott the country’s parliamentary elections. The move denies the aging autocracy...
December 6, 2010
Yemeni al Qaeda Commander Reported Killed in Mogadishu Clash
An al Qaeda commander from Yemen who led a group of foreign fighters battling the Somali government and African Union forces was reported killed in Mogadishu. The commander, Rajah Abu Kh...
December 6, 2010
Tomorrow Is National Student Day in Iran
We are coming up on National Student Day in Iran on the 7th (Tuesd...
December 5, 2010
WikiLeaks: Fishing With Dynamite
Pity the U.S. diplomats in the field, whose jobs presumably require that they now compose classified cables reporting back to Washington on local responses to the blunter aspects of their own wik...
December 5, 2010
The Iran Connection
Co-Authored with Stephen F. Hayes On December 1, Undersecretary of State William Burns appeared before the House Foreign Affairs Committee to brief members of Congress...
December 4, 2010
Missile Malpractice
Show me where in the Constitution it says the government — created by the people in order to serve the people — is empowered to mandate that those selfsame people buy health insurance...
December 3, 2010
German Chancellor’s Top Mideast Advisor Indicates Support for Goldstone Report
The German equivalent of Charles W. Freeman Jr. has surfaced in a WikiLeaks cable from the U.S. embassy in Berlin. His name is C...
December 3, 2010
FDD Applauds Senators Casey and Brown for New Iran Sanctions Act
Press Release December 3, 2010 CONTACT: Judy Mayka FDD Applauds Senators Casey and Brown for New Iran Sanctions Act Washington, D.C. (December 3, 2010) The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) applauds
December 3, 2010
Khartoum’s Denouement
On November 26, the South Sudan Referendum Commission extended by one week the time which southerners, both inside Sudan and abroad, have to register to vote in the self-determination plebiscite,...
December 3, 2010
Review: Global Rebellion: Religious Challenges to the Secular State, From Christian Militias to
When, in the years following the end of the Cold War, it gradually emerged that terrorism for religious ends rather than violence linked to nationalist or revolutionary movements was to be...
December 2, 2010
WikiLeaks: Top Merkel Adviser Told U.S. to Crack Down on Israel
Berlin - A senior adviser to German chancellor Angela Merkel urged the U.S. to water down its opposition to the U.N.'s anti-Israel "Goldstone Report" in order to force Israel to fre...
December 2, 2010
I’ll See Your Cyberwar and Raise You One Subpoena
Referring to the feckless cease-and-desist letter the State Department's Harold Koh sent to Wikileaker Julian Assange, Jonah aptly...
December 2, 2010
The TSA Is Not the Enemy
I've been traveling a lot lately so I've been scanned, I've been patted and, on one occasion, there was even a close encounter with my "junk." But I am not among those who are cros...
December 2, 2010
Behind Iran’s Foiled Gambian Gambit
His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr. Yahya Abdul-Azziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh, President of the Republic of The Gambia, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Chief Custodian of the Sacre...
December 2, 2010
Al Qaeda in Iraq’s Security Minister Captured in Anbar
Iraqi security forces captured al Qaeda in Iraq's security minister and the terror group's military commander for the capital during separate raids in Ramadi and Baghdad over the past t...
December 2, 2010
Democracy in The Middle East?
Since the end of the Ottoman Empire, through the many conflicts of the 20th century, the Middle East and North Africa have undergone two countervailing trends: the rise of authoritarian regimes a...
December 2, 2010
WikiLeaks Reveal Flaws in US Middle East Policy
As the fallout from the WikiLeaks diplomatic cables continues, one unmistakable conclusion is that the principal tenets of Washington’s foreign policy establishment’s conventional wis...
December 1, 2010
Does the First Amendment Mean What It Says Regarding Speech?
As I noted earlier, yesterday's column was about WikiLeaks and dealt with whether there is a pu...
December 1, 2010
WikiLeaks: The Iran-Al Qaeda Connection
A State Department cable released by WikiLeaks earlier this week contains a stunning new detail about the relationship between Iran and al Qaeda. The Saudis have privately complained to the Obama...
December 1, 2010
The Medieval Medical Horrors of North Korea, A Real-life Mordor
Five decades after Joseph Stalin’s death, there is only one place on earth where his dream of exterminating the individual human spirit in the name of communism survives in its purest form:...
November 30, 2010
WikiLeaks Doc: Catch and Release in Afghanistan
A cable released by WikiLeaks that is available on the New York Times's...
November 30, 2010
Aum Shinrikyo
Outline: Leadership: Shoko Asahara Aum Shinrikyo's Ideology Aum Shinrikyo's Scope and Structure Indoctrina...
November 30, 2010
Holland: Gas Companies Refuse to Fuel Iranian FM’s Plane
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki dropped his planned visit to the Netherlands on Tuesday because US sanctions meant his Iran Air plane might be refused fuel. "Mr. Mottaki canc...
November 30, 2010
Is There a Right to Know?
Why redact anything? That is the question that springs to mind in reading the self-justification offered by the New York Times for lending its megaphone to Wikileaks. The paper is now pu...
November 30, 2010
WikiLeaks Has Succeeded Only in Reinforcing a Culture of Secrecy
Regrettably, Pete, it looks like the answer is never (as Jennifer has noted). This, just in from the Guardian — a veritable barometer of the liberal mindset, at least as far as Europe goes....
November 30, 2010
The Art and Romance of the Diplomatic Cable
With Wikileaks's most recent release of official U.S. documents, I experienced again one of the best things about having left government service: I don’t have to read State Department...
November 30, 2010
El Baradei Versus The Pharaoh
November 28, over 40 million Egyptians were called upon to cast votes to elect their next parliament. This was only the first round of elections, but independent observers maintain that turnout w...
November 29, 2010
According to WikiLeaks, Israel Was Right
Berlin - Never mind the Fleet Street-style diplomatic chitchat about European leaders; the most interesting thing to come from the latest WikiLeaks round is Arab world leaders' bein...
November 29, 2010
Cablegate? I Kinda Like It, Actually
Shortly before I went to work at the State Department, back in the last century, I asked Henry Kissinger for advice, and he had quite a bit of it. One terse statement has stayed with me: "the onl...
November 29, 2010
WikiLeaks Docs on Obama’s Gitmo Diplomacy
The press has highlighted several documents from the latest WikiLeaks cache that deal with the Obama administration's attempts to close Guantanamo. The administration can't close Gitmo...
November 28, 2010
Julian Assange’s Narrative Shouldn’t be the Media’s
The world is once again anticipating a massive leak of classified documents by WikiLeaks. The U.S. State Department is so concerned that it has published a letter addressed to the head of WikiLea...
November 27, 2010
Into Thin Airwaves
Back in January 2010, Secretary of State Clinton gave a pay-any-price, bear-any-burden address calling for the liberation of the global Internet. The price Washington was willing to pay? It promi...
November 25, 2010
A Day To Be Thankful
Once a year, we Americans set aside a day for a feast of thanksgiving. It is worth remembering -- and, may I suggest, taking time to discuss with the family and friends gathered at the Thanksgivi...
November 25, 2010
Palestinian Youth Reveal Their Fanaticism With Every Tweet
Hamas recently launched an initiative to “intensify its use of the Internet for spreading Islamic values and religion,” Israeli security services reported last month. The Palestinian...
November 25, 2010
From North Korea, Lessons About Syria
Commenting on North Korea’s newly revealed uranium enrichment facility, and its subsequent unprovoked shelling of the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong, former US president Jimmy Carter off...
November 24, 2010
TSA Is Terrible
More years ago than I care to remember, I prosecuted some violent drug dealers. During the trial, we got some reliable information that their associates were transferring contraband to them in pr...
November 23, 2010
Lame Duck Is The Wrong Place for New START
The Obama administration has earned a bad rap for ramming legislation through Congress without sufficient oversight, Republican buy-in, or support from the American people. The White House rushed...
November 22, 2010
North Korea and the Audacity of Nuclear Extortion
If they gave prizes for the art of nuclear blackmail, North Korea's Kim Jong Il would right now be hoisting his trophy for lifetime achievement. Call it the Plutonium-Uranium-Switcheroo Shak...
November 21, 2010
NATO Considering Peacekeeping Force in Middle East
Speaking at a press conference in Lisbon during NATO's summit, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen...
November 21, 2010
Holder’s Sham Trial
“By prosecuting Ahmed Ghailani in federal court,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a May 21, 2009, statement, “we will ensure that he finally answers for his alleged role in...